The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 173 Summer vacation is coming

The sky was empty, without any clouds.

The sun scorched the earth like an oven, and it was so bright that it dazzled people's eyes.

This hot weather is like hell for office workers, but for students still in the ivory tower, it is a sign that the long summer vacation is coming.

Sitting in his seat in the classroom, with his head lowered, Lu Mingfei kept writing in his hand, writing elegant answers in the exercise book.

In the past, his handwriting was barely legible, but after half a year of handwriting correction practice at the frequency of several pages a day, beautiful and neat handwriting has become his habit. .

More than ten days have passed since the typhoon day, and everything has returned to normal routine again, but Lu Mingfei clearly understands that some things are different.

Dragons, hybrids, word spirits, alchemy tools... it's a whole new world.

And now, he has officially entered that magical world.

Over the past few days, he has been undergoing tests with Chu Zihang, Xia Mi and the others. The previous three days of vacation were almost like...

As if he thought of something, the pen in his hand faltered slightly, and Lu Mingfei's face darkened slightly.

In those few days, the alchemy props for testing that Lao Yan created almost became another nightmare for him.

Every time he was tested, he felt as if he had died. It was simply inhumane...

"Lu Mingfei."

At this moment, a voice came from outside the classroom.

——When Lu Mingfei turned his head, he saw Xia Mi standing outside the window with a smile and waving to him.

"What are your plans for the summer vacation...why do you suddenly ask me this?"

Turning to look at Xia Mi beside him, Lu Mingfei was slightly confused.

At this time, they were standing under the eaves waiting for Chu Zihang. The other party was on duty today and would probably not be able to come down until later.

"My summer vacation plan, didn't Zhi tell you?"

Xia Mi blinked.

"During this summer vacation, we will start a group training, maybe go to BJ's place, and then... wait, are you not prepared for anything?"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Since that day, they have been receiving relevant training under Lao Yan. However, it is said to be training, but in fact it is just a test. The formal training plan will be postponed to the summer vacation... Lao Yan seems to have really said that?

Among the three, he is the weakest physically.

After a test, Chu Zihang, Xia Mi and the others could recover in about half an hour, while it would take him at least more than an hour.

He vaguely remembered that when Lao Yan announced this to them, he was lying upright on the sofa...

"Formal training...I think I might not be able to keep up."

Sighing, Lu Mingfei squatted on the ground in frustration.

"Compared to the two of you, my strength is far behind and my physical fitness is too weak. I may be given up soon."

The biggest fear in everything is comparison. In the past, Lu Mingfei was still complacent and thought he was a genius... especially when he knocked down more than 30 strong men with one shot.

But in the past few days, the comparison with Xia Mi and Chu Zihang had seriously destroyed his self-confidence.

It's understandable that I can't compare to my senior brother, but if I can't compare to Xia Mi, my junior sister, that's somewhat unjustifiable.

"How is that possible? I think what Zhi values ​​​​most is senior brother You."

Sitting down next to Lu Mingfei, Xia Mi reached out and patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder encouragingly.

"Senior brother Chu Zihang and I have awakened our bloodline, so our physical fitness is much stronger than yours. Senior brother, you haven't awakened your bloodline yet, so naturally you can't compare with us. Don't give up on yourself."

"…I hope so."

Looking at the bright sun outside, Lu Mingfei sighed.

"By the way, senior brother, aren't you friends who have been friends online for several years? Why do you feel like you are more incompatible with each other than we are?"

Xia Mi rolled his eyes slightly and asked.

"Judging from your previous description, your relationship online should be very good, right?"

Although the other party may not even notice it, Xia Mi can clearly feel that Norton seems to care about Lu Mingfei very much, even more than Constantine.

But through close observation over the past few days, she found that Lu Mingfei was almost an ordinary person. He had zero sympathy for Long Wen and was not even a mixed race.

But it's incredible that such an ordinary person can get Norton... Zhi's great attention.

In addition, Xia Mi has observed that in the past few days, Lu Mingfei seemed to be deliberately avoiding something, let alone being alone, and did not even dare to look at Zhi, which made her simply No useful data can be found.

——With her character, she cannot always be threatened by Norton with Fenrir.

As long as she can find the opponent's leverage, she can also manipulate the opponent in reverse! !

"The Internet is the Internet. I have always regarded Lao Yan as a bad friend. I used to make a lot of jokes on the Internet, but in the end, my former good brother turned into a cute girl... How do you want me to face it?"

Looking at the shadow cast by the sunlight on the steps under the eaves in front of him, Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"Don't say it's face to face, I don't even dare to mention those things on the Internet, okay? It would be very embarrassing if that kind of thing was said openly."

"Hmm...she called you daddy, and you asked her to bark like a dog?"

After thinking for a moment, Xia Mi turned his head to look at him and stretched out a finger in front of him with a serious look.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...So you insist on which pot you don’t open and which pot you pick up?

"Actually, I don't think Zhi is such a stingy person. Maybe she has completely forgotten about it... By the way, isn't that why you don't want to live there?"

As if something suddenly occurred to him, Xia Mi asked.

In order to facilitate the training, Zhi had invited them to live there before. She readily agreed, but Lu Mingfei chose to refuse.

She knew Lu Mingfei's family situation, so she couldn't understand the reason why the other party insisted on staying at his aunt's house. The extremely polite atmosphere of treating the other party as a guest... It was really a shame that the other party could endure it. .

"...Maybe it's because that's my home."

After a moment of silence, Lu Mingfei looked up into the distance and answered.

"No matter what, there is still a bed that belongs to me there, letting me know that no matter what time it is, I still have the last place to go... I think everyone must have at least one that can be called A place of home.”

When he said this, Lu Mingfei turned to face her and smiled.

"Of course, if one day I am kicked out by my aunt, I will definitely beg you to take care of me."

Xia Mi: "......"

At this moment, Chu Zihang's voice came from behind them.

"Come on, it's already cleaned."

Carrying a schoolbag, Chu Zihang looked concise and concise.

"The driver is waiting for us outside the school."

ps: There will be two more updates later.

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