The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 168 The Dragon King’s Night Talk

The heavy rain outside still continued, but Xia Mi felt extremely peaceful.

Lying on the soft big bed, she put the back of her right hand on her forehead and stared at the ceiling above her head in a daze.

Everything that happened today had a huge impact on her dragon life. The world was changing so fast that she couldn't react at all.

Even if human society has undergone tremendous changes in just a few hundred years, how come even dragon society has become so outrageous?

...Honestly, she couldn't figure it out.

It seemed as if everyone was moving forward, but she and Fenrir were left alone. This feeling... was quite bad.

The power Norton showed was obviously beyond the norm. It was not the power that a hybrid could show. Logically speaking, the opponent should be hunted by hybrids all over the world, but as it happened, the situation was It was completely different from what she thought.

The other party has a father who loves her, a sister who likes her, and friends and subordinates who care about her. But on the other hand, I only have my brother Fenrir. They are obviously dragon kings. Why does the other party do better than me?

As if thinking of something, Xia Mi sighed softly in his mouth.

How much hybrids hate dragons like them, she knows better than others. The history of dragons has disappeared, and now it is a world dominated by humans. Even if she is born with powerful power, she has to be careful to contain it. All the minions were activated.

...because the whole world is her enemy.

The last time she woke up was in 1626 AD. Before she had time to take a good look at this new world, she was attacked by a large number of hybrids as soon as she opened her eyes.

Those people somehow sneaked into her Nibelung roots and accurately predicted the time when they would wake up. They prepared tons of mercury in an attempt to bury her and Fenrir again.

In the end, although they successfully released the spirit of Shiva and killed those people, they were seriously injured and had to turn into cocoons again, and were once again forced into a long, seemingly endless sleep.

...almost every time.

Those lingering hybrids in black robes can always find their sleeping place accurately every time, successfully invade their Nibelung roots, and then kill them again and again.

Death after death caused her memory to become chaotic.

Until now, she could no longer recall how she died when she was first pulled off the throne. She only knew that after that, she and her brother had been trapped in this nightmare of death.

Awakening, killing, cocooning, dying, sleeping, waking up... It's like an ouroboros connected end to end, never ending.

It was precisely because of this painful lesson that after waking up this time, she had been extremely cautious, carefully putting away her minions and blending into the crowd, not daring to show any trace of her power.

She originally thought that the other Dragon Kings would be like her, but the fact that was revealed in front of her poured cold water on her. She seemed to be the only Dragon King who had suffered miserably...

Turning over on the bed, Xia Mi buried his head under the pillow very melancholy.

Although this time's awakening was different from the past, those lingering black-robed men did not appear in front of them again, but she did not believe that those people would disappear in the long river of history like this.

In addition, human society is changing too fast, and many powerful weapons have been designed, so since she woke up, she has always had a sense of urgency in her heart.

If she wants to break the tragic fate of the past, she must have strong power, but she will never do it if she is asked to devour her brother. She has been dependent on each other for thousands of years, how can she bear to do so? The other party gave...wait, has Norton swallowed Constantine?

Suddenly thinking of some possibility, Xia Mi's expression changed slightly.

That kind of magical alchemy might be...

——At this moment, a small knock sounded from outside the door.

Along with the knock on the door, there was a familiar voice coming from outside the door.

"Xia Mi, are you asleep? I have something to do with you, please open the door~"

Xia Mi: "......"


It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

Holding a pillow and huddled in the corner, Xia Mi looked wary as he looked at the girl in front of him who was wearing the same pajamas as himself.

Ever since she came to the conclusion that the other party might have devoured her brother Constantine, the other party has become like a scourge in her eyes.

"Uh... do I look that scary?"

Looking at Xia Mi huddled in the corner in front of her, Mu Qingzhi subconsciously reached out and touched her cheek.

Originally, the arrival of Uesugoshi and the explanation of Lu Mingfei and what happened on the elevated road were enough to make her tired. She wanted to take advantage of the dead of night to talk to a certain Xiami, but she didn't expect that the other party would actually treat her. She put on a trembling posture as if she was ready to die...especially when she locked the door with a cautious look on her face.

...The majestic king of the earth and mountains, can you please have some backbone?

"Okay, it seems you already know, so I won't hide it."

Looking at Xia Mi in front of her, sitting sideways on the bed, Mu Qingzhi straightened her voice slightly.

"That's right, things are just as you think in your heart. It's a showdown. I won't pretend anymore. I am the legendary King of Bronze and Fire, Norton."


He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly come forward like this. He opened his mouth and Xia Mi looked confused.

"Ah what, shouldn't you come to see the king?"

Mu Qingzhi frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied.

"Stop pretending, I have recognized you. You are actually a dragon, right? You are also a second-generation species hidden among humans. I am a noble first-generation species, and I am also one of the four kings. After I reveal my identity, , shouldn’t you have come to express your surrender to me immediately?”

Xia Mi: "......"

...yours is the next generation! ! !


The many emotions on his face disappeared without knowing when. Looking up at the girl in front of him, Xia Mi had an expressionless face.

"Norton's character is violent, not evil like yours."

"Three days after separation, you should look at each other with admiration. If you always remember a person with a fixed impression, there will be serious deviations."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her and shook it, looking serious.

"If I have to say it, I think you are different from what I remember. King Arati of the Hun, the incarnation of lust, the whip of God wielding under his crotch has endless..."

"You are the one who is lustful!! You are the one who is the one who is lustful!!!"

Before Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, the expression on Xia Mi's face suddenly became tense, and he threw the pillow in his arms without thinking.

"What is the whip of the God of the Hun King? Fenrir and I have never experienced this at all!! Don't just push random rumors on us that you heard from nowhere!!!"

She finally figured it out. The guy in front of her was just here to tease her... Is this how you understand the whip of God? ?

...She seems to understand why the other party's alchemy is so weird.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I think Jörmungandr's gender has not changed.

In Ryuji's Well of Annihilation, the boss's actual words to Xia Mi: "You are as beautiful as before." It's impossible to say that a man is beautiful, right?

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