The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 161 The Little Devil’s Trading Invitation

From the beginning, Mu Qingzhi's thoughts were very simple.

The existence of the Dragon King level is still a bit reluctant for her now, let alone the Kungunir in the opponent's hand.

——This thing is almost a sure kill in a single match.

Therefore, ever since he found the opportunity to invade the Nibelung with great fanfare, Mu Qingzhi had been deliberately making moves and deliberately causing such a big scene, just to cover Mai Shude.

In fact, Mai Shutoku did live up to expectations.

While Odin focused almost all of his attention on her, Mai Shutoku secretly brought back Chu Tianjiao who was nailed to the ground. Her word spirit is Mingzhao, which is best suited for this kind of stealth work. .

As for Chu Tianjiao... As long as the person is still alive, even if he becomes a deadpool and falls into the abyss, she is sure enough to bring him back.

The danger of Odin's copy was beyond her imagination, and she would not consider coming there until she had an item that could block Kungunir.

Even if she is not afraid of that gun, like others, it is really one shot at a time... This thing is purely a bug.

——She had heard from the system that even Lu Mingze might not be able to block that gun.


……it is finally over.

He leaned on the chair behind him very tiredly. Lu Mingfei, who was sitting in the back seat, turned his head and looked to his side.

The clothes on Chu Zihang's upper body had been completely torn off, and were covered with bandages randomly, making him look like a mummy. However, the extremely serious injuries on the other party's body had now become less severe.

Although the senior brother has no intention of waking up, his breathing has gradually become stable, and his life has been saved.

As for the rest...

Unable to help turning his head to the side, Lu Mingfei looked sideways at the sports car that was speeding along the elevated road.

The heavy rain covering this section of the elevated road has disappeared, and the sky is still burning with flames. It looks a bit like the end of the world, but it is mixed with an almost suffocating beauty.

The world is burning. The sports car driven by the long-legged lady in front is moving through the rain of fire at an incredible speed. Not far behind the vehicle, a girl with flaming hair and scorching eyes is driving Fei behind. The wings of color are coming rapidly towards this side.

"Okay, stop looking. If you look at my brother again, your eyes will pop out of your sockets."

Suddenly, a voice rang next to him.


Suddenly alert, Lu Mingfei quickly turned his head, and with the next glance, he saw the little devil Lu Mingze sitting on his senior brother with his legs crossed.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment. In this stopped world, except for him and the other party, everyone else fell into an inexplicable state of stagnation.

"How did you..."

"I am your younger brother. If my elder brother is in trouble, how can I not follow him as my younger brother?"

After adjusting the tie on his chest, Lu Mingze looked up at him, his face full of sincerity.

"For salesmen like us, the emphasis is on being available on call. If the customer has any problems, my salary will be deducted."

"Nonsense, if that's the case, then where was I when I almost died?"

Looking at the well-dressed little devil in front of him, Lu Mingfei looked disgusted.

"At that time, the claws of those monsters were only a millimeter away from me. I almost lost my temper and died young on the spot, okay?"


With a chuckle in his mouth, Lu Mingze turned his head and looked out the car window.

"In that case, let me ask you a question. Brother, would you rather be saved by me or a beautiful girl?"


"Look, the answer is obvious."

Spreading his hands in front of him, the little devil shrugged slightly.

"Admit it, I am the roundworm in your belly, brother. I know exactly what you are thinking in your heart. For example, right now, brother, what you are thinking about is..."

"Go, go, go. If nothing happens, leave as soon as possible."

He waved his hands repeatedly to interrupt Lu Mingze's words, and Lu Mingfei looked a little embarrassed.

"Now that the drama has ended, you have no chance to appear. Why do you have to come out at this time to grab your presence?"

"It's over? It's indeed over for you, but for her, it's not over yet."

Standing up from Chu Zihang, Lu Mingze looked up at the burning sky outside the car, his eyes bottomless.

"She shouldn't have deliberately angered Odin. That divine gun that will definitely hit is already aimed at her."

"Aim...what do you mean?"

His expression changed slightly, and Lu Mingfei hurriedly stood up from his seat.

"I heard from Xia Mi that it's called Kungunir. It's said that it can..."


Covering his head with both hands, Lu Mingfei sat down again.

Lu Mingze could stand up in the car because he was small, but Lu Mingfei's height did not allow him to stand up in the car.

"... Being targeted means that she can't run away."

Looking at Lu Mingfei sitting in front of him with his head covered, Lu Mingze was silent for a while.

"As long as she throws it, the gun will definitely hit and pierce her chest. The divine gun Kungunir anchors a person's destiny. Once locked, it will be useless even if she runs to the ends of the earth. No one has ever been able to escape. The lock on that gun, that weapon is a BUG in the rules of the world."

"Wait, if you say so..."

Covering his head with one hand, Lu Mingfei raised his head.

"If you are lucky, you should be able to see the gun penetrate her chest later, and she will turn into charcoal in front of you, just like those beings who were penetrated by that gun in the past."

Looking directly into Lu Mingfei's eyes, Lu Mingze's tone was terrifyingly calm.

"She rushed here in a hurry to save you. Before she came here because of those text messages, she was cleaning and decorating her room. But she is too stupid. She wants to save no matter who she is. If she could just give up taking care of you, If you take away that burden, you can all escape safely."


Suddenly, Lu Mingfei reacted.

Lao Yan took the risk to come here just to save people. Not only did the other party want to save them all, he even wanted to save his senior brother's father who had become a monster.

When he played games with his opponent in the past, Lao Yan had always been obsessed with getting the most perfect ending. As a result, it didn't matter in the game, but it turned out to be the same in the real world.

"Come on, brother, it's your turn to make a choice now."

Looking at Lu Mingfei in front of him, a hint of cunning appeared in his eyes, Lu Mingze showed a smile on his face.

"Make a deal with me, give me 1/4 of your possessions, and I'll help you save the girl outside."

"Believe me, this will be a good deal."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later, try to do it before 12 o'clock.

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