...Xia Mi is quite panicked now.

After coming out of the Nibelung, she originally wanted to find an excuse to get out of the car and said she could just take a taxi back, but her arms couldn't carry her thighs, so she finally sat in the car obediently.

In the words of the long-legged lady, their current situation was not suitable for going home. It was better to go to their home to take a shower and change clothes, and then talk about some things... She didn't dare to say no.

Although among the four of them, she was the least injured, with just a scrape on her knee, but their whole bodies were soaked by the heavy rain, and they really needed to take a shower and change. clothing.

——After leaving the Nibelungen, the heavy rain outside has not stopped.

But now, looking at the scenery passing by quickly outside the car window, she suddenly felt like crying.

"Hey, senior brother, have you offended someone?"

After looking at the lady sitting in the driver's seat in front of him and poking Lu Mingfei next to him with his finger, Xia Mi asked in a low voice.

"Have you ever felt that the royal sister seems to have a lot of malice towards you?"

Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Even if it's the Hongmen Banquet, she has to brave it... What does it mean to come out of the tiger's den and enter the wolf's den again?

Originally, she was sitting in the passenger seat, but when Lu Mingfei, who was sitting in the back seat, moved his seat to the side for the girl with a look of attentiveness, the long-legged lady asked her to get off with a dark face. The car sat in the back seat...

However, the interior space of the car is large enough, and it is no problem to seat three people in the back seat.

"felt it."

Looking guiltily at the girl sitting in the front seat, who was leaning against the window and seemed to be concentrating with her eyes closed, Lu Mingfei also answered in a low voice.

"If you want to offend someone, you must have offended someone..."


Just asking Lao Yan to learn how to bark like a dog has already offended him to death. He had heard the long-legged lady call Lao Yan before.

That's the eldest lady. What is the concept of eldest lady?

With just such a title, Lu Mingfei quickly filled up hundreds of thousands of words of background information in his mind... He finally understood why Lao Yan's father beat him so hard yesterday.

"Uh... what did you offend?"

Blinking, Xia Mi looked curious.

"Line like dogs and call each other daddy..."

Looking up at the roof of the car, Lu Mingfei looked desperate.


——Mai Shutoku broke a pen in her hand with an expressionless expression.


Although there was some traffic jam on the road, it didn't take long to go back. Only an hour later, the sports car stopped at Peacock Mansion in Dongcheng.

This is a veritable gathering place of luxury houses, each of which is a single-family villa. Those who can live here are either rich or noble.

——When choosing a place for her eldest daughter, Mai Shutoku naturally chose the best place.

"Get out of the car and move the two seriously injured people inside."

After parking the car in the garage, she turned to look at Lu Mingfei sitting in the back seat, and Mai Shutoku said coldly.

...The more she looked at this guy, the more she couldn't stand it.

"You guys, let's talk. I'm a little motion sick. I'm going to lie down for a while..."

Before Lu Mingfei had time to reply, the door on the passenger seat was suddenly opened. After saying these words, a car-sick girl floated out as if she had lost her soul.

Lu Mingfei/Xia Mi: "..."

Tens of minutes later, Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi sat on the sofa in a very reserved manner in the lobby on the first floor of the villa.

Although it was raining heavily and the wind was howling outside, inside the villa at this time, it was as warm as spring.

Because I just moved in today, the layout in the villa is basically non-existent. The original wooden sofa is bare, and the ground is in a mess. Boxes of various sizes are stacked on top of each other. An assortment of small toys and other miscellaneous items.

Chu Zihang, who was wrapped as a mummy, was placed on the carpet. He seemed to have no intention of waking up in a short period of time. Chu Tianjiao, who had almost completely transformed into a deadpool and turned into a monster, was also placed on the carpet. Next to Chu Zihang.

Because Chu Tianjiao's current appearance was too scary, when carrying Chu Tianjiao up from the trunk, Xia Miyou took a white sheet and covered him from head to toe...

——If she couldn't find candles, she would also like to light a few white candles on both sides.

To be honest, Xia Mi was a little confused as to why he had to bring back a Deadpool. He was corroded by the dragon's blood and was like this. He was obviously hopeless, so why bring him here to occupy space?

...Do you want to take him as your dependent?

Also, the opponent's bloodline is very strong, and Deadpool is easier to control. With such an easy-to-use subordinate, it is natural...

While Xia Mi was thinking wildly in her mind, a pair of slippers with a duck pattern appeared in front of her, and two cups of hot tea were placed on a tray and handed to them.

"Uh...thank you."

Quickly picking up the teacup, Lu Mingfei hurriedly thanked the red-haired girl in a witch costume in front of him.

After they came up, the girl entertained them. The slippers they were wearing were prepared by the girl.

The girl looked young and was wearing a red and white miko uniform, seemingly for convenience. Her long dark red hair was simply tied into a ponytail on the back of her head.

The other party was quite curious about the guests coming to the door, and kept looking back and forth on them. If nothing else happened, the other party should be the second young lady that the long-legged imperial sister said...that is, Lao Yan's younger sister. .

Perhaps because of this factor, Lu Mingfei always felt that the girl was looking at him curiously most of the time...

【どういたしまして. 】

As if she had guessed what he would say, she tilted her head slightly, and the girl showed them a note written in advance.

"Hey, what does the note mean?"

As Xia Mi approached Lu Mingfei, he asked in a low voice.

"You're welcome in Japanese."

——Lu Mingfei answered in the same low voice.

"By the way, isn't it a bit impolite for us to communicate in such a low voice? I always feel as if there is a cold gaze cast on me..."

"The guest room and a change of clothes have been prepared for you. You can take a shower at this time."

Before Lu Mingfei finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Also, you are indeed quite rude."

Lu Mingfei/Xia Mi: "..."

After looking at the two people who were almost running away, with a cold snort in her mouth, Jiude Mai came to Chu Tianjiao who was lying on the ground.

"I always feel like I made a loss-making deal this time..."

While muttering in her mouth, she carefully took out a tube of pale gold injection from her pocket, and then injected it into the other person's body along the main artery in the neck.

[Will he be fine later? 】

Holding up a freshly written note, Eriki, who was squatting next to her, asked curiously.

"Almost, but depending on the situation, I might have to wait until tomorrow to wake up... By the way, the water has been put, you can go take a bath."

Putting the syringe back in her pocket and putting it away, Mai Shutoku looked up at Eri in front of her.

"Zhi is still a little motion sick. Please help her wipe herself off. I'm going to cook now and I'll call you when I'm ready."

As she spoke, Mai Shutoku picked up a rubber duck placed in the box next to her and handed it to the other party.

Because something like this happened in the middle, their schedule was delayed by almost three hours. Originally, they should all...

Wait, did I seem to have forgotten something?

I remember that before going out, I was...

The next moment, an explosion from the kitchen interrupted her thoughts.

Mai Shutoku: "......"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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