Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

While washing her hair, Mu Qingzhi frowned and reflected on her previous experiences.

...Frankly speaking, that flat ground fall was a bit outrageous.

She is completely strong and makes no sense. She is a fire mist who can fight with Odin, but she is defeated by a small flat ground...

"...It feels like you have developed a great use?"

Glancing at the bright sunshine outside, after thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi took out the snowfall badge again and threw it under the sun.

The previous situation does not prove anything. It is also possible that she was careless for a while. After all, her brain was a little confused due to a large number of experiments during this period. If she wants to get an accurate result, she has to do it several times. Just experiment.

...She is very strict.

There was no intention of using a hair dryer. After casually wiping her hair with a dry towel, Mu Qingzhi went straight downstairs.

——In the midsummer weather, hair dries quickly.

But what she didn't expect was that after seeing her come down with her wet hair, the expression on Eriki's face suddenly became a little unhappy.

After glaring at her with a sullen expression, Eriyi trotted all the way upstairs. Within a few minutes, she ran downstairs with a high-power hair dryer and moved it over. A small bench pressed her down on the chair very forcefully.

[Sit tight and I'll help you dry your hair, otherwise you'll catch a cold. 】

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...It seems like I am the older sister, right?

However, the complaints in her heart were complaints. Under the pressure of Hui Liyi's inexplicably powerful aura, Mu Qingzhi finally sat on the chair and enjoyed Hui Liyi's service.

As for Chu Zihang and the others... they are busy shoveling the snow now.

In such a hot weather, the thick pile of snow on the ground will melt quickly. If you don't take the time to pile all the snow out, the house will be filled with water in a short time.

"Alchemy is indeed magical."

Looking at the pile of snow piled up in the yard, and then looking up at the bright sun above his head, Chu Zihang seemed a little emotional.

Xia Mi: "......"

...Well, it is indeed quite magical.

They didn't move the snowman that Eri had made. Instead, they found a basin and put it in it, and then piled it directly in the corner of the living room. It looked so cute in its stupidity.


"...Is this the result of the test?"

Looking away from the paper in his hand and looking up at Uesugi Zhi in front of him, Chu Zihang asked in a subtle tone.

The content on the paper is very simple, even too concise.


【Chu Zihang】


[Agility]: 17

[Physique]: 21



"Yes, it is more concise and clear to express it in the form of data."

Still sitting on the stool obediently, with an extra black coat on her upper body, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

——Behind her, Eriyi, who was holding a hair dryer in her hand, was helping her blow dry her hair bit by bit.

The disadvantage of long hair is that not only does it take time to wash, but it also takes even more time to blow dry.

"For an adult who works out regularly, the average of various attributes is around 15 points. You can use this as a reference. After awakening your bloodline, you will actually be far superior to humans."

"15 o'clock..."

Lowering his head, Lu Mingfei secretly glanced at the note in his hand.


【Lu Mingfei】

【Strength: 10】

[Agility: 11]

[Physique: 10]

【Spirit: 13】


Compared with Chu Zihang's attribute table, his attribute is undoubtedly quite miserable.

"Don't worry, your attributes are very good. After all, you haven't awakened your bloodline yet, so you are naturally incomparable with the two of them."

As if she saw what he was thinking, the girl turned to look at him.

"Don't forget, you are still young now, and you will have a lot of room to grow in the future."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

……Small? It's obviously because you look younger...

"Are you going to BJ's for special training?"

Putting down the paper in his hand, Chu Zihang asked in a deep voice.

"I have indeed felt an inexplicable hot feeling in the past few days. Is that the word spirit that appears after the awakening of the bloodline?"

"Yes, so we have to find a quieter place."

Mu Qingzhi raised her head and took an extra look at Chu Zihang.

Because nothing happened to Chu Tianjiao, and the misunderstanding between father and son was resolved, Chu Zihang looked much brighter now than before.

"Some spiritual spirits are so destructive that once released in a downtown area, they will inevitably cause an uproar and may cause unnecessary casualties, so a place away from crowds is necessary."

Chu Zihang's speech spirit is Jun Yan. This is the 89th high-risk speech spirit in the speech spirit sequence. It is not so easy to control. If you are not careful, you may even hurt yourself. Although the hybrid is accidentally injured by his own speech spirit every year. Not much, but always there.

"BJ... considered to be far away from the crowd?"

Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"Can't I take Eri Yi to see the national flag raising and the Great Wall? You mind me."

After glancing at Lu Mingfei, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"In short, the schedule for this summer vacation has been decided. During this summer vacation, you must at least initially master your own speaking skills."

——She said this specifically to Chu Zihang.

Xia Mi didn't need to worry about her. There was a high probability that Lu Mingfei would only have one word spirit that didn't want to die, so couldn't he just teach Chu Zihang?

"Yan Ling...I understand."

After a moment of pondering, Chu Zihang nodded.

"I will work hard and strive to..."

Before Chu Zihang finished speaking, the next moment, he suddenly felt a trace of palpitations inexplicably, as if something extremely bad had happened at this moment, in this scorching summer. Here, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.


His right hand was subconsciously placed on his heart. Chu Zihang's face looked a little confused for a moment.

...I don’t know why, but he felt that his heart suddenly became empty.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing his change and turning to look at him, Xia Mi asked strangely.


After pressing his heart hard, Chu Zihang waved his hand.

"Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night, so..."

...His words were interrupted by the sudden ringing of a mobile phone in his pocket.

When Chu Zihang took out his cell phone from his pocket and saw the caller, his heart suddenly dropped to the bottom.

The caller was none other than Chu Tianjiao, who had just parted ways.

But before, the man clearly said that he would be busy at work recently and might not have time to call...

Recalling the inexplicable heart palpitations before, with a little anxiety and uneasiness, Chu Zihang answered the phone.

——There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Just when Chu Zihang couldn't help but wanted to ask, a hoarse sound that sounded like bone friction came from the other end of the phone.

"...the world...destiny...disobedience..."

"Who are you!?"

His expression suddenly changed, and Chu Zihang suddenly stood up from the sofa.

"Where's that man!? Tell him to answer the phone!!!"


“Give me your phone!!”

At this moment, she also vaguely sensed something was wrong. She stood up and stretched out her hand towards Chu Zihang.

But at this moment, Chu Zihang no longer cared about this. All his attention at this time was focused on the strange syllables coming from the other end of the phone.

The sound was very small at first, but as the syllables were repeated, the sound became louder and louder. In the end, those syllables were completely resounding in his mind...

...Every word is like thunder! !

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I have counted the chapters I owe, and I still owe forty chapters. I will try to pay them off within this month...

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