It is nearing the end of August, when the weather is at its hottest.

After saying hello to his family, Chu Zihang officially embarked on this BJ trip.

Originally, he thought that what awaited him at BJ's side would be extremely arduous training, but after arriving at BJ's side, he found that the situation seemed a little different from what he had imagined.

In seven days, they visited almost all the famous scenic spots in BJ, including climbing the Great Wall, visiting the Forbidden City, and watching the flag-raising... Just like people who really came here to travel, they did not miss anything that they should do during the whole process.

Lu Mingfei, who had never traveled far before, enjoyed the journey very much. He ran after several girls with a camera and his body was covered with large and small bags. However, Chu Zihang became more and more silent day by day. .

This was never what he wanted.

And just when he thought that the summer vacation training mentioned by his master would be in vain, on the night of the seventh day, there was a knock on the door of his and Lu Mingfei's hotel room.

"Any this also something that alchemy can do?"

Looking at the night island that appeared at the door, Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Of course, haven't you seen it yourself?"

While responding casually, Mu Qingzhi poked her head into the door and took a look down.

There was still a mistake in her positioning this time. Originally, her positioning was an uninhabited desert island in the Pacific. It turned out that the location was correct, but the location was directly chosen hundreds of meters high in the sky.

There was a storm on the other side of the door, dark clouds were rolling over the sea, the weather was extremely bad, and heavy rain could fall anytime and anywhere.

...But they are all minor issues.

"Okay, let's go."

After confirming that there was no problem, Mu Qingzhi turned around and handed over a few bamboo dragonflies.

"Starting tonight, the secret training during the summer vacation will officially begin."

"I have a question."

Looking at the bamboo dragonfly handed over by the girl in front of him, Lu Mingfei raised his hand.

"Since our special training location is not in BJ, then why do we go all the way to BJ?"

"Oh, because I haven't been to the Great Wall, Eriki also wants to come here."

Raising her head, Mu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the other party.

"What, is there a problem?"


The whole person's momentum fell to the bottom in an instant, and he looked away uncomfortably. Lu Mingfei reached out and took the bamboo dragonfly.

——At this point, the hellish summer vacation devil training that was etched in Lu Mingfei’s memory officially kicked off at this moment.


Strictly speaking, they did only stay at BJ for seven days, but their special training lasted until the end of the summer vacation.

On that isolated island in the sea, Lu Mingfei spent his first such meaningful...summer vacation.

He had experienced survival in the wilderness, and had beheaded a wild wolf alone. He had fought with a shark at sea, and had his ribs broken by a slap from a bear.

But no matter how seriously injured they were, with the help of the alchemy tools Mu Qingzhi took out, they could always recover quickly.

In fact, these physical fatigues are secondary, mainly because they are a little mentally unbearable. Especially when someone often deliberately creates small surprises for them, their experience is even more like a nightmare.

In the nearly 20 days from August 7th to September 1st, the three of them personally experienced the "zombie crisis", "the end of the world", "nuclear explosion disaster", "mutant frenzy", and "bloodthirsty moonlight night" ”, “Anaconda” and a series of DLCs.

They fought zombies, killed werewolves, sneaked into a snake den where pythons gathered in large numbers, and fought passionately with a lot of mutated beasts. Once, they even fought directly with aliens...

These experiences were so real that when Mu Qingzhi stood in front of him and announced the end of this training, Lu Mingfei, who had just fucked a wild wolf with a steel pipe, was still a little stunned.

"……it's over?"

The blood-stained steel pipe in his hand fell to the ground with a plop. Looking at the girl in front of him, Lu Mingfei was still a little in disbelief.

"That's right, school starts tomorrow. Congratulations, you successfully achieved excellent results in the first period of special summer training."

Looking up at Lu Mingfei in front of him with some appreciation, Mu Qingzhi snapped her fingers.

The next moment, with the snap of her fingers, the surrounding apocalyptic scenes instantly faded away and the island returned to its original appearance. It was also at this time that familiar memories came back to Lu Mingfei's mind.

There has never been an end of the world, everything is just a real game setting. After the game is over every day, they will even go home to sleep... It's just that this memory is temporarily temporarily suspended by special alchemy props during the game. Just blocked.

"...I regret participating in this training more and more."

His whole body suddenly relaxed, and he unconsciously slumped backwards to the ground. Lu Mingfei showed a wry smile on his face.

"You get what you pay for. Compared with a month ago, you are at least a lot stronger now."

Shrugging slightly, putting his hands in his pockets, Mu Qingzhi walked slowly to the other party.

"A month ago, your combat effectiveness was five points, but now, your combat effectiveness has doubled. This is something worth celebrating."

"...ten o'clock, right?"

Looking up at the girl standing in front of him, with his hands behind his back, Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes.

"But even if it doubles, it still belongs to the tenth scum among the ranks of the fifth scum. What is there to be happy about?"

The combat effectiveness evaluation glasses were an alchemy tool that the opponent had taken out before training. At that time, the combat effectiveness of senior brother Chu Zihang and junior sister Xia Mi was already several times his.

During this month, while he was growing up, the other person was also growing up. One could release high-temperature flames by raising his hand, and the other could call out strong winds with a wave of his hand. Compared with these two super humans, he, an ordinary person, What can you do?

...Standing on the roadside wearing a cheerleading uniform and holding a sign to cheer them on as a cheerleader?

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei sighed unconsciously.

...Perhaps everyone's growth begins with realizing that they are not the protagonist of the story.

The only netizen I casually chatted with on the Internet was a super gangster girl, and she was saved by the opponent's hero at the most critical moment. At the same time, I also had an elusive younger brother who seemed to have mysterious powers. He kept saying words that he couldn't understand. Come out to help him when necessary. The senior brothers and junior sisters he met in school are super human beings with magical powers...

Of course, Lu Mingfei regarded himself as the protagonist.

In Lu Mingfei's own imagination, he should have successfully awakened his bloodline in this special training, and then grown rapidly to become extremely powerful, enough to support him to stand beside the girl and fight against the gods together. , that kind of scene is very cool just thinking about it...but what is the result?

He has not awakened his bloodline, nor has he mastered the incomparably powerful super power like his brothers and sisters. Even though he can now kill a hungry wolf one-on-one with his own strength, but for that kind of battle, he needs to fight with all his strength. The opponent can be easily killed by the senior brother just by raising his hand.

No matter how strong he becomes, he is still in the human category, and the brothers and sisters who trained with him at the same time have risen to a superhuman level that he cannot understand.

It was like he was working hard to chop down the slimes, while his teammates were already dealing with the Demon King. The gap between the two was almost a day and a day, and it really hit him hard.

...Is this kind of me really qualified to step into that world?

For a moment, Lu Mingfei seemed confused.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●) I will update tomorrow.

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