The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 178 Excess and Experimentation

Chu Zihang's recovery speed was much faster than Mu Qingzhi imagined.

Obviously yesterday, the boy was still holding Murasame with his head lowered, and his sadness seemed to come out from every corner of his body, but the next day, the other person returned to his previous appearance.

Although it was only one night, the other party seemed to have grown a lot during that night... By the way, if Chu Zihang had the Sharingan, would he be able to directly activate the kaleidoscope?

——Looking at Chu Zihang in front of him, holding his chin with one hand, Mu Qingzhi thought about this issue seriously in her heart.

"...When can we set off? I'm ready."

Feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by the girl in front of him with her direct eyes, Chu Zihang subconsciously looked away.

"...The day after tomorrow, I still have some things to deal with here."

After coming back to her senses, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand after thinking for a moment.

"But before you leave for BJ, you can do some targeted training... By the way, what do you want to learn? I have..."

"Alchemy, okay?"

Looking directly at the girl in front of him, Chu Zihang's eyes were firm.

In the past half month, he has witnessed the magic and omnipotence of alchemy with his own eyes, practicing step by step. He doesn't know when he will be able to defeat Odin and save his father, but as for alchemy... it is a method that can create The power of miracles.

"Uh... not for now."

The expression on his face froze for a moment. Facing the other party's fiery eyes, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand decisively.

"A building of ten thousand feet starts from the bottom. There is no reason in the world to learn to fly before you can even walk. With your current level, you are not qualified to touch alchemy. You should start from the basics first."


This "alchemy" of hers cannot be taught to others.

"By the way, have you ever learned swordsmanship?"

In order to prevent the other party from getting entangled in this matter again, Mu Qingzhi quickly changed the topic, ignoring the disappointed look in Chu Zihang's eyes.

"I see that you specially brought Murasame here today. It seems that you want to practice kendo?"

"Yeah, I've learned a little bit."

Concealing the disappointment in his heart very well, Chu Zihang nodded.

"I signed up for a course at the Municipal Children's Palace and studied for a while."

"Okay, then let's start with kendo instruction today."

After looking up at the clock hanging on the wall to estimate the time, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the sofa.

"Just before Lu Mingfei comes over, let's go to the courtyard to test your swordsmanship."


It seemed that he did not expect that the other party would make this request. Looking at the girl in front of him who was not as tall as his chest, Chu Zihang couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Thanks to Lu Mingfei, he knew the other party's family background. She was an upright daughter of the Japanese underworld. This kind of existence should have been pampered since childhood.

It's not that he underestimated the opponent, but in swordsmanship, he was a swordsman genius who defeated the invincible hand of the Children's Palace after only one month of training. He was called the Sword Master of the Children's Palace by the people in the Children's Palace.

If you fight the opponent yourself... wouldn't you be bullying the opponent a little too much?

"Why, it seems like you are very confident in yourself?"

He could tell at a glance what the other person was thinking, and with a sneer in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi walked into the courtyard and raised her fingers towards the other person in the room.

"Come on, let's make a show. As long as you can hit me or make my foot move a step during the test, I will teach you alchemy. Otherwise, you have to call me master from now on. How about it, do you dare to bet? "


His eyes flickered slightly, and Chu Zihang nodded without hesitation.

——In a single competition of swordsmanship, he would never lose.

So, when Lu Mingfei arrived dozens of minutes later, what he saw at first sight was the scene of a bruised and swollen Chu Zihang bowing respectfully to a young girl and offering her tea as a disciple.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...He always felt as if he had missed some wonderful scene.


"Well, this is your training goal today."

After twisting the small clockwork robot in his hand a few times, he bent down and placed it on the ground. After clapping his hands, Mu Qingzhi turned to the two people behind him and spoke.

"The passing conditions are very simple. No matter what method you use, as long as you can successfully defeat this little robot before the sun goes down, you will be deemed to have passed. Eriyi will supervise you and ensure that you will not be too seriously injured. .”


Looking at the small robot on the ground in front of him, which was probably no bigger than his fist, Lu Mingfei had a subtle expression on his face.

He had a very good memory, and he recognized the thing at a glance as Eri's toy, which was sitting under the eaves eating snacks at the moment. It was the kind of toy that was common in the market and could move back and forth on the table as long as it was wound up well. A small robot that walks a few steps.

It's now one o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still several hours before the sun goes down. A few hours for the two grown men to defeat a... toy?

"No, it's an alchemy tool. I just slightly modified it."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her with a serious look.

"Because Xia Mi wants to cooperate with me in another experiment, so from now on, it's up to you two to defeat it."

"Small makeover..."

Seeing the small robot over there that had already picked up a wooden knife that was more than ten times longer than himself, Chu Zihang's eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

...Especially when that silly little robot jumped several meters high and directly jumped into the tree.

"Okay, come on."

After waving his hand and giving Eli Yi a look that made him think, Mu Qingzhi turned around and walked straight into the house.


In the basement, Xia Mi has been waiting here for a long time.

"You came too slowly."

Turning to look at her, Xia Miliao looked a little dissatisfied.

"It's not that I'm slow, but that you're too impatient."

Pouting her lips, she took a pair of white gloves from the table nearby and put them on her hands. Mu Qingzhi walked up to Xia Mi.

"Okay, let's get started, the experiment can continue."

As the camera rotated upward, what appeared between her and Xia Mi was a baby dragon tied tightly to the table with a steel rope.

Mu Qingzhi originally did not plan to let this dragon hatch, but planned to let the other party bleed her blood to use as raw materials. However, now that there are better substitutes, this thing has naturally become a non-necessity. .

——So last night, the baby dragon hatched successfully.

When it was just hatched, this baby dragon seemed quite dishonest. It was in the basement, but it was stunned by the opponent and became an extra battle-damaged version.

In order to prevent the other party from making a bigger fuss, Mu Qingzhi had to launch a small seal last night. It was not until he pulled Xia Mi, the Dragon King, over later that he could truly suppress the bloodline. the other party.

... Mu Qingzhi holds a very close grudge against this thing.

Of course, she was not so perverted that she wanted to dissect the other person to see the dragon's body structure. She mainly wanted the young dragon to help her cooperate in completing the corresponding experiments.

To put it simply, the other party will act as an experimental baby dragon.

Inspired by the side effects she experienced yesterday, Mu Qingzhi successfully found a way to use low-quality materials to create high-quality props. Her direction was actually right, but the method was wrong.

——The side effects of props should not be defined by themselves.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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