The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 164 A very scientific alchemy

...Chu Zihang woke up from the numbness coming from his back.

His memory still lingered on that thick rainstorm, and then ended with the severe pain coming from his back.

He thought he would never have the chance to open his eyes, but he didn't expect that he was still alive. The slight pain coming from his back indirectly reminded him of this fact.

It looks like he was given anesthesia... so is he in the hospital?

With this thought, Chu Zihang reluctantly opened his eyes.

...Then he saw Lu Mingfei in a bathrobe diligently taking off his pants.

Chu Zihang: "..."

"Senior brother? Are you finally awake?"

As if aware of his awakening, Lu Mingfei looked up at him with some joy...but the movements of his hands still did not stop.

"Oh, um...senior brother, your clothes are all wet. In order to prevent catching a cold, of course you have to change out of all the wet clothes."

After realizing something belatedly, Lu Mingfei quickly let go of his hand and stood up.

"But there is no clothes for us to wear here at the moment, so we can only wrap ourselves in bathrobes... But I think your bandage outfit is pretty cool, senior brother!!"

——As if wanting to give him some comfort, Lu Mingfei extended a thumbs up in his direction.


Looking down at the bandages wrapped randomly around his upper body, Chu Zihang was speechless.

He remembered clearly that he had been seriously injured before, and the heart-pounding pain almost tore his back apart. But now, except for the occasional numbness coming from his back, he was Didn't feel any discomfort.

"By the way, the long-legged lady said that the bandage cannot be removed until the injury on the back is completely healed."

Seeing that Chu Zihang seemed to want to reach out and remove the bandage, Lu Mingfei quickly interrupted his actions.

"...Where is my father? How is he?"

Looking up at the other party, Chu Zihang asked softly with a hoarse voice.

The last image in his mind was his father's back charging towards the god with a knife in hand without looking back. The background was a dark rain curtain and blue-purple thunder.

As a mortal, face the gods.

... He never thought that that man could be so popular, so popular that the whole world seemed to become the background of the other person.


Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

"Uncle, he's resting in the next room right now. Depending on the situation, he won't be able to wake up until tomorrow morning. Why, what's the matter... Wait, change out of the wet clothes first!!"

When Chu Zihang came to this room, he found that his school girl was also in the room, but unlike Lu Mingfei who had no clothes to change into and was wrapped in a bathrobe, the other party changed into a goose-yellow sleeping bag. skirt.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Noticing his arrival, the school girl raised her head and glanced in his direction with a strange expression.

"To give you a suggestion, you'd better not come over and disturb him now. Let him rest peacefully so that he can recover better."


Looking away from the man's face and looking up at the girl in front of him, Chu Zihang spoke softly.

"Why are you thanking me? You saved me before, so I should be the one to thank you."

Pouring his lips and covering his collar with one hand, Xia Mi stood up from the bed.

"Also, I'm not the one who saved your father. I don't have such great abilities. It would be outrageous to reverse the bloodline or something..."

Xia Mi's voice became quieter as he got to the back, and in the end it became his own whisper, which Chu Zihang couldn't hear clearly at all.

"Who is that……"

"Okay, okay, you'd better change your clothes quickly and blow dry your hair. It's not a good habit to keep the owner here waiting for too long. I'm going downstairs first."

Before Chu Zihang could finish his stunned words, Xia Mi had already squeezed past him nimbly, then turned around and waved to him.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you in the lobby on the first floor."

If before, Xia Mi had some thoughts of taking the opportunity to escape, then now, she has already suppressed this idea.

The other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and there was no special alchemy field or matrix arranged in the villa... maybe the other party hadn't discovered her true identity yet.

In this situation, if she chooses to run away, it will completely confirm her guilty conscience.

And besides that...

Before going downstairs, Xia Mi couldn't help but turn his head and glance at that room.

She remembered clearly that before, the other party had clearly fallen completely into Deadpool, but just as she went upstairs to take a shower, the other party changed from Deadpool to a human again... This was simply... Ridiculous! ?

——Xia Mi was extremely shocked.


At the same time, downstairs.

"...What did you stew before?"

Looking at the messy kitchen in front of her that looked like it had been on a battlefield, after a moment of silence, Mu Qingzhi turned around and looked up at Mai Jiudet next to her.

"Chicken stewed with mushrooms...I forgot to turn off the heat."

Mai Shutoku covered her face in shame.

"Forget it, let's call someone to clean it up tomorrow."

After taking a breath, Mu Qingzhi reached out and closed the door.

"That's it for tonight..."

“On days of typhoon and rain, no takeout will be delivered.”

Mai Shutoku raised her cell phone towards her.

"But I remember that I still have a few buckets of cup noodles at home that I ate on the plane. I think they can be used in emergencies."

"No, I have food here."

After waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi turned around.

"Let's not talk about anything else. Let's clear out the space in the living room first. It's been a long day of traveling and traveling, and I feel like I'm going to starve to death..."

Tens of minutes later, Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang, Xia Mi and others came down from upstairs and sat down at the dining table.

Because there were no men's clothes, except for Xia Mi, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were all wrapped in bathrobes... Chu Zihang also wore extra bandages and battle-damaged clothes, which was very sexy.

——By the way, the word sexy was a common comment made by both Natsumi and Mai Shutoku.

Just as Xia Mi was thinking about what else to eat after the kitchen exploded, whether it was instant noodles, Mu Qingzhi spread a tablecloth on the table.

"If you have any questions, I'll ask them later. Let's eat first."

Climbing onto the chair, Mu Qingzhi yawned.

"Order what you want to eat, no need to be polite."

“…gourmet tablecloth?”

After staring at the tablecloth on the table for a while, Lu Mingfei, who had been exposed to such things the most, was the first to react.

"Yes, it's that thing, so just order it."

Mu Qingzhi snapped her fingers and looked proud.

"This is the alchemy tool I am personally most satisfied with, and this is the first time I have used it."

...alchemy tools?

Since when can alchemy tools be related to food?

Just when Xia Mi was confused, she saw Lu Mingfei ordered a bowl of fried noodles for herself in a familiar way, and with the flicker of smoke, a steaming bowl of fried noodles appeared on the tablecloth in the blink of an eye. above.

Xia Mi: "???"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Not available today, will be updated tomorrow (づ●─●)づ

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