During this summer vacation, Mu Qingzhi did a lot of things.

Although on the surface, she didn't even go out much except for the seven days during the BJ trip, but with the successful creation of any door, her scope of activities covers the whole world.

——The emergence of any door means unparalleled mobility.

Not only did Lu Mingfei and the others have a fulfilling summer vacation, but her summer vacation life was also extremely fulfilling.

This summer vacation, she not only went to the United States to visit Old Tang and accidentally worked side by side with him to build a hybrid Deadpool research base, but she also went to the Sahara Desert with Zero in the dust. Pretending to be Captain Mojin, not only did he and Eriki battle scarabs and resurrected mummies in the pyramid, but one person even secretly went to the North Pole to try to find the legendary safe haven...

It can be said that in the past month, at least half of the dozen or so incidents that have attracted widespread attention in the mixed-race society were closely related to her.

Of course, if there is a connection, there is a connection. Mu Qingzhi is still very careful to protect her identity. The mobility brought by the Any Door prop is too unbelievable. She does not want to do it so early. exposed.

After experiencing the incident of accidentally breaking into a strange man's toilet when opening the door for the first time, she deliberately made some modifications to any door...or added other props.

Nowadays, with any door, you can observe the situation on the other side of the door before opening it, thus avoiding the initial embarrassing incident to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, with the random door opening characteristics, Mu Qingzhi is really afraid that one day he will open the door directly into Ange's face...

——From a probability theory perspective, this is entirely possible.

Of course, enrichment is enrichment. During this summer vacation, Mu Qingzhi still had a lot of unexpected gains.

...For example, she has now conquered three dragon Pokémon and more than a dozen undead Pokémon using the Poké Ball.

I have to say that the elf ball is really useful.

The only thing that made Mu Qingzhi feel a little unhappy was that there was no progress in the investigation of Haven and Herzog.

Herzog didn't care. After all, the other party was always cautious. Unless the plot reached the point where the White King's holy bones were revived, there was a high probability that the other party would not show up before.

But if it's like a safe haven...is it necessary to hide it so tightly?

She investigated that the safe haven might be in the North Pole, but she secretly went there several times. In addition to fighting with a few polar bears and taking some Antarctic penguins there, she also There is no gain at all.

Under Angers' operation, she obtained letters and recent photos from Khorkina and the others. Judging from the photos, the three of them seemed to be living well in the haven. The letters were all in their handwriting and explained in detail. The reason why they went there.

Although they were protected by the secret party, they were still continuously assassinated and kidnapped by unknown forces. In the most serious case, the three of them even collectively entered the intensive care unit.

It is precisely because of this continuous and seemingly never-ending assassination that they choose to accept the invitation to go to the safe haven.

The person in charge of the safe haven is none other than Lu Mingfei's father, Lu Lincheng. Along with letters and photos from Khorkina and the three of them, there was also a separate letter written by Lu Lincheng to her. .

In the letter, Lu Lincheng's tone was very sincere, saying that he had learned about her from Ang, and also knew that his son Lu Mingfei was being trained under her. The other party expressed his hope in a tactful way. She can take more care of her son Lu Mingfei, and at the same time warmly invites her to visit the haven if she has the opportunity in the future...

No matter in terms of language or wording, there was nothing wrong with Lu Lincheng's letter. In contrast, it seemed that she was a little petty because she had previously suspected that there was something wrong with the safe haven.

...But Mu Qingzhi still felt that there was something wrong with Haven.

The only difference is that before receiving the letter, she thought there might be a problem in Shefeng Alley, and now after receiving the letter, she feels that there must be a problem in both Shefeng Harbor and Lulin City...

There were three letters mailed from the safe haven. One was from Khorkina and the others, one was written to her alone by Lulincheng, and the last one was from Yu Qiaovini’s mother wrote a private letter to Lu Mingfei alone.

Mu Qingzhi received these three letters yesterday. She originally planned to go to Aunt Lu Mingfei's house to deliver them to Lu Mingfei when she went out for a walk that night. However, under the suggestion of Mai Jiude, She finally chose the special time today when training ended.

"How are they doing now?"

After carefully putting away the photo and the unopened letter, he turned to look at the girl next to him, and Lu Mingfei asked nervously.

"If they were as powerful as senior brother's father, would they also..."

"Don't worry, your parents are safe now."

As if she could see the worry in his heart at a glance, the girl yawned lazily.

"They are now in a special top-secret place. I don't know where that place is, but I guess there should be no existence like Odin... No, if you want to know these things, just open the letter. Isn’t it enough to just take a look?”

"...I want to open it after I get home."

Turning his head and looking away, Lu Mingfei looked a little embarrassed.

"It's been a few years since I received a letter from my mother for the first time, so I feel a little bit..."

"I understand, you are going to take a bath and burn incense. It needs to be ritualistic, right?"

Snapping her fingers, the girl interrupted him with a serious look.

"Don't worry, I understand. Just like when I draw cards in the game, I also know how to bathe, burn incense and pray, otherwise it will be easy to get wrong."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...I always feel that the topic seems to be twisted inexplicably.

"Okay, are you confident now? You are S-class. In Kassel Academy, where half-bloods gather, S-class characters only come out every ten years. At least you can look like an S-class character. no?"

Clapping her hands, the girl stood up from the ground.

"Since you are S-level, the awakening of your bloodline must be slower than others. After all, God will give you great responsibilities, and you will have to suffer from your will, your body will be hungry, and your body will be empty. Your current performance In fact, it’s quite normal, and even surprisingly good.”

"Uh... Well, can I ask, what was the result of the last S-class?"

After a little hesitation, Lu Mingfei raised his hand.

"I want to use the other party's situation as a reference for me, so that I can go in a better way..."

"Oh, he's gone."


"Don't worry, he didn't die on the battlefield where he was slaying a dragon."

Looking down at him, the girl comforted her in her mouth.

"According to the relevant reports from the academy, it seems that the S-class man had some psychological problems and chose to commit suicide by swallowing a gun."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

... He was originally a little complacent about this S-class status, but now he suddenly felt a little scared.

"Okay, get up when you have rested."

As she spoke, the girl turned around.

"Although the special training is over, my trial is not over yet... hurry up."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I overslept at night, suddenly felt dizzy and wanted to squint, and then I went to sleep until ten o'clock... There will be another update after that, let's wait until tomorrow.

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