The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 162 The fate of not being judged

The sky is burning and the earth is burning.

Looking at the scarlet figure in the distance that was gradually disappearing from his field of vision, Odin's face was terrifyingly cold.

In this Nibelung, he had absolute authority, and the rain curtain in the sky could help him stop anyone, but under the erosion of that weird crimson field, his authority was restricted.

He could have stopped the car, but now he could only watch the car disappear in the rain of fire.

...All the changes came from the knife that struck his neck by the hybrid.

If it hadn't been for that sword strike, it would have been impossible for the crimson realm to invade the Nibelungs, and the situation would not have become what it is now. Even his own horse was hacked to death... it really Norton?

You know, in the long history, he has killed the opponent countless times, openly or covertly, and even deprived the opponent of the alchemy skill that he was most proud of, which is really nothing to be afraid of.

As long as the opponent doesn't devour Constantine, the opponent will never be his opponent... He has already chosen the final outcome for the opponent.

Constantine is still sleeping in the White Emperor City. Although Norton said that he temporarily escaped from his control due to an accident, his memory should be hazy now. Maybe even he doesn't know that he is the King of Bronze and Fire. .

According to his script, the violent King of Bronze and Fire will meet its tragic end a few years later. The other party will be completely killed by humans, and he will completely devour everything about the other party this time.

...But unexpected changes still happened.

Although he did not think that Norton could retrieve his past memories and recover to this extent in such a short period of time, the methods shown by the girl were undeniable. The extremely pure fire element just now is still there. Ripple in the air...

Everything showed him that the extremely violent king had returned to his throne.

...but is this really the case?

Don't forget, the King of Bronze and Fire is not the only one who can achieve the level just now.

As if he wanted to confirm some conjecture, he raised his head and looked at the burning world in the distance. Odin threw the spear in his hand hard towards the crimson figure in the sky.

There were no fancy special effects or sudden sonic booms. The black spear just flew toward the figure quietly, carrying a black smoke stream that symbolized rain and death.


…It’s hard to describe that feeling in words.

Just like meteors shattering the sky and boulders rolling down from the top of the mountain, the moment Odin threw the spear in his hand, an extreme sense of danger surged into Mu Qingzhi's heart in an instant.

There was obviously no movement when she threw it, but at this moment, the violent wind was blowing towards her back, which was also mixed with a terrifying and violent explosion.

The world lit by flames was torn apart by a sudden storm, and a long blank was opened. But wherever the black spear passed, everything fell into the most primitive silence.

It's like a drop of ink dropped on the white paper, and the black color quickly spreads on the white paper.

"Hey, system, you didn't trick me, did you? This kind of power is so terrifying, I even feel that Feng Jue is about to collapse. Are you sure I can block this shot?"

He stopped in the air and turned around to face the black spears that were moving towards him more and more. While raising Zhi Dianzhana in his hand, Mu Qingzhi called out the system in her heart.

"Not to mention taking this shot, once I was touched by the gun, I felt so choked. The smell of death was too strong."

[If that’s the case, then just stay away. 】

It seems that he has not recovered from the motion sickness before, and the system's sound seems a bit wobbly.

[You are quite self-aware. You really cannot withstand this shot now. 】

"Hide? Is this the method you said?"

Mu Qingzhi's face turned slightly darker.

"This is a spear that is sure to hit. How can you dodge it?"

[Kungunir is anchored by fate and is directly connected to the thread of fate on you, so it is said that it is bound to win. 】

The system seemed to have yawned in his mouth, and the system spoke lazily.

[But don’t forget, you are actually dead. It was me who gave you new life. From that moment on, our fates have been connected. 】


[A mere broken gun is worthy of anchoring our destiny? 】

Abandoning the laziness of the past, the system's voice was faintly tinged with arrogance and... unprecedented contempt.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

... She really wanted to say that the other party was faking it, but she had no evidence.

She was still a little worried at first, but after getting the guarantee from the system, her confidence immediately increased.

——Testingly, she swung a flaming slash at the black spear flying firmly towards her in the distance.

The next moment, as some silver-white threads suddenly broke from the tip of the spear, the black spear suddenly lost its target and staggered towards the ground.

"What? Silver gun wax tip."

With a slight sigh of relief, Mu Qingzhi turned around and flew towards the sports car after raising her middle finger towards Odin, who was looking at her deeply in the distance.

...I am about to leave this Nepal.

"Uh... no, what are you going to do? Jump out of the car on the elevated road?"

After returning to the car, Mu Qingzhi looked confused as she looked at Lu Mingfei, who was leaning out half of the car window, as if he was planning to jump out of the car at high speed.

"What, you're planning on having a porcelain affair, right? Do you need me to burn incense sticks for you in advance?"

Lu Mingfei/Lu Mingze: "..."

With a sharp brake sound and ending with an extremely elegant flick, Mai Shutoku controlled the sports car and stopped at the exit of the elevated road.

"You, you just... that gun..."

Lu Mingfei stuttered as he looked at the girl in front of him, retracting her body into the car and writing something on her hand.

"Oh, fake, the other party is just pretending."

After saying something casually and perfunctorily, she waved her hand to disperse the crimson wings behind her back. Mu Qingzhi looked curiously at Xia Mi, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

As if aware of her gaze, the other party raised his hand tremblingly and forced a smile on his face.

"Hello, I am..."

"Miss, should we go back directly?"

Before Xia Mi could finish her sentence, Mai Shutoku suddenly asked.

Lifting the phone in her hand towards her, Mai Shutoku coughed slightly in her mouth.

"So far, the second lady has sent me more than a dozen messages and made more than twenty missed calls."


PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Sorry, my schedule has been chaotic these days. In the future, updates will be stable at 10pm (づ●─●)づ

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