Carrying the heavy ammunition box in his hand, Lu Mingfei walked quickly in the dark field.

The door to the new world was placed in front of him. No matter how difficult the test was, he had no reason to refuse.

Even if the opponent has more people, but they all use cold weapons, the advantage on our side is still quite large... maybe?

Lu Mingfei shuddered involuntarily when he recalled the malicious looks from those in black suits around him when they looked at him earlier.

The ammunition box in his hand is very heavy, probably weighing at least several dozen kilograms. Thanks to his hellish training in the past six months, and the support of the magic props on his body, it is not difficult to lift it...

... He seemed to understand why Lao Yan sent him such a bunch of magic props.

He originally thought that before the assessment, the other party would ask him to leave all the magic props on his body outside, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even mention it, so it was naturally impossible for him to take the initiative to expose it.

Just like Lao Yan's father said, this is indeed an actual CS combat base. It is quite vast in area and has a variety of complex terrains. It is still easy to hide.

But since we have decided to get a good score, it is natural to completely annihilate the opponent.

In an unfinished villa, Lu Mingfei put down the ammunition box he was carrying. Although there was no light, the night was pretty good tonight, so he didn't have to worry about seeing clearly.

However, after opening the box and looking at the firearms inside, Lu Mingfei was suddenly dumbfounded.

Desert Eagle, Uzi, Finnish Star, AK...

Pistols, submachine guns, sniper rifles, rifles... almost all the firearms he knew were in the ammunition box, and various types of bullets were neatly stacked around them, with a cold metallic sheen on them.

Hell, this is not the kind of real-life CS he imagined at all! !

At this moment, Lu Mingfei almost jumped up in shock.

In real-person CS, laser guns or paintball paint guns are usually used, but the things placed in the ammunition boxes in front of you are clearly real! !

Using this kind of real gun to let him fight in actual combat will really kill people! !

...Are those guys all crazy? ?

Turning his head to look at the position over the entrance, Lu Mingfei looked horrified.

"Idiot, this is a Frigga bullet."

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei felt like he had been kicked in the butt. When he turned his head, he saw a little boy in a crisp suit standing behind him at some point.

"It's you again...wait, where did you come from?"

Looking at the little boy in front of him, Lu Mingfei was stunned.

This was not the first time he had met the guy in front of him. The first time they met was when he was sitting alone on the rooftop in a daze because he heard the words of his uncle and aunt talking.

The other person claimed to be his younger brother, and his name was Lu Mingze, but the cousin Lu Mingze he knew was an out-and-out fat man, and he couldn't get along with him no matter what.

But just such a weird and mysterious guy appeared in front of him when he was the loneliest that day, with an inexplicable sadness on his face. He sat next to him and talked to him a lot of weird things, and then inexplicably... disappeared before him.

Strictly speaking, the first meeting was not called a meeting at all...because at that time he couldn't even say a word.

"Me? I'm your biological brother. When you need me, I will naturally obey the call and appear by your side."

With a slight shrug, Lu Mingze calmly found a seat on the window sill and sat down.

"These bullets are specially made alchemy tools. They will not hurt people when they hit them, they will only make them unconscious, so you can use them with confidence."

"Alchemy tools..."

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly realized.

"So, those magic props Lao Yan sent me are actually all alchemy props?"

Lu Mingze: "..."

There were two flaws in one sentence, and he was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer it.

...Lao Yan? Alchemy tools?

If that thing can be called an alchemy tool, he can eat alchemy alive... Also, what the hell is Lao Yan?

"...The first 30 people are not a problem. Brother, you need to be careful about the last person."

After a moment of silence, Lu Mingze decided to change the topic.

"Uesugoshi is not someone you can deal with now, brother, but since the other party mainly wants to see your attitude, there is no need to worry too much. But before, your results had to be good enough."

"Spare me, this is my first time touching a gun."

Looking down at the ammunition box in front of him, Lu Mingfei sighed.

"I feel like I'm thankful that I can figure out how to use a gun. Do you still want to kill those 30 people? It would be better if it was a simpler paintball gun. At least it is easy to use, but like these real guns If so, I won’t even open insurance.”

"So I'm here, right? It's not easy to get Uesugoshi's approval. Brother, you have to work hard."

As he spoke, Lu Mingze stretched out his thumb in his direction with a serious face.

"Believe in yourself, brother, you are actually very talented. Even if it is just your first time to touch a gun, brother, you can still kill like crazy."

"...What on earth did you come here for?"

"come on."


At the same time, outside the CS live venue.

He simply sat directly on the top of the car, smoking a cigar in his hand. Uesugoshi patiently looked at the watch in his hand.

When he came to China this time, he brought nothing but wine and rice bags. They were all from the elites of the Executive Bureau.

In the eyes of these elites, their own director is the only goddess in their hearts. After learning about this, they would have to travel across the ocean to come here despite being absent from work for several months and getting bonuses...

Uesugoshi admitted that the boy might be very good, but in front of these elites from the Executive Bureau who wanted to surround him immediately and beat him up, could he really escape?

Even if they are strictly prohibited from using word spirits, their physical fitness is still far superior to ordinary people. Even if the opponent is a junior high school student, even if he has the advantage of thermal weapons, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve results.

...To be honest, he was looking forward to it.

After checking the time and looking up into the venue for a while, Uesugoshi waved his hand to the side.

The next moment, following the movements in his hands, ten elite members of the Executive Bureau immediately swarmed into the venue impatiently.

Because they were too impatient, a few people even huddled together at the door...

Uesugoshi: "..."

...I don’t know why, but he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, Uesugoshi's estimated time was 20 minutes, which meant that the opponent could only hide for 20 minutes at most before being discovered. But what he didn't expect was that only ten minutes later, accompanied by a loud noise coming from inside the venue. After dozens of sporadic gunshots, silence fell inside again.

In ten minutes, the group of ten people was wiped out.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I have a terrible headache. There may only be one more update later.

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