...What words should be used to describe it?

As if a meteorite struck the earth, the eagle soared into the sky. The moment the hole in the rain curtain was forcibly torn open, an unknown blazing realm quickly overlapped with this Nepalese dragon root.

On this elevated road where the torrential rain seemed to never stop, an unexpected outsider was welcomed for the first time.

As if he had realized something and had no intention of paying attention to the monster in front of him that was rushing towards him crazily, Odin suddenly turned his attention to the three people in the distance who were taking the opportunity to escape.

Even a hybrid with a powerful bloodline would not be able to make such a move, let alone forcefully invade his territory. Only beings of the same level as him could do this.

He always thought he was the hunter, but now it seemed that he was the prey.

"Damn! These things are going crazy all of a sudden!!"

An air cannon blew away an approaching Deadpool, and Lu Mingfei shouted anxiously.

"Xia Mi, back there!! Don't let those ghosts get close!!"


Pursing his lips, while running quickly forward, without looking back, Xia Mi shot the Deadpool behind him with a backhand shot and stopped him in place.

The effect of this immobilizing gun is really miraculous. As long as it is hit by the gun, even these deadpools who are neither humans nor ghosts will be fixed in place and unable to move at all.

At the moment when the bright light exploded, and when Chu Tianjiao exploded, they turned around and ran towards the outside.

Originally, these middle school students had no chance of winning against these deadpools, even if the one at the top of the killing list had just awakened his bloodline... But the weapons in their hands were too sharp.

She was responsible for using the immobilizing gun to hold the dead waiters in place, and then Lu Mingfei's air cannon opened the way. The lightsaber in Chu Zihang's hand was used as cover, and he succeeded in fighting a bloody path.

In fact, if this continues, it is not impossible for them to escape from the encirclement. After all, the hybrid over there seems to be able to hold on for a while.

But what Xia Mi didn't expect was that someone would choose to forcibly invade a Nibelung...

Unable to bear it, Xia Mi looked up at the sky again.

I don't know when, the sky and the earth seemed to be divided into two colors. Under the thick dark rainstorm, I don't know when a layer of heat like burning flames was quietly enveloped.

Just when Chu Tianjiao injured the puppet, a strange realm forcibly overlapped with the Nibelung. They were now both in the Nibelung and in the blazing realm at the same time.

——In the history of the Dragon Clan, this kind of thing is unprecedented.

It can be said that Xia Mi is very familiar with the Nibelungen. After all, she built a Nibelungen next to the BJ subway station to accommodate her younger brother. However, she is not familiar with this blazing field. It feels strange as never before.

The Nibelung is a country of the dead, and all matter in it is forcibly killed by certain rules. However, like this blazing realm, it feels as if the world has been completely excluded and forcibly cut off. causal connection with the world.

...unheard of, unseen! !


Just as Xia Mi was distracted and thinking, a slightly urgent voice came from the side. While pushing her away with force, the lightsaber in Chu Zihang's hand swung down from the ground and cut off in the heavy rain. A withered arm stretched out towards her.

But at the same time, Chu Zihang, who had a gap behind him, was grabbed by a Deadpool who jumped from the beam on the side, and in an instant, the blood of the canopy spread out in the heavy rain.

Their three-man formation was already fragile, and when the deadpools rushed forward crazily after receiving the order, the formation collapsed even more.

……court death! !

A hint of sternness appeared in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to support the seriously injured Chu Zihang. Xia Mi looked sharply at the dead waiters around him.

——At this moment, she had murderous intentions.

Chu Zihang's injuries were extremely serious. Even though he had just awakened his bloodline, he still could not escape the category of ordinary people. If he hadn't subconsciously leaned forward when he was hit before, that blow would have been enough to take him out. heart.

But even so, his back was already a mess of blood and flesh, and bones were even visible in some places under the wash of the heavy rain above his head.

...This man is hopeless.

Looking at the pale Chu Zihang in her hand, Xia Mi was silent for a moment in the heavy rain. An invisible force spread out around her, making the dead waiters around her stop in surprise.

Although she originally had the idea of ​​selling the two people next to her when she was in a desperate situation, the current situation was not the outcome she wanted to see.

She is a majestic dragon king and needs a human to teach her?

...It's a joke.

"Let's go...take senior brother and go..."

An indistinct growl came from Lu Mingfei's mouth. He rushed out of the muddy water and put a bandage on the hand of Xia Mi, who seemed to be stunned.

When Xia Mi and Chu Zihang's support was interrupted just now, he was in a life-and-death situation almost in the blink of an eye. However, because almost his whole body was covered with alchemy tools, his situation was a little better than that of Chu Zihang... …But it’s not much better.

There were more than ten scattered wounds on the body, which seemed to be burning under the heavy rain, especially in the chest, where the pain was severe, and it seemed that several bones had been broken.

...But he couldn't back down.

Senior Brother Chu Zihang was seriously injured, and Junior Sister Xia Mi was frightened to death. Now he is the only one who is still capable of fighting.

Although it may be that within a few seconds, he will be torn to pieces by the surging hordes of rioting monsters... But at least he can be regarded as a hero.

And just when Lu Mingfei grabbed the lightsaber that Chu Zihang dropped on the ground, the surrounding Deadpools who had received new orders finally restrained some fear, and they uttered words like A sound like a crying baby rushed toward them.

If you look in from the outside at this time, they will look like honey surrounded by a large group of ants. In a few seconds, they will be completely submerged by the black tide! !

Holding the lightsaber tightly with both hands and stepping through the stagnant water, Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and rushed forward despite the heavy rain.

...Even if you have to die, you must die before others! !

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Lu Mingfei rushed up to him, he seemed to vaguely hear the roar of a sports car.

——Time seems to have passed for a moment, and it seems like a long time has passed.

Just when Lu Mingfei thought he was going to be torn to pieces by these monsters, he was soaked by the heavy rain and suddenly felt a warmth coming from the fire, as if the sun had shined through the clouds after the rain. , brought him unprecedented warmth.

...Lu Mingfei opened his eyes.

There was a faint flame falling from the sky, but it was not in the shape of a flame, but something like snowflakes.

The flames dispersed the heavy rain, and sparks filled the sky.

Amidst the sparks that filled the sky, a girl with scorching hot hair stood in front of him. She wore a dark black coat that looked like a cloak, fluttering in the wind. Slender fingers could be seen vaguely at the cuffs, and the blazing The flame burned fiercely on the long knife held tightly in his hand.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

——The existence of Shana named Shakugan came to him from fantasy.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Sorry, I stayed up late last night and I still have a headache. There are still two chapters left, so I’ll read them tomorrow.

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