The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 159 How can Lao Yan be a girl! ?

There were cracks in the ground, and flames rose from the cracks.

The flames ignited from the ground pushed back the dead servants, temporarily isolating them from the wall of fire.

"Huh... finally caught up."

Looking at the group of dead waiters in front of her, Mu Qingzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she expected that the situation inside might be very dangerous, she never expected that the situation would be so dangerous. If she had arrived just one second late, it was possible that Lu Mingfei, a bad boy, would have been killed by Deadpool. Dismembered...

...So, what about the little devil?

Your brother is about to burp, so at least you should help him.

It was understandable that Xia Mi didn't take action, but Lu Mingze couldn't help but also... Wait, am I stealing the other party's business?

[Congratulations, you have learned Xiao Yan’s secret technique of rescuing people without any teacher. 】

At the right time, the feeble voice of the motion sickness system rang in her heart.

[Also, by the way, at that moment, the progress of the main mission increased by at least 20%. 】


Turning around, Mu Qingzhi looked at Lu Mingfei behind her.

The other party's current condition looks quite bad. There are many hideous wounds on his body. I don't know if he was frightened. He is sitting in the pool of water and looking up at her motionless.

Mu Qingzhi tentatively stretched out her hand and waved it in front of the other party, but the other party still had no reaction.

...If it’s broken, you’re not really stupid, are you?

Just when Mu Qingzhi was about to put his hand on Lu Mingfei's shoulder and try to shake him awake, Jiude Mai appeared out of nowhere and held Lu Mingfei in her hand.

"Don't worry, leave them to me and you can go rescue them."

Looking at the eldest lady in front of her, Mai Shutoku looked serious.

——In her opinion, the two people in front of her were clearly looking at each other affectionately.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you then. There are medical props in the car."

After waving her hands and looking at Lu Mingfei, Mu Qingzhi turned around and rushed towards the battlefield with Zhi Dianzhena in hand.

There should be no problem on Lu Mingfei's side, but on Chu Tianjiao's side, the situation is extremely bad.

Unreservedly promoting Baoxue to refine his own bloodline, in just a few minutes, Chu Tianjiao's self-consciousness sank into the bottomless abyss. He had completely become a deadpool. In the hands of Odin, he could not even I couldn't walk over in one round and was pinned to the ground by a few steel bars.

Odin was still sitting on the Throne of God, with countless black shadows surrounding him like bodyguards. Looking at the petite figure walking out of the flames in front of him, he raised his wrapped body with a solemn expression. Bu's hand slowly pointed the tip of Kungunir's gun at the opponent.

The next moment, countless black shadows formed a black tide, swarming towards the thin figure over there.

If you look down from a high place at this moment, you can clearly find that the whole world has been divided into two distinct parts. One part is burning with flames and rain of fire is falling from the sky, and the other part is pouring rain with a dark rain curtain covering the sky.

——At this moment, it seems that the ancient myth is being staged here again.


"The Lord of Bronze and he Norton?"

Looking at the crimson figure rushing straight into the tide from a distance, Xia Mi's face looked very strange for a while.

If she guessed correctly, that girl over there is the Lao Yan that Lu Mingfei mentioned. She is a magical alchemical creation, and there is such a large-scale flame field. Besides Norton, who else could be there?

Although directly using domain invasion to invade the Nibelungen is indeed very similar to Norton's style... But when did Norton become a girl?

Looking back at Chu Zihang in the car next to him, who was being transformed into a mummy by wrapping bandages around his long legs, Xia Mi looked confused.

She originally thought she would have to give up Xia Mi's hard-earned identity this time, but she didn't expect that in the end it would turn out to be a turn of events, and the majestic King of Bronze and Fire came to the rescue... Also, should Lu Mingfei do it? Could it be Constantine?

Looking away, Xia Mi looked at Lu Mingfei, who was sitting on the ground and bandaging himself with a grin on his face. The long-legged man seemed to have inexplicable malice towards him and did not let him enter the car.

In their area, the heavy rain has stopped, and countless sparks are falling from the sky. The blazing field is eroding the Nibelung roots bit by bit.

"Don't ask me, my mind is in a mess right now."

As if aware of what she was going to ask, Lu Mingfei raised his head and looked at him. Lu Mingfei pointed at his head with a wry smile and a confused look on his face.

"Maybe it's because it rained too much before, but now it's completely covered in mud."

...When the girl with flaming hair and scorching eyes appeared in front of him in such a posture, how could he not understand who she was?

He always thought that Lao Yan was an old two-dimensional person, so he used that kind of ID and characters from anime as avatars, but now it seems that the other party is truly genuine...

...No, how could Lao Yan be a girl! ?

Lu Mingfei pressed his temples with his hands painfully, and Lu Mingfei suddenly felt sad that his good brother was gone.

——At this moment, a lot of dark history that he didn't want to recall came to his mind.

...Let the other party bark like a dog? That's too childish.

The most explosive scene in his memory was nothing more than the indescribable resource that Old Tang shared with them in the group one day with a mysterious look on his face.

Generally speaking, when a certain anime character becomes popular, many resources about that character will appear on some special websites. But for some reason, Shana has won the title of King of Cuteness since her debut. , but there are very few special resources that can be found online.

According to a certain urban legend, in Japan, it is said that there is a special fatwa. If anyone dares to draw Shana's notebooks or pornographic pictures online, a special group of underworld will come to their door and arrest them. The cement pile sunk into the sea.

Although this urban legend sounds a bit fictitious, the emergence of urban legends naturally has its own reasons. The resources of Shana that can be found online nowadays are indeed pitiful. There are not even a few pictures, let alone a book. .

...Yes, what Old Tang posted in the group at that time were the special resources about Shana that he had finally obtained through special channels.

He remembered very clearly that at that time, Lao Yan was urging Lao Tang to post more sexy pictures in the group...

——So, how can Lao Yan be a girl? ?

For a moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt a little desperate.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another one later, no need to wait, just wait until tomorrow.

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