The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 172 Mu Qingzhi’s future plans

Just when Chu Tianjiao was forced to escape from the extreme real-person temple, Mu Qingzhi squatted in front of a steel container in the dark basement.

A faint white air overflowed from the container and filled the entire basement. For a moment, the entire basement seemed to be filled with fairy energy.

"It feels like the situation is very unstable..."

Looking at the suitcase soaked in liquid nitrogen and covered with red flesh and blood, Mu Qingzhi frowned unconsciously.

Even though she had prepared liquid nitrogen and other things in advance, this was not a professional laboratory after all, and the conditions were quite limited.

I don't know if Odin's power excessively catalyzed the activity of this egg. Even if it was immersed in liquid nitrogen all night, this thing was still restless.

She had to come over and deal with it as soon as she found it, otherwise if she waited just a little longer, this thing might be able to hatch a dragon directly.

"Hey, system, how many generations does this thing belong to?"

After staring at the suitcase soaked in liquid nitrogen and pondering for a while, Mu Qingzhi asked in her mind.

"The one who can let Odin drive the puppets to snatch it, I think it should be at least the next generation, right?"

[Is there a possibility that Odin’s target is Chu Tianjiao? 】

"Absolutely impossible!!"

[Give up, self-hypnosis is useless, this thing is at most a third generation Zang Baotian... By the way, why do you want this thing? 】

"Dragon blood is the best material for making props."

Mu Qingzhi looked plausibly.

"Look, if I could raise a dragon and come here every day to bleed it, wouldn't I have endless raw materials that can be used to make high-end props?"

——In the words of a certain underworld lady, there is an infinite beautiful vision for the future.



[...I think Satan needs to have you tattooed on his back. 】

"Don't worry, you have an opinion even if the other party didn't say they have an opinion? Just say it directly, okay!!"

Pulling a bench from the side and sitting down, Mu Qingzhi snorted in displeasure.

"Did you know that I've wanted a random door for a long time?"

[The fetal blood of dragons of up to three generations can be used as consumption for purple props at most. props like the Any Door that can cross space at will, the quality is not only golden, you should give up. 】

"Purple props...purple is fine, at least you can save a lot of money."

After curling her lips, Mu Qingzhi muttered something in a low voice, somewhat unconvinced.

The manufacture of purple props must rely on some precious alchemy materials. She is not short of money now, but she is short of materials, otherwise she would not put her mind on dragon eggs...

"Wait a minute, if I go to borrow some blood from Xia Mi, will Xia Mi agree?"

Suddenly remembering something, Mu Qingzhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"After all, she is also the strongest second generation. If she is willing to donate generously and selflessly, maybe she can..."

[...Instead of counting on Xia Mi, I think you can count on Constantine. 】

After a moment of silence, the system responded.

[Constantine’s bone bottle is still in the Bronze City. It is the fetal blood of the majestic King of Bronze and Fire, and it can definitely meet your requirements. 】

"Yeah, if it weren't for your reminder, I almost didn't think of it."

Mu Qingzhi suddenly hit his palm with his fist, and a look of realization dawned on his face.

"When the time comes and I bleed Constantine every day, maybe I can make a set of golden equipment... Maybe equipment above gold is also possible!!"

[On top of gold? Now you have to rest for more than half a month to even create a golden item, which is even better than golden... Young people should not aim too high, be honest and down-to-earth, step by step, you have to learn from me back then. 】


【Yes! The wind rises at the end of Green Apple! ! From the lowest place, I climbed to the highest step by step, I...]

"Don't worry, I understand."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi looked at the suitcase again.

"You just want to climb to the top step by step. You want to be Zhao Gao."


"By the way, will Odin attack Bronze City in advance?"

As if she remembered something, Mu Qingzhi asked.

"Should we have found the Bronze City empty when we passed by? If my memory is correct, there seem to be two pure-blood dragons guarding there. What do they seem to be called... Grandson? Dragons are really weirdly named."

[…It’s Samson, the Dragon Attendant. 】

For some reason, the system sounds a little tired.

[Norton's Nibelungs are not that easy to invade. You were able to invade Odin's Nibelungs before, purely because Chu Tianjiao was there to help you break through the defense and make the opponent mentally negligent for a while. Otherwise, you It is impossible to invade at all. 】


[Kassel College is already conducting preliminary underwater exploration of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. If Odin wants to forcibly invade the Nibelungs in the Bronze City, he will definitely make a big noise, which cannot be hidden from the college. It's not yet the time for Constantine to wake up, and the other party won't take such a risk. 】

"Wait, what do you mean..."

