It rained heavily.

On this typhoon night, all the street lights in many places have been destroyed, and the cars driving on the road are pitch black, with their headlights emitting a dim light.

"How's it going? Have you contacted Zhi?"

Sitting in the back seat of the car, looking away from the wind and rain outside, Uesugoshi asked.

"Sorry, everyone, the signal here is quite poor due to the typhoon and rain."

While driving the vehicle with one hand, the man in a black suit sitting in the driver's seat answered in a deep voice.

"But three hours ago, we contacted Miss Eriki. According to the information sent by Miss Eriki, the eldest lady did go out during that time."

“What’s the situation over there on the elevated road?”

It was unnoticeable, Uesugi frowned.

"The local mixed-race forces were involved. Our people couldn't find out much, but what is certain is that there were indeed traces of the Nibelungs over there more than two hours ago. It has been confirmed that what happened in The matter over there is related to the eldest lady."

"...Can you find out where they rent?"

"Miss Jiude didn't deliberately hide this when she rented the house at Peacock Mansion on the east side of the city."

"Turn around, we're not going to the elevated road, we're going to Peacock Mansion instead."

After some hesitation, Uesugoshi quickly made a decision.

About an hour ago, almost all the mixed races in the city, not to mention all, witnessed the crimson phenomenon that appeared on the horizon with their own eyes.

Although the phenomenon lasted less than ten minutes before dissipating, some interested people quickly launched an investigation into this aspect. Although there was a typhoon and heavy rain, it was obvious that these things could not Block those people.

Others may not know what that vision is, but Uesugoshi knows it clearly. Such an iconic field can only be achieved by the seal opened by Zhi.

Originally, he planned to secretly return to Sheqiba's house tonight. After all, he, the patriarch, sneaked out secretly. It would be okay if the time away was short, but it would be hard to explain if he was away for a long time.

But since other people learned about this incident, he immediately gave up all thoughts of going back, and rushed to the scene with a knife in hand, hoping to help his precious daughter.

Zhi You showed him how to seal off this field. It was a technique that separated the covered area from the cause and effect of the world. Ordinary people could neither enter that field nor see that field. Only hybrids could.

Usually what the executive bureau is most worried about is those rampaging ghosts or deadpools rushing into the crowd and causing great damage and casualties. However, after Zhi developed that kind of technique, the number of casualties among ordinary people has been greatly reduced.

...Want to take those ordinary people as hostages? You also need someone to be your hostage.

In that field, all ordinary people are isolated except for those mixed races. Naturally, there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring innocent people.

What's even more amazing is that in that realm called Fengjue, even if it's a mess, Zhi can restore it all, further reducing financial losses.

In the previous internal meeting, he was actually a bit conservative. Since Zhi developed that technique, as long as she takes action, the casualty rate and property loss rate have dropped to zero.

The only fly in the ointment is that this technique is not very easy to hide. Once the seal is deployed, in addition to being invisible to ordinary people, those hybrids outside the cover of the seal can see this area clearly.

Because of this flaw, Zhi generally would not choose to activate Seal unless necessary.

...In other words, when Zhi opened the seal, she must have fallen into a battle that had to be started.

This inference became a fact when he received the information from Eriki.

It was precisely because of this that Uesugoshi's heart was twitching throughout the entire night...

Although he had wanted to contact Mai Shutoku to ask what happened, the other party's phone number had been blocked due to the weather.

The combination of various factors made it difficult for Uesugi to avoid his wild thoughts. At this time, he was wearing a black trench coat and carrying a long knife on his back, looking murderous. He just waited for some monster to appear in front of him, and then he would kill it with one strike.

"Everyone, we're here."

Just as Uesugoshi was brewing murderous intent in his heart, the voice of a black suit came from the driver's seat. At the same time, the car, which was completely black and cut through the rain curtain, slowly stopped in front of a villa.

"There are lights in the villa. I think the eldest lady and the others should have returned safely."

"It's best to come back... let's go and visit."

After exhaling a little breath, Uesugoshi opened the car door, then stepped into the heavy rain outside.

——Before he got out of the car, the man in the black suit was already standing by the car door holding a big black umbrella.

Perhaps because of the rush in and out, the outer door of the villa was not closed, so it was very relaxed. Uesugoshi came to the door of the villa together with the black suit next to him.

Looking at the warm light coming from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, after adjusting his collar uncomfortably, Uesugoshi reached out and knocked on the door.

Hearing the footsteps coming from inside the door, he had already thought about the reasons he would explain when he faced Zhi.

As a father, it is reasonable for me to care about the safety of my daughter. I just happened to be on a business trip to China, and then happened to stop in this city to rest for one night, so...

Looking at the open door in front of him, Uesugi twitched the corner of his mouth and tried his best to put on a smile as kind as possible on his face.

...Then the next moment, the smile on his face froze.

Inside the opened door, a young man wrapped in a bathrobe looked at him with a horrified expression. As a sudden strong wind blew from the outside, he happened to lift up a corner of the bathrobe.

——The guy in front of me was wearing nothing but this bathrobe.

Uesugoshi: "..."

Just imagine, when you have repeatedly prepared yourself mentally and come to your daughter's house to tell her to protect you, and then you find a man opening the door for you wearing only a bathrobe...

What's even more coincidental is that yesterday, I met my daughter's online boyfriend, and I even deliberately beat him up, but in the end, only one day later, the other person gave me a blow on the head. A show of force...Uesugoshi suddenly felt that his blood pressure was rising sharply.

Taking a deep breath in his mouth, facing the horrified gaze of the young man in front of him, Uesugoshi slowly pulled out the two long knives he wore on his waist, and then showed a rather kind smile to the other person.

"Seppuku or decapitation, it's your choice."

Lu Mingfei: "!!!"


Looking at the scene in front of him, the black suit silently put away his umbrella and turned around.

...and at the same time covered his ears.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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