The heavy rain that raged all night finally stopped at dawn.

Originally, Mu Qingzhi planned to sleep until she woke up naturally, but at seven o'clock in the morning, her cell phone rang like a reminder when she placed it beside the bed.

She wanted to bury her head in the pillow and not listen, but the phone call was extremely persistent. It rang for five or six minutes without stopping, and it completely disturbed her sleepiness...

Getting up with a lot of resentment, Mu Qingzhi picked up the phone.

"No matter who is calling me, you are disturbing your dreams so early in the morning. Do you believe that I will draw a circle and curse your whole family!?"

——She has a certain degree of getting out of bed.

"...Sorry, at this time, I thought you should be up."

After a brief pause, Angers' slightly apologetic voice came from the other end of the phone.

"According to the time on the Chinese side, the time on your side should be around seven o'clock in the morning, and the sky should be bright."

"Oh, I'm staying in bed."

While reaching under the pillow to get the socks, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips and changed her hand to hold the phone, speaking in a very confident tone.

"...Does what happened yesterday have anything to do with you?"

After a moment of silence, Angers, who was familiar with the other party's temperament, decided to change the topic appropriately.

That was a vision that could be clearly seen by all the mixed-race people in the entire city. This kind of thing could not be hidden at all. After the incident happened, he learned the news in the United States as soon as possible.

B-level Commissioner Raymond once participated in ice and sea missions. After graduation, he applied to be transferred to China. This time when he handed in the investigation report, his tone was extremely excited. He had been shouting that his goddess Shana had appeared again. This was Under the guidance of God, he will risk everything and go to the sealed battlefield to fight side by side with his goddess... The suggestion given by the school is to let the other party receive psychological counseling again.

...Feng Jue?

That is clearly an unfolded visible Nibelung! !

Others may not know the source of that vision, but Angers knows it all... He has deliberately finished reading the complete works of Shana of the Shakugan, including light novels and anime BDs.

I don’t know if it is a bad taste of the other party, but the moves used by the other party are almost completely copied from the animation, and it is difficult not to recognize them...

"Huh? Did Chu Tianjiao call you?"

Mu Qingzhi, who was wearing socks and holding her mobile phone on her shoulder, looked surprised.

"Yesterday, I obviously fell into a deadpool. I didn't expect that I would recover so quickly. That's okay."

Angers: "..."

For a moment, he suddenly felt like he was in cardiopulmonary arrest.

"...Deadpool? When?"

"Just yesterday, wasn't there a typhoon yesterday? He was caught by Odin when he was driving to pick up his son, and by the way, Lu Mingfei and another innocent person were involved. Then when I arrived , because of his crazy bloodshed, he has turned into a Deadpool."

Taking the phone off her shoulder, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"In order to save him, I consumed an extra alchemy potion that was originally delivered to you except for this. You have to reimburse me for this."

"Reimbursement is no problem, but Odin...are you facing him?"

Listening to the words coming from the other end of the phone, Ange's face darkened slightly.

In the past year, he and Norton had reached a number of deals, not least the alchemy props that almost drove a guy in the attic crazy, but the most important thing was the three alchemy potions every year.

Relying on those three alchemical potions, he had secretly allowed many people to regain their lives and completely escape from that endless hell.

——He didn’t make any publicity about these alchemy tools, and he didn’t tell anyone except the vice-principal whom he could absolutely trust.

He knew very well that if others knew about the alchemy potion, even he might not be able to protect the other party.

"Absolutely. That guy was too strong. At that time, I was fighting just a puppet of the opponent. I almost didn't run away."

"and you……"

"Don't worry, I'm doing very well now. I haven't turned into a dragon king. If I turn into a dragon king, I will tell you, the principal."

After yawning and putting on her slippers, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the bed.

"For more details, I suggest you ask Chu Tianjiao later if there is anything else? If not, I will hang up first."

"...Okay, I'll talk to him later."

After a moment of pondering, Angers answered.

Originally, he called this time because he still had something important to discuss with the other party...but he was not in a hurry right now.

——That kind of thing is more suitable for interviews.


When Mu Qingzhi came downstairs, Xia Mi was already sitting on the sofa in the hall on the first floor. It seemed that he had gotten up very early.

...But looking at the thick dark circles on the other person's face, Mu Qingzhi seriously suspected that the other person didn't sleep last night.

"Good morning."

Noticing her footsteps, he turned to look towards her. Xia Mi's tone was full of resentment.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well last night?"

While responding casually, Mu Qingzhi walked to the refrigerator and took out a can of iced Coke from the refrigerator under the shocked gaze of the other party.

"You...drink this in the morning?"

Looking at someone sitting on the sofa with the bottle of iced Coke, Xia Mi looked strange.

She didn't know what the other party was thinking. After looking up at her, the other party cautiously put the can of Coke into her arms.

"There's still some in the refrigerator. If you want to drink it, go get it!!"

Xia Mi: "......"

...Is the guy in front of her really the Norton she knows?

Although we have been separated for three days, we should be impressed by each other... but this is obviously not the level of surprise, right?

While she was silent, footsteps sounded again in the stairwell.

As footsteps sounded, the figures of Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei, wearing the same dark pajamas, appeared in their field of vision one after another.

But unlike Chu Zihang, who seemed to be sleeping well, Lu Mingfei had thick dark circles under his eyes just like Xia Mi, and even the expression on his face was synchronized with the sadness on Xia Mi's face.

Although it was said that Uesugoshi did not stay at the villa for long yesterday, and only sat there for less than an hour before leaving in a hurry to catch the evening flight, but even if the misunderstanding was explained clearly, the sense of oppression he brought to Lu Mingfei But it's the real deal.

In addition, so many things happened, and Lu Mingfei slept in the same room and bed with his senior brother, Lu Mingfei could not sleep at all last night...

"Okay, let's have breakfast. Eri usually doesn't get up until ten o'clock, so there's no need to call her. You can order whatever you want without being polite to me."

Turning her head to glance at Chu Zihang, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand while inserting the straw into the Coke.

"It just so happens that you have three days off due to the typhoon. After breakfast, I will come back to announce your initial special training plan."

"...Remember to eat enough."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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