When Lu Mingfei woke up in the morning, he still felt pain in his body.


Pressing his forehead and holding one hand on the wall, Lu Mingfei reluctantly sat up from the bed.

Because it was only about five o'clock in the morning, Lu Mingze was still sleeping, holding a thin quilt in his arms and purring in his mouth.

Holding the wall with his hands, Lu Mingfei moved to the toilet step by step, and then started his daily washing.

But while washing, he still unconsciously recalled what happened last night.

Just as the mysterious Lu Mingze said, he had an unexpected talent for firearms, and with the help of the alchemy equipment that Lao Yan gave him, he successfully killed the thirty people in front of him.

Those people's physical fitness was surprisingly good, and they could even run directly on the wall. He was almost caught several times, but on the premise that Narusawa kept reporting points to him and opened the full-picture perspective hanger for him, he finally succeeded. It was a near miss.

...It's a pity that it ended up being overturned by Lao Yan's father.

Compared with the other party, the thirty people in front were not at the same level at all, and they were completely crushed.

Even if he tried his best to hit the opponent with a shot later, the opponent's physique was simply terrifying. Others would fall immediately after being hit, but the opponent just waved a wooden knife and beat him up as if nothing happened. …

...Of course, the opponent was very measured in his actions.

However, he seemed to be a little surprised that he was shot. Although he lost the game, the other party's performance towards him was unsatisfactory. Afterwards, he specially invited him to eat two bowls of ramen on the street.

It was also at that time that he realized that the message he received after school yesterday was not from Lao Yan at all...

Although the atmosphere between the two of them was very good after that, because the other party never gave him an accurate answer, Lu Mingfei was not sure whether he had passed this test or not.

"This weather, it seems like it's going to rain today..."

Unintentionally, he raised his head and glanced out the window. Lu Mingfei had a thoughtful look on his face.

After washing up, he went back to the room, picked up the metal block, picked up his schoolbag, and planned to go out.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he left the room, he found someone waiting here for a long time.

"Uncle? You..."

Before Lu Mingfei finished his surprised words, his uncle, who was still wearing pajamas, made a silencing gesture towards him.

After looking cautiously towards the master bedroom, his uncle handed a bank card into his hand.

"I applied for the card in your name, and the password is your birthday. Don't tell your aunt about this."

After saying this very quickly and quietly, he waved his hand to him, and his uncle turned back to the master bedroom, acting like a thief.


Looking at the bank card lying in his hand, after a long period of silence, Yu smiled silently, and Lu Mingfei carefully put the bank card into his pocket.

The weather was not good today. It had been gloomy all morning, and there was a vague sense of boredom in the air, which made people really unmotivated. But in the afternoon, a strong wind suddenly blew between the sky and the earth. The closed classroom door was blown open several times by strong winds.

At some point, the classmates had a premonition that there would be a heavy rain when school was over. However, although they guessed correctly, they did not expect that the heavy rain would be so heavy.

Accompanied by a sudden thunder explosion, there was a splash of water on the ground in front of the teaching building, as if the Milky Way had broken open, and large numbers of floods fell straight down. The thick rain curtain between the sky and the earth even directly connected into a pale white line.

When the rainstorm first started, people from the school administration department were still running around the playground in raincoats to check the drainage system, for fear that the rain would damage the turf and the granular plastic track imported from the United States.

But now, they have given up.

This sudden rainstorm was heavier than anyone imagined. Within a few minutes, the turf was completely destroyed by the rain, exposing patches of mottled black soil underneath.

Some students received a text message saying that the Meteorological Bureau had issued a warning. The weather forecast said it was a typhoon and the rain would not stop in a short time and would only get worse.

Standing under the eaves, Lu Mingfei looked at the playground not far away in trance.

The originally clean and tidy playground was now full of mud, and there were large areas of plastic mud car marks on the ground, which were traces left by vehicles.

The guard could not stop the parents who came to pick them up, and private cars drove to the playground to wait. Just half an hour ago, it was as lively as a market, everyone was honking their horns, and the students could not recognize their own homes in the rain. The car was spinning around like a headless fly.

But now, all the vehicles have left, leaving only mud and dirt on the ground. The playground is empty, and the sky-blue school flag of "Shilan Middle School" is flying on the deep background of the sky.

There are very few people who study at Shilan Middle School without a driver to pick them up.

Because he received the package from Lao Yan on a rainy day and opened the door to a new world, Lu Mingfei always had inexplicable emotions about rainy days.

"Lu Mingfei? Do you want to go together? The rain will not stop."

While Lu Mingfei was deep in thought, a voice came from the side. Carrying his small satchel, Su Xiaoqiang asked.

"My driver will come to pick me up right away. I can ask him to give me a ride."

"No need, the direction of our home is not convenient."

After coming back to his senses and turning to look at the little goddess in front of him, Lu Mingfei shook his head honestly.

"Also, today is my duty. I have to finish my hygiene before leaving."

"It's okay, I can wait for you."

Subconsciously tucking a strand of hair from her forehead behind her ear with one hand, Su Xiaoqiang blinked at him.

"Anyway, it's boring to go home so early. It's okay to take a few more laps on the way."

"...Actually, after finishing cleaning, I plan to go directly to the Internet cafe near the school."

Facing the other party's expectant gaze, after a moment of silence, Lu Mingfei turned his head and looked aside in embarrassment.

"It's less than 200 meters away, so I don't think there should be a need for a special car to pick you up."

Su Xiaoqiang: "......"

"...Why do you feel like you said the wrong thing again?"

Seeing the little goddess stomping away in anger, she stretched out her hand and scratched her head in confusion. Lu Mingfei looked confused.

He originally planned to take the opportunity to pay back the money he owed yesterday, but unexpectedly the other party turned around and left... So did he really say something wrong?

"An idiot with negative emotional intelligence."

In a nearby classroom, Xia Mi, who was also left on duty, hid behind the wall and wrote new words in his notebook very seriously.

In fact, she was not on duty today, but as a poor girl, it was impossible for her to have a driver to pick her up. In addition, she forgot to bring an umbrella, so she simply took over other people's duties to see if she could stay here until it rained. smaller.

Originally, she was in a daze with nothing to do, but she accidentally discovered this scene.

"Ah, it's so annoying. If it rains heavily, I can't go to work. This month's living expenses haven't been paid yet..."

Putting the notebook in his hand on the table and leaning back, Xia Mi looked at the heavy rain outside in boredom.

Just as she was calculating in her mind when the rain would stop, she suddenly spotted a person out of the corner of her eye.

Suddenly, she became interested.

"Which one is...the one who deserves to be killed at the top of the list?"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I really have a splitting headache. I really only have three pieces today. I will make up the rest tomorrow...

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