It was pouring rain outside, but it was quiet inside the house.

Although the other party expressed goodwill to him, Xia Mi was still very cautious and stayed away from the other party.

"Ye Shi...hey, aren't you the whip of God?"

Looking at Xia Mi in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked surprised. ;

"As the embodiment of lust, I always thought you were a man and woman."

"...Again, I'm not lustful."

Xia Mi suppressed the urge to step forward and beat the opponent up. Looking at the innocent-looking girl in front of him, Xia Mi was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Also, is your ridicule interesting? When our four kings were created by the Black King, our genders were already fixed. We dragons are also divided into genders, but there are many kinds of human incarnations. It’s just a choice. I have always been in the form of a woman, but you, who have always appeared in the form of an adult male, have now turned into such a little girl. Are you considered a man and woman?"

As the King of Bronze and Fire of the Four Kings, Norton has always been a representative of extreme violence. It is hard to imagine that the other person's human incarnation this time would choose to be a cute little girl... Is there something wrong?

Sure enough, in the end, the person who is extremely violent is a psychopath?

"Okay, I'm showing off my cards again, I'm pretending, I'm not Norton, I'm actually the White King."

After thinking about it for a while, Mu Qingzhi nodded solemnly and felt that what the other party said made sense.

"How about it? The White King has always been a female incarnation, right?"

Xia Mi: "......"

...In order to prevent the other party from getting angry to death, she prepared to change the subject.

"If you have any questions, please just tell me."

Xia Mi stretched out his hand and pressed hard on his temples that couldn't hold back their beating, and Xia Mi spoke coldly.

"The reason why you came to my place so late is not to tell those cold jokes."

...White King?

Everyone knows that the white emperor has been completely killed by the black emperor, and even his power and authority have been swallowed up and taken back.

——After the Black King devoured the White King, he roared in pain and flew to the highest point of the sky, then fell straight into the deepest part of the sea, crashing through the harsh winter ice, back and forth seven times.

"It's simple. I'm here to find a partner."

Mu Qingzhi calmed down the emotions on her face and looked serious.

"Although the world is calm now, in fact the undercurrent is already turbulent in the depths. In order to save this precarious world, I need enough help."

"What's the meaning?"

Xia Mi frowned slightly and asked.

"...The Black King is resurrected and rules the world again?"

"No, it's another careerist."

Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"The other party hid the history of the Dragon Clan, and then single-handedly guided and built a human society. It hides in the dark and intends to devour the entire world. That is the enemy we have to face."

"You noticed it too?"

His eyes moved slightly, and Xia Mi looked up at the other party.

... She and Fenrir were killed again and again, and were forced to sleep in cocoons again and again. How could she not realize that someone was deliberately targeting them?

It's just that although she wanted to investigate this kind of thing, she never had the time and energy, so she could only do it secretly and slowly.

Once she accidentally exposes her identity, what awaits her will be the pursuit from the entire world. With the level of technology developed by humans today, ordinary people can also cause fatal harm to them.

"Uh... I guessed."

Spreading her hands in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked innocent.

"Death again and again is never pleasant. I think you don't want to experience it again. Have you ever thought in your heart why your awakening will be so smooth this time? What that careerist wants is not these, but you. The authority that belongs to the Dragon King. Dragon bone cross.":

"……Can I ask you a question?"

After a long silence, Xia Mi looked up at her, his deep gaze seeming to penetrate directly into her soul.

"With that magical alchemy, have you already devoured your brother Constantine?"

"No, I promise."

Seeing that the other party's attitude softened a bit, Mu Qingzhi immediately raised her hand.

"Constantine hasn't woken up yet. He is sleeping peacefully in Baidi City. I'm going to fish it out in a month or two. If you don't believe it, you can come with me then."

"Then your kind of alchemy..."

"I'm Norton, can't alchemy be magical? As the king of alchemy, you have to set an example by constantly innovating with the times and constantly updating technology. You can't just rest on your laurels, right?"

Mu Qingzhi put the pillow that the other party had thrown at her on the bedside and put it away with a serious look on her face.

"See for yourself, in less than 100 years, human technology has undergone earth-shaking changes, and they even went to the moon. As the mighty Dragon King, we cannot be compared to humans, so let humans Our technology can achieve such a rapid development, can’t my alchemy achieve such a rapid development?”

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi looked at her up and down with a look of hatred.

"Look at you. You haven't made any progress for thousands of years. Can't you learn from me? As a Dragon King, you have to set an example like me. Jörmungandr can't keep up with the times. People who change will eventually be abandoned by this era. You have to understand this truth. As an immortal species, you have to take a longer view and don’t spend all your time talking about love, revenge, etc. Our future goal , but the sea of ​​stars!!”

Xia Mi: "......"

It feels like what the other person said... seems to make sense?

A few hundred years ago, she would never have thought that in less than 100 years, human science and technology would make such a leap forward, and the world would be turned upside down as soon as she opened and closed her eyes.

It is omnipotent in the world and under the sea, and has even created horrific weapons like nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs.

Since human technology can explode in just 100 years, alchemy has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is natural for it to undergo reform and innovation... maybe?

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him by the girl in front of him, Xia Mi seemed to be at a loss for a while.

——For the first time, she had the illusion that she was actually an old person.

"How about cooperation?"

Coming to her in a kneeling crawling posture, the girl looked at her with sincerity.

"We two dragon kings join forces and are invincible. It is a perfect match, a match made in heaven."


Xia Mi originally wanted to hesitate for a while, but because of her hesitation, the expression of the girl in front of her suddenly changed again.

"Okay, it seems like you'll be fined for not eating the toast."

She retracted her hand and sat on the bed with her hands folded in front of her chest. The girl looked at her with a sneer.

"Ms. Xia Mi, you don't want your brother to have problems, right? I advise you to cooperate with me obediently, otherwise don't blame me..."

——A pillow flying towards her face interrupted her words.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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