The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 148 Lu Mingfei’s Determination

In the car, because of Lu Mingfei's words, the entire atmosphere in the car suddenly fell into an extremely awkward silence.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei felt a little regretful after he said those words, but unfortunately, the words he said were like water thrown out, and there was no way to take them back, so he had to sit awkwardly in the back seat of the car.

It wasn't until a long time later that the old man's slightly murderous voice came from the front of the car.

"...she called you daddy?"

"Uh...I was forced to call him."

Lu Mingfei reached out and scratched his head, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"When we play games together online, we often make bets like this. For example, the loser will bark like a dog or call me daddy. I am not embarrassed to let him call me that, so I just let him learn to be like a dog..."


Before Lu Mingfei could finish his sentence, the sound of something being pulled came from the front of the car.

When he looked up in front of the car with some confusion, Lu Mingfei was shocked to see that there seemed to be a broken steering wheel in the old man's hand...

"What do your parents do?"

Calmly putting the pieces into his pocket, Uesugoshi changed the subject.

"Archaeologist, he's been running around abroad and hasn't been back for almost two years... Is there any problem with the car?"

Unable to help himself, Lu Mingfei asked.

"Don't try to change the subject, it's your business now."

Through the rear mirror, Uesugi glared at the other person.

"Even if you and Zhi have a good relationship, I won't let you get past me so easily..."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Sitting down, Lu Mingfei nodded solemnly.

"But no matter what, I will never give up. If there is any test, just come. I will definitely pass your test."

...The opportunity to change his destiny was right in front of him, how could he back down?

Just as Lao Yan said to him, the opportunity has been placed in front of him. Whether he can grasp it depends entirely on him. The future is always in his own hands.

He no longer has a home. Instead of being confused, he might as well have the courage to step into a new world and witness with his own eyes the truth of this world and the infinite splendors that are absolutely impossible to see in ordinary life.

But now, he is only one step away from that world.

If he misses this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even if he only thinks with his big toe, he can still imagine his ordinary and boring life in the next few decades.

First of all, without exception, his memory will be erased, and then the magical props that Lao Yan sent him will be recovered one by one. Of course, Lao Yan is still the same Lao Yan, but the other party will no longer choose to use them. The situation in that world was revealed to him in every detail.

He will finish junior high school, then high school, and finally go to college. If he is lucky, his parents may come back when he is in high school or college, and then rush around the world again.

College life may be a little more wonderful, but it only lasts a few years, and then you have to find a job after graduation, get married and have children, and have decades of car and mortgage payments. If you are lucky, you can retire early, and then take care of your grandchildren at home, and use crutches in your later years. Go to the community and play chess with other uncles... You can see everything at a glance.

If he hadn't come into contact with that magical world, maybe he would have enjoyed it with all his heart, but now that he had come into contact with a corner of that world, how could he give up this opportunity?

Just like that sentence says, I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

"Have you really made your decision?"

Stopping the car, Uesugoshi took a deep look at the boy behind him.

"Let me state in advance that this is not a show for children. If you are willing to give up now, it is still too late. Even if you can really pass my level, the dangers you will face in the future will be unimaginable. You will He is constantly wandering on the line between life and death, and if he is not careful, he may be doomed."

...To be honest, he started to appreciate each other a little bit.

But this alone is not enough to stand beside Zhi.

As the king of bronze and fire among the four kings, the number of enemies Zhi will face in the future will be unimaginable. Even he does not have the confidence to protect Zhi, so why should the other party stand by Zhi's side?

"Don't worry, I have already realized this."

Looking at the old man in front of him, Lu Mingfei answered seriously.

"It's just life and death, just ignore it. If I didn't even have this kind of awareness, I wouldn't be sitting here."

"Very well, then show it to me."

Reaching out and patting his shoulder with some appreciation, Uesugoshi opened the car door.

"Come on, let's get off the car and you follow me to a place."

"Uh... do you want to change cars?"

Turning his head, Lu Mingfei looked out of the car window in confusion.

He could see, across the road, several luxury cars lined up parked there, seemingly waiting for them.

"Yes, because I don't have a driver's license and I haven't touched a car in decades."

Opening the door, Uesugoshi got out of the car first.

"If you go further you will meet a traffic policeman. It would be a bit embarrassing for me at my age to be arrested and taken to the police station."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

... He seemed to understand why the other party drove so slowly before.

I got out of the car in a daze, and then got in the car in a daze.

After driving for about an hour, Lu Mingfei came to a strange place in a daze.

"A practical training place in the suburbs. Some people used to rent this place as a venue to play real-life CS."

While narrating, Uesugi picked up a box from the back seat of the car and threw it directly in front of Lu Mingfei.

"This is your weapon. You have half an hour to find a hiding place in this venue. After half an hour, the first ten people will enter the venue. After one hour, the number of people in the venue will increase to thirty people. Two After an hour, I will be in the field myself, and after two and a half hours, the game is over."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Uesugi smiled with a kind face.

"Don't worry, all of us who go in will not bring hot weapons, only cold weapons. Your victory condition is not to be caught by us or to annihilate us before the end of time, and our victory condition is I successfully captured you before the end of time. How about it, the conditions are very relaxed, right?"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Although he expected that the assessment might be difficult, he didn't expect it to be so difficult. Seeing the big men in black suits on the side looking at him with grins and faces, Lu Mingfei felt like his whole body was going numb.

Also, he remembered that he should not have offended these people, but for some reason, he was keenly aware of a crisis from the eyes of the people next to him.

——These black suits seemed to have come here purely with the intention of beating him up.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ: I have a terrible headache...

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