As time goes by, the night gradually gets darker.

Sitting on the gravel-paved ground with his head hanging down, Lu Mingfei looked a little downcast.

Logically speaking, he should feel happy and relieved to finally be out of this hellish special training venue, but for some reason, he always feels a little discouraged now, as if he has failed to live up to the expectations of others. An inexplicable feeling of shame.

For a moment, he didn't even dare to look up and see the expression on the face of the girl in front of him... until the other party's voice came from in front of him.

"Ten points of fighting strength are very strong, right? In Dragon Ball, this is already on the same level as Mr. Satan, the strongest human being."

Kneeling down in front of Lu Mingfei, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"Understand? That is the strongest human being. I think you are actually Mr. Satan in the real world. You are not as weak as you think."

"...I've seen Dragon Ball."

After a moment of silence, Lu Mingfei turned his head wordlessly.

"If I remember correctly, in Dragon Ball, Satan should appear as a funny character."

"No, no, no, you still haven't figured out the key."

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her seriously.

"The strongest human being, the savior, this is what you have in common with him, and you are even better than the other. You underestimate yourself too much. In fact, your potential is far greater than Chu Zihang and others."

"……for example?"

With a slight movement in his heart, Lu Mingfei looked up and looked expectantly at the girl in front of him.

"Uh...for example, for example...for example, your marksmanship is very accurate."

After racking her brains for a while, the girl made a "√" gesture on her hand, with a serious look on her face.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

"Well~ Actually there is something I forgot to tell you. Among the three of you, your bloodline is actually the strongest."

Sitting sideways next to him, the girl shrugged slightly.

"Chu Zihang's bloodline is not yet A-level, and Xia Mi is only A-level, but from your words, he is a genuine S-level bloodline."


It was the first time that Lu Mingfei heard a girl talk about blood. Lu Mingfei couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"Yes, bloodline is passed down through blood. Although Chu Zihang's father's bloodline is said to be very strong, his mother is just an ordinary person. Taken together, it is destined that his bloodline will not be too high... But you different."

Turning her head, the girl looked at him.

"Your father and your mother are both S-class. The offspring of two S-class children will naturally have S-class blood."

"my parents……"

"Yes, these are the letters and photos they asked me to forward to you."

Suddenly with a mysterious smile on her face, the girl magically took out a fully wrapped letter from behind and handed it to him along with a photo.

"I haven't opened the envelope. It's specially for you, and this photo is specially attached to the letter."

The photo is of a summer garden. It seems to have been taken in a green space. In the distance is the afterglow of the setting sun. Nearby is the transparent vine wall climbing on the wall. On it, a man and a woman are holding hands. , facing the camera with a gentle smile.

The person who took this photo is definitely a master. The lighting and angle were perfectly controlled. The faces of the man and the woman were smiling happily, glowing faintly under the glow of the setting sun.


Looking blankly at the two people in the photo, Lu Mingfei seemed a little dazed for a moment.

His impression of his parents was already very vague. The last scene in his memory was that they took him to his aunt's house when he graduated from elementary school. Then they smiled and waved to him and said they were going to buy him a birthday cake. From then on, he went there No reply, not even a phone call or a letter in several years.

Lu Mingfei had always felt that he was just an accident in the love between those two people. After leaving him behind, the two of them traveled abroad in an extremely chic way...perhaps they had forgotten about him.

After hearing those conversations at the door of his aunt's house that day, he sat on the rooftop for several hours. If the strange guy hadn't suddenly jumped out and distracted him, he didn't know where he would be sitting. How long.

...If he can't even go back to his aunt's house, where can he go back?

It is precisely because of this that he insists on living with his aunt, just because there is a bed of his own there.

But even if he showed no concern on the surface, occasionally in the dead of night, he would suddenly wake up and stare at the ceiling with his eyes open, and then stay in a daze until dawn.

But now, the girl sitting next to him told him that he still has his parents. Although these two people have been running around all year round to find out any news, they have not forgotten him or want to abandon him and live in a world of two. Like Senior Brother Chu Zihang's father, he was busy with some dangerous things.

Maybe at some point, they were just like that uncle, watching him silently from a distance...just watching him quietly.

...In fact, for people like them, the best way to protect their families is to stay away from them, right?

It's just like the situation of Senior Brother Chu Zihang, except that the situation on his side is better. Both his father and mother are from that world, so they left him together. However, Senior Brother Chu Zihang only has his father, but that The chatty uncle is also silently guarding his family in the dark...

Covering his fingers on the photo, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt extremely peaceful in his heart, and an unprecedented sense of security filled his heart at this moment.

Parents are still parents, even if there is no news from them, they almost look like fictional characters, but as long as you know their existence, you won't feel panic, because it means... you have a family again. .

It was no longer the lonely little bed in his aunt's house, but a real home that could bring him warmth.

...If you think about it carefully now, they actually care about him, right?

They couldn't appear in front of him, but they still guarded him in the dark. No wonder he always felt that the guy who came to check the water meter was a bit unprofessional and always peeked into his room...

——At this moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly thought of many things.

Before I got acquainted with Old Tang and the others online, during the more than a year that I lived at my aunt’s house, although I didn’t feel it at the time, looking back carefully now, it seems that every once in a while, they would indeed There is a strange person appearing around me... maybe?

"Yes, they are actually hybrids with the same powerful bloodline as Chu Zihang's father. They have been running on the front line of saving the world. It's not that they don't want to come and see you, but they don't have time."

After exhaling a little breath in her mouth and supporting her body with her hands, the girl looked up at the night sky.

"How could they forget you?"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Overslept..., there will be two more updates later.

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