...Lulin City?

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Mu Qingzhi found out the existence of the other party from his memory.

No wonder she thought about it for so long. In fact, in the first three Dragon Clan movies she had watched, the existence of Lu Mingfei's parents was just a background.

And while she was thinking about it, as if he was afraid that she wouldn't know, Ange told her the other party's information simply.

"Lu Lincheng, an honorary alumnus of Kassel College, with an S-level mixed bloodline, and an important member of the secret party. Calculating the time, I haven't seen him for several years. He has been staying in the haven all these years. inside."

"The safe haven...is the one you mentioned before?"

Mu Qingzhi seemed to have remembered something and asked.

"Yes, that friend of yours was imprisoned in the safe haven, and Lulincheng was his captor."

Although he knew that the other party could not see it, Ange still nodded a little while checking the information.

"I don't know where the safe haven is. Although I am the spokesperson of the Secret Party, the Secret Party has hidden many things from me, including the specific location of the safe haven... I suspect it should be a Nibelungen."

"Nibelungen...what does he want Khorkina and the others to do?"

Unconsciously, Mu Qingzhi frowned.

"I don't know. In fact, I haven't contacted him for a long time."

Angers narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the content that appeared on the screen in front of him one by one.

"If you want information about those friends, I can help you ask them later, and then see if I can get some letters... By the way, the result of the first question is out."

"What's the result?"

"Three are missing and one was killed."


"According to your hypothesis, the number of manpower activated for the Ice Sea incident should be around six people. Based on the student assessment results at that time, I selected the six most likely people."

Looking at the computer screen in front of him, Ange's tone seemed a little cold.

"Except for Eva and Fingel, the other four people had accidents in the next year or two. Some were injured or killed while performing missions, and some disappeared mysteriously while performing a difficult mission. It can now be determined that Fallen for them."

"……I see."

Reaching out and pressing her forehead, Mu Qingzhi exhaled slightly in her mouth.

"Why, do you have any clues about this kind of thing?"

Leaning back on the armrest of the chair, staring dimly at the computer screen in front of him, Ange asked the girl on the other end of the phone.

"You called me in the middle of the night. What you want to talk about should be more than just that. What did Odin's reappearance make you discover?"

"Almost, I did find something."

On the other end of the phone, the girl seemed to sigh.

"Odin not only doesn't have a horse, he also doesn't have a mother."

Angers: "..."

"Okay, that's it, bye."

After leaving such a sentence without thinking, the other party simply hung up the communication.


Ange pressed his temples with his tired hands, and threw his mobile phone on the table. Under the deep night, his golden pupils were quietly lit up, shining like light.

"Norma, help me get in touch with the school board."

——No one can sleep tonight.


"Is there any help?"

Listening to the words of the girl in front of him, Chu Zihang suddenly raised his head as if he suddenly came back to his senses.

"As long as the person is not dead, I can save him."

Putting the bottle of Coke he just took from the refrigerator on the coffee table, Mu Qingzhi nodded affirmatively.

"And even if the person dies, I can still bring him back to life."

Chu Zihang: "..."

"Why, you don't believe it, right? Forget it if you don't believe it."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked at the ceiling.

"In that case, just give up on yourself here alone. Your home is next door anyway, and I won't stop you. As for the individual existence named Chu Tianjiao, just let him pass away completely."

"……what should I do?"

Looking up at the other party, Chu Zihang asked.

"How to do it? Just cheer up first and then talk."

Mu Qingzhi continued to look up at the ceiling.

"Odin is just a shameless guy. He won't appear in front of me again in a short time, but we can find a way to find him. But with your current half-baked strength, if you meet the opponent, you will have to kill him. Let alone rescuing people.”

"...When shall we set off?"

After a long silence, Chu Zihang took a deep breath and stood up from the sofa.

——The friendship-breaking fist that Mu Qingzhi just dealt was extremely heavy, and now his right cheek is still a little red and swollen.

"Let's talk in a few days, until you calm down."

Always looking up at the ceiling, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand.

"Don't be affected by Odin's nonsense. The last paragraph he said was completely copied from a certain chapter in the Bible. The Bible may have been written by him himself. That guy is very good at pretending to be a ghost. He is obviously himself. He can't afford to lose, so he insists on putting a high-level label on his face, as if this can excuse his villainous behavior..."

Mu Qingzhi sneered in her mouth.

"The so-called rhetoric of fate is just a way for him to put money on his face. In fact, in the final analysis, it is just a villain behavior of a guy who has lost his horse and desperately wants to regain his place. Otherwise, he would not be dedicated I made that phone call to you. It was completely cover-up, used to find a reasonable excuse for his revenge. If it was fate, did he need to explain so much? It was simply funny... ...Eriyi, are you still okay?"

With a grimace on her face, Mu Qingzhi asked Eri Yi who was sitting behind her.

Unlike Lu Mingfei or Xia Mi, although what happened just now, it had no impact on Eriki. All she cared about was that her sister's hair had not been finished blow-drying.

Faced with her inquiry, Eriki shook her head firmly.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."


Originally, Mai Shutoku had planned lunch for Chu Zihang and the others. In order to celebrate the arrival of summer vacation, she made a special trip to buy a lot of delicious food.

But all of this came to an end when something unexpected happened.

Chu Zihang had no intention of eating at all. He just kept browsing the news on his mobile phone, hoping to find news reports about the Maybach. Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi had a good appetite, and they were already hungry. But looking at Chu Zihang sitting on the sofa over there, they always felt that the chopsticks in their hands seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pieces, and they couldn't lift them at all...

This depressing and silent atmosphere lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon.

After searching for relevant props, Mu Qingzhi found traces of the two Maybachs in an uninhabited wilderness near Peacock Mansion just as the heavy rain stopped.

After Mai Jiudoku arrived at the scene with Chu Zihang and the others, they found no trace of human beings or any traces of blood at the scene. There was only a tattered Maybach at the scene.

The Maybach, worth 9 million, seemed to have been blasted from top to bottom with a machine gun. It was riddled with holes, and the scene was like a scene after the riots of World War II.

——In the end, Chu Zihang found a knife in the carriage.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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