The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 174 Just falling on the ground

Chapter 174 Just falling on the ground~

Summer is hot.

With the arrival of summer vacation, the outside temperature is gradually rising. For some people, the situation has reached a point where they cannot survive without turning on the air conditioner.

"...So this is the reason why you made a snow field indoors?"

Looking at the snow covering almost half of the living room, Mai Shutoku had a dark look on her face.

"If it's hot, wouldn't it be enough to turn on the air conditioner?"

At this time, in the area covered with plastic sheets indoors, snowflakes were continuously falling overhead. In just half an hour, a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the floor.

Although she had long been accustomed to all kinds of weird images created by her eldest lady, she was still a little unable to hold back when she saw this scene when she came back from shopping for groceries.

"There's no atmosphere when the air conditioner is on, and besides, I'm not playing, I'm doing an experiment."

Waving his hands, Mu Qingzhi, who was sitting at the table, continued to study the things on the table without raising her head.

——Beside her, Eriyi was making a snowman happily.

"...Forget it, you can play whatever you want."

Sighing, Mai Shutoku walked in with the groceries she bought.

Although they have gourmet tablecloths, theoretically they don’t need to cook or buy food by themselves, but after using Tu Xinxian for a few days, after a unanimous vote of three people, with three votes, the gourmet tablecloths were finally chosen. Still being ruthlessly abandoned.

...In someone's words, when eating melon seeds, there are only melon seed kernels and no melon seed shells, which is like having no soul.

In addition, she really had nothing to do here, so Mai Shutoku simply picked up the cookbook and contracted the cooking business by herself, trying to get closer to her sister in terms of cooking skills.

Now three meals a day are provided by her alone.


After all, Mu Qingzhi is really conducting experiments now.

Learning the Free Technique did not happen overnight, and gold-quality props were temporarily shelved due to lack of materials. So after some thought, Mu Qingzhi finally focused on purple props whose materials were easier to obtain.

...The dragon egg in the basement has made great achievements.

How to make purple props achieve the effect of golden props is the problem she is currently overcoming.

Originally, in theory, this was impossible to achieve, but after a lot of exploration and attempts, Mu Qingzhi found that this kind of thing seemed to be possible...

--side effect.

The props she had created in the past, no matter how effective they were, such as the na ring making a na sound or the zhidianzhe emitting golden light in the dark, had no meaning, but they were all positive anyway.

...If some side effects can be added to props, will it be possible to break through the limits of materials and achieve higher quality?

In theory, Mu Qingzhi thinks this is feasible.

Through as many as 1,000 experiments, she successfully produced green-quality props using white-grade materials, truly proving the feasibility of this idea.

But just when she tried to use green-level materials to make blue-quality props, something went wrong. No matter how she accumulated side effects, the props she made could not break through the blue-quality restrictions. It left her puzzled.

Over the past few days, she has been struggling with this question, but she has never been able to find an answer.

"It's strange. What's the problem? It should be theoretically possible..."

Mu Qingzhi crossed her arms across her chest and looked at the badge in front of her with a thoughtful look on her face.


[Item name: Snowfall Badge]

[Grade: Green]

[Effect ①: Snowfall. After activating the badge, snowflakes will continue to fall within a five-meter radius centered on the badge. 】

[Effect ②: Solar energy. The badge uses solar energy as its energy source and can continue to snow for 30 minutes after being fully charged. 】

[Side Effect ①: Every time you activate the badge, you will have a high probability of falling flat on the ground. 】

[Side Effect ②: Every time the badge is activated, 500 yuan will be crossed out from your bank card. 】

[Side Effect ③: Every time you activate the badge, you will randomly encounter a minor unfortunate event. 】

[Remarks: None. (Teacher is currently on leave)]


In Mu Qingzhi's imagination, she had already added three side effects to it. After all, the quality of this badge should reach blue quality, but the quality has always been stuck there. .

She was sure that she was going in the right direction, but the fact poured cold water on her. She wanted to go to the system to ask, but the guy skipped work in the name of taking a summer vacation... So she has been stuck at this step.

