The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 160 Odin was careless and lost his horse

Rain and fire, wind and thunder.

In that turbulent black wave, the crimson girl was walking forward in it. She was obviously going up against the wave, but it felt like Moses was parting the sea.

The darkness was lit by flames, the heavy rain burned in the flames, and the steaming water vapor filled the viaduct like crimson clouds.

Looking at the girl walking towards him step by step, the expression on Odin's face became more and more solemn. Sleibnir under him moved its eight hooves uneasily and jumped from the metal. Anxious lightning erupted from the mask.

From an unknown moment, the girl was surrounded by soaring flames. The flames and the strong wind gathered together to form a tornado that could explode at any time.

The flames born from nothingness drove the storm. The strong wind swept the rootless fire and spread in all directions. The two forces of wind and fire were intertwined. The volume expanded hundreds of times in an instant. The violent hellfire was driven by the wind. Down, the black tide surged in the opposite direction towards the surrounding area.

——From this moment on, the realm of fire officially invaded the deep sky shrouded in heavy rain.

In the end, when the girl came to him, there was no longer any black shadow on the elevated road. The original black wave disappeared and was replaced by a sea of ​​flames.

...For a moment, Odin even felt as if the whole world was on fire.

"King to king, king to general."

Stopping a few meters in front of him, the girl raised the long knife covered in flames towards him and met his gaze without fear.

"I'll protect the person you want. Do you have any objections?"

...extremely plain words.

——It's not like a declaration of battle before the battle, but more like a temporary notice.


Staring condescendingly at the girl who was approaching him, Odin fell silent in a rare moment.

Unlike the blazing golden light in his eyes, the girl's eyes were as hot as lava, and the flames burned behind him, as if the whole world was ignited.

"Those who blaspheme God shall be punished by God."

The withered fingers wrapped in the shroud grasped the magic gun that was as black as a dead branch again, and Odin's deep voice was like thunder.

"Under this divine spear, all your fate will be announced..."

"Don't let him throw that spear!!"

At this moment, a voice interrupted his words, his hands were raised to his mouth like trumpets, and Xia Mi shouted loudly in this direction.

"That is a spear that is sure to hit and locks destiny. Once thrown, it will definitely hit!! You can't stop it now!!!"

The divine spear Kungunir is said to be a weapon made from the branches of the World Tree. Before the divine spear is released, the fate of the hit has been determined. This is a sure-hit gun that follows the law of cause and effect! !

Ever since he saw the gun, Xia Mi had made up his mind to be scared to death and never confront the opponent head-on.

With her current strength, as long as she is targeted by that gun, she will have no ability to resist... Who can fight against a magic gun that will definitely anchor your destiny and hit you?

She couldn't, and neither could the scarlet girl.

Once Odin decides to throw that spear at someone, that person's final outcome is already determined! !

...The girl's actions fell faster than her voice.

Just when she shouted her first words, the pillar of fire behind the girl quickly rolled forward like a phantom.

In the blazing tornado of flames, the girl's long black trench coat fluttered with the wind, her flaming hair fluttering, and crimson wings sprouted out of thin air from the girl's back, carrying her body into the sky.

Just as the high temperature of the lava blurred the air, crimson flames surged on the blade. Pulled by some invisible force, the fire tornado around the girl quickly gathered towards the blade, and then swept straight along with the blade. To the god on the throne! !

——If time can be frozen at this moment, then this scene will definitely become a magnificent epic in the history of mythology.

But in the next moment, the storm and flames that were enough to shatter the earth dissipated out of thin air before the sudden obstacle. The upward-raised spear blocked Zhi Dianzhena's sharp edge, and Odin's single eye flashed with bright golden light.

"Have you forgotten? The duel between kings..."

He violently raised his arms to shake the girl in front of him away, and Odin's voice was as low as thunder.

"...I can only see blood with a knife!!"

"Hey, if you can, put down the gun in your hand. Can that thing you're holding be called a knife?"

Using the flame wings behind her to stabilize her figure in the air, Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes in disgust.

"Also, when did I say that you and I are on the same side?"

Dragon King level existence is really not that easy to deal with.

At that moment, except for the crimson wings that grew out of her back due to her freedom method, the other flames were all wiped out in one breath by some means.

——The ultimate control over the elements is itself the privilege of the Dragon King.

Faced with her interruption, Odin did not reply, but once again raised the spear in his hand. Golden streams of light emerged from all parts of the gun body, and then slowly attached to the gun body, crossing the gun body. A layer of golden light.

"It's better to come...I hope the system isn't deceiving people."

Yu took a deep breath, and Mu Qingzhi also raised the Zhidianzhana in her hand. At this moment, the air around her suddenly gained a hint of crimson color, and the sparks floating on her hair turned into... It was brighter than before, and even started to vibrate on the hair spontaneously.

The flames flowed on the blade, boiling like hot magma, and then flowed down the blade. When it reached the tip of the blade, it extended forward a large distance out of thin air.

...But now, no one pays attention to this.

Everyone's eyes were focused behind her at this moment.

Extremely violent fire elements gathered in the sky behind her, dyeing the sky red. In the flames that almost ignited the world, a huge burning eye composed purely of flames quietly emerged. behind her.

"Is this... a candle dragon?"

Staring blankly at the crimson figure in the sky over there, Xia Mi was dumbfounded.

Word Spirit Candle Dragon, Word Spirit serial number 114, the world-destroying word spirit of the King of Bronze and Fire, the strongest existence among fire word spirits, it is said that it can easily boil the entire Yangtze River.

Although she has not personally witnessed the appearance of this word spirit when it is released, this does not prevent her from making assumptions in this regard.

Her previous speculation was correct. Norton was indeed an out-and-out tyrant. He just suffered a slight loss, and out of rage, he wanted to release this world-destroying word spirit... There must be something wrong with his fucking mind! ?

"Okay, stop looking, get in the car quickly, the eldest lady has sent me the evacuation signal!!"

Just as Xia Mi was stunned, a voice rang from the side. Chu Tianjiao, who had been given a strong anesthetic and had almost completely transformed into a Deadpool, was stuffed into the trunk of the car. Mai Shutoku, who had reappeared, spoke to urge him.

"Hurry up, don't wait for me!!"


Before Xia Mi could recover, the girl over there had already slashed at the god below... and then took the opportunity to kill the horse Odin was sitting on while Odin was concentrating on the response. horse.

"Okay, now it's time to see blood, bye!!"

While flying here quickly, the other party was even in the mood to turn around and ridicule.

"Tell you Dese, and I'm telling you, your horse is gone!!"

Xia Mi: "......"

PS: Good morning.

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