[Yes, you are also on the key monitoring list now. 】

Rarely, Mu Qingzhi heard the system sigh.

[The Kassel College has just started the preliminary investigation and exploration work at the Three Gorges Reservoir, and you suddenly came to China. It is difficult not to let Angers think of things in this aspect. You know, in his eyes, you are a proper Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. 】

"Damn, do you really distrust us that much?"

Mu Qingzhi's face was furious.

"Although it is true that I came to China for the sake of Constantine in the Bronze City, how can the principal doubt me in this regard?"

[...I am very pleased with your shamelessness. 】

"Nonsense, how shameless am I? I'm obviously telling the truth... It seems that I won't be able to go to the Three Gorges in the short term."

Mu Qingzhi bit her thumb unconsciously and frowned.

Originally, she planned to invite Xia Mi to explore the Bronze City together in a week or two, but now it seems that this action may have to be postponed later.

[You wouldn’t be able to go in the short term. 】

——The system's tone was full of disgust.

[I have said before that you do not have the conditions to forcibly invade Norton Nibelungen. Even if no one stops you, if you and Xia Mi go to the Three Gorges together, you will not be able to enter the Bronze City. 】

"Why is it impossible? Just use the submarine to evade the ground. I remember that Bronze City is buried underground. Then we can just use the traffic circle..."

[That is a Nibelung, independent of the world. The reason why it was exposed underwater due to earthquakes was because of Odin's actions. Do you really think that the bronze city was buried underground and In the water? 】

" doesn't matter, I have Old Tang!!"

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand confidently.

"Just put Old Tang in a sack and bring him here from the United States, and then ask him to help open the Nibelung!"

[…Then Norton wakes up from Old Tang’s body and opens the Dragon Slaying Copy of the Lord of Bronze and Fire a few years in advance? You can hardly even fight Odin now. Are you sure you and Xia Mi can defeat an angry Dragon King together? 】

Along with the sound of bubbles being poured into the cup, the system hummed softly in its mouth.

[Even if the other party has had a lot of things taken away, it is still not something you can deal with, let alone the Seven Deadly Sins and two next-generation dragon attendants in the Bronze City. Although the plot is already very confusing, if you do this, it will undoubtedly mess up the plot even more. 】

"I'm just going to give you a little oral pleasure. You don't need to lecture me in a long way, right?"

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi placed one hand on his knees to support his chin, and poked the suitcase inside the container with the small wooden stick in his hand as if bored.

"This won't work, that won't work either. Why don't you find a feasible way for me? It can't really be delayed until Constantine is brought back to the academy when the plot starts a few years later, right?"

[Fantasy, omnipotent. 】


[Constantine can’t do anything for the time being, but we have Fenrir. Wouldn’t it be enough to borrow something from Fenrir and then create a prop that can successfully enter Niperosaurus? As for monitoring, it's easy to handle. The simplest clone hammer can be used, but you still haven't jumped out of the usual thinking. 】

While drinking the frozen Coke from the Coke cup, the system's tone was full of hatred.

[We have the power of fantasy. We can create whatever we want. We are omnipotent, okay? 】

"Tch, you're still here bragging about being omnipotent... Since you claim to be omnipotent, how did you end up where you are now?"

Mu Qingzhi threw all the wooden sticks aside and curled her lips.

[…Once upon a time, I was invincible. 】


[Then the enemy came from the sky...]


【Um? What's wrong? 】

"Let's sign up for a cross talk class!! There is definitely a future in cross talk or something like that!!"

【? ? ? 】


Mu Qingzhi didn't stay in the basement for too long.

After briefly handling the egg in the suitcase to ensure that she could remain stable in the near future, Mu Qingzhi left the basement.

But what she didn't expect was that when she came back to the lobby on the first floor, she found that among the three people originally lying on the sofa, there seemed to be another person lying dead...

"Uh...what's wrong with him?"

Pointing at Chu Tianjiao, who was lying dead on the sofa, Mu Qingzhi looked inquiringly at Jiude Mai, who was warming milk.

Facing her inquiry, Mai Shutoku did not reply, but silently pointed to the treadmill in the corner.

——This treadmill is designed to cure all dissatisfaction.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

No more today, will be updated tomorrow.

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