...It is difficult to use words to describe the scene Chu Zihang saw at this moment.

When the strange syllables in his mind were active to the highest level, his sight seemed to pass through the barriers of many spaces. Countless scenes flickered in front of him into jumping lights and shadows, and finally locked on a certain frozen picture.

In that painting, Chu Zihang saw Odin and his father at the same time. The newly bought Maybachs were piled aside like scrap metal, and the man who had just parted with him was struck by the tip of a black gun. The penetration hung in mid-air.

Under the blue sky, Odin's blue cloak was fluttering in the strong wind. As if aware of his gaze, the god's blazing golden eyes looked straight at him.

The other party's gaze seemed to carry some mysterious power, burning his eyes with rising heat. It was like a red-hot iron was inserted into his mind. Chu Zihang gritted his teeth and refused to move away. sight.

...It's okay, it's just a penetrating injury. As long as you can recognize where you are here, there is a chance that the man can be rescued...

——The severe pain coming from his cheek interrupted his thoughts.

Chu Zihang, whose eyes, nose, and mouth began to bleed continuously, was hit with a leaping friendship-breaking fist, and fell to the sofa. With a cold face, Mu Qingzhi reached out and snatched the phone from the opponent's hand.


After a brief silence, Odin's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"long time no……"

"Where is Chu Tianjiao, and what did you do to him!?"

Without giving the other party a chance to speak, Mu Qingzhi directly interrupted the other party's words.

"What? You're a psychopath, aren't you!? After losing your horse, you're targeting other people's dads!?"

"...You can't fight fate."

It seemed that she didn't expect that she would curse wildly as soon as she arrived. After a brief silence, Odin's voice sounded again, as if he was thinking about something. The god's voice seemed low and solemn.

"What has been done will be done again; what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Those who disobey fate will be crushed by fate."

After saying this in a stern manner, the other party hung up the phone unilaterally.

Frowning, Mu Qingzhi was about to say something when a bolt of lightning suddenly pierced the sky, and the rumble of thunder also sounded faintly on the horizon.

——The first heavy rain after the summer vacation came quietly at this moment.


Because of this unexpected episode in summer, the atmosphere in the room can take a sudden turn for the worse.

Chu Zihang's injuries were not serious, but more of a mental blow.

After Odin hung up the phone, he sat on the sofa in silence with his head lowered, looking a little confused.

Mai Jiude went to the side to call someone to check the itinerary of the Maybach, but Mu Qingzhi turned around and headed to the basement with a cold face.

...She never thought that Odin would be so incompetent.

In the past ten days, she had indeed been worried that Odin might come back with a vengeance... After all, the opponent's target was Chu Tianjiao.

But since nothing happened for more than ten days in a row, she relaxed her vigilance. After all, she was not Chu Tianjiao's nanny, so how could she be with him all the time?

If you think about it carefully, Odin should still have some dignity.

After all, the dignified Dragon King is specifically targeting a mixed race, especially after he has failed once before. If word gets out, it would be too cheap.

——But the other party is really shameless.

If one attack doesn't work, then try it again. Even this time, the other party deliberately learned the lesson and specifically chose Chu Tianjiao to attack when he was alone... Is anyone so good at summarizing the experience of failure?

Chu Tianjiao, the front footer, had just driven away and announced that something had happened less than half an hour later. It was obvious that the other party had been secretly watching.

The villain is actually not scary. What is scary is a villain who constantly sums up his own failures... especially a guy like Odin who doesn't know how many puppets he has prepared for himself.

And besides that...

In the basement, looking at the egg in the container in front of her, Mu Qingzhi exhaled slightly in her mouth.

...This is not the first time.

The person he wanted to kill was not killed, and the person he wanted to save was not saved.

Herzog, who had clearly been confirmed by him to be dead, crawled out of hell in a daze, and Chu Tianjiao, who had clearly been confirmed to be safe, still fell into Odin's hands in the end.

Even though the plot has been messed up by her, there is still some kind of power silently correcting the plot.


With a calm face, after making sure that the dragon egg had not been touched, Mu Qingzhi took out her cell phone and dialed Angers number.

Although at this time, it is most likely midnight in the United States, but since Angers has disturbed her morning sleep once, it is not surprising that she is back with revenge.

...She generally doesn't hold grudges.

After about half a minute of ringing, Angers answered the call.

Before the other party could speak, Mu Qingzhi said this quickly.

"Five minutes ago, Chu Tianjiao was confirmed to be missing, and the murderer was Odin."

Angers: "..."

For a moment, the principal, who had just sat up from the bed, once again experienced the feeling of myocardial infarction.

"...He came to the door again?"

After a moment of silence, Angers asked.

"That's right, not only that, the guy who couldn't afford it also deliberately called to provoke me."

The girl's voice came from the other end of the phone, her tone seemed a bit cold.

"That guy won't appear in front of me in the short term. The investigation of it depends on the principal. I'm calling this time. In addition to informing me about this matter, I also want the principal to help me investigate."

"What to check?"

He stood up from the bed very simply, holding the phone in one hand, and Ange went to his desk and turned on the computer.

"Suppose, during the Greenland ice incident a few years ago. If Zhisheng and Aki had not enrolled in school, how many students would be sent there to participate in the incident? Who would they be and how many of them would they be? specific situation now.”

Angers: "..."

...What the hell are these problems?

"Not only that, I have another problem."

Looking down at the liquid nitrogen escaping from the container on the side, Mu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Also, where are the three of Khorkina and the others who were brought back by the secret party? I tried to find them in the past two years, but I couldn't find any trace of them at all."

"The first question will take time to review, but I can tell you the next question now."

While operating on the keyboard with one hand, Ange spoke in a deep voice.

"About three years ago, your three former companions were taken away by a man, and they are currently working in an isolated place."


"Lu Mingfei's father, Lu Lincheng."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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