Although it is not impossible to continue to add side effects to it, but in this case, it will be somewhat worth the loss and there will be no practical value at all.

"I must have overlooked some step..."

Reaching out and pressing her forehead, Mu Qingzhi exhaled slightly in her mouth.

She has been doing experiments and research like crazy these days, and even her mind is a little groggy. Using her omnipotent hands to create props really consumes her mental energy.

"...Forget it, let's continue tomorrow."

Looking at the top of the head where it was no longer snowing, Mu Qingzhi took the badge back into the ring.

Just as she stood up to get a can of Coke from the refrigerator, the doorbell at the villa door rang.

"Hmm...Is it noon? If you think about it this way, Lu Mingfei and the others should officially be on summer vacation today..."

He raised his head and glanced outside, then glanced at Eriyi who was still building a snowman very seriously. After thinking for a while, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the table.

Although she gave Xia Mi the key to this place a few days ago, if Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were there, they would usually choose to ring the doorbell out of politeness.

As perhaps the top wealthy community in the city, the villas in Peacock Mansion are quite luxurious and elegant, and the courtyards are quite large. However, because the sun is too poisonous, no one usually goes out in this weather. .

Mu Qingzhi casually put on a pair of slippers, walked to the courtyard and opened the door.

As expected, it was Chu Zihang and the others outside the door. It looked like they had just gotten off the driver's car. When he saw her, the driver raised his hand to say hello to her.

It seemed that Chu Tianjiao was in a good mood because he finally resolved the misunderstanding with his son. Mu Qingzhi didn’t know what the conversation between him and Chu Zihang was, but from then on, Chu Tianjiao Judging from the performance, it seems that the effect is pretty good.

In the past, Chu Zihang rarely smiled, but now, the number of smiles on his face has increased visibly.

"Why, doesn't your father come over to have dinner with you?"

Looking at the Maybach that had already driven away again, Mu Qingzhi asked curiously.

Chu Tianjiao didn't think it was unlucky. After the original Maybach was destroyed by Odin, he bought a brand new Maybach in a few days. The Maybach he drove today to pick up his son from school seemed to be Especially love this brand.

"He has some things to deal with and has been busy again recently."

He also turned to look at the leaving Maybach, and Chu Zihang unconsciously had a smile on his face.

"But he said that if he has time in the future, he will specially treat you to a meal."

"...Okay, let's go in."

Looking at Lu Mingfei who had deliberately lost sight of herself, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly, turned around and walked towards the villa.

"You came just in time. The previous test results have come out. I'll give them to you later..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt her feet inexplicably tripped by the air, and then she fell forward unconsciously.

Although she tried to save herself during the process, she ended up throwing herself on the street without exception, giving the three people behind her a standard flat fall.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...She suddenly thought of the description on the badge.

Originally, she didn't pay much attention to that side effect. After all, with her current strength, it was impossible to fall flat on the ground, so this side effect was basically equivalent to nothing.

But she didn't expect that this fall on the ground was actually a mandatory fall on the ground. If there was no difficulty, she insisted on creating difficulties...

"Sorry, I stayed up late last night, so I was a little confused."

Under the astonished gazes of the three people behind her, Mu Qingzhi climbed up from the ground very calmly. Although she was wearing a white T-shirt and shorts, with her physical fitness, she could barely stand on the ground. If she fell, she wouldn't be injured.

"In addition, at that moment, the earth's gravity suddenly failed for a moment, so I..."


As if it was a reenactment of the previous scene, before Mu Qingzhi could finish her explanation, a puddle of bird droppings fell from a high altitude without any bias, and then landed accurately on her head.

Everyone: "..."

"What's up with her?"

Seeing the eldest lady rushing up the stairs with her head covered, Mai Shutoku, who was wearing an apron and ready to get out of the refrigerator to get ingredients, looked strangely at the three people who walked in silently behind her.


After the three of them looked at each other for a moment, Xia Mi was the first to answer.

Looking up at the stairs, she nodded firmly.

"If I'm not wrong, Zhi must have had Mercury retrograde recently."

Mai Shutoku: "???"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later, so no need to wait, just wait until tomorrow morning.

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