Lu Mingfei's special training location was on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. The area was small, the environment was harsh, and it was far away from shipping routes, so it was a natural hiding place.

On this small island, he killed werewolves, zombies, slimes and goblins, and even fought sharks in the waves... everything was dreamlike and like a strange adventure.

——And now, the adventure is coming to an end.

"...Exit test?"

In a clearing in the forest, Lu Mingfei seemed a little confused when listening to the story of the girl standing on the stone in front of him.

Beside him, Chu Zihang stood there quietly, holding the sacred sword Murasame in his hand without saying a word. His whole person looked like a piece of iron that had been tempered after being drained.

As for Xia seemed that she had been hit somewhere. She was squatting next to her with her knees in her arms and drawing circles on the ground with a wooden stick.

"That's right, this is a summary test of your special training since the summer. I'm here to check and accept the results."

Putting her hands into her coat pockets out of habit, Mu Qingzhi jumped down from the stone very lightly.

"The conditions are very simple. No matter what method you use, as long as you can survive my pursuit for half an hour, you will be deemed to have passed the test. If you can pass this test perfectly, I can also help you according to your description. How about custom-making an alchemy tool? It’s a good deal, right?”


"That's right, tailor-made, absolutely conscientious."

Stretching out his hand, Mu Qingzhi snapped her fingers very gently.

"I will give you 30 minutes to prepare. During this time, you can make any preparations. You can make traps or whatever. You can get any supplies you need directly from me. It doesn't matter even if you hide, as long as you can Make sure you are not found."

"Where is Yanling? Can I use it?"

Looking up to her side, Chu Zihang asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, I said, I won't put any restrictions on you."

Waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi looked indifferent.

"It's five o'clock in the morning here now. We'll go back to the villa after six o'clock, just in time for dinner, so hurry up."

In her imagination, this graduation test would not last long.

Although she admits that Chu Zihang has made rapid progress during this summer vacation, compared with her, her cheap apprentice is still far behind. Lu Mingfei, unless Lu Mingze jumps out to cheat on him now, as for Xia Mi ...If conditions didn't allow it, she would have even wanted to award him a Little Golden Man award.

Even though he was the Dragon King, he never tired of playing this kind of game. He accompanied Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei for the entire summer vacation, and even enjoyed it a little bit...

Perhaps it is the temperament of the earth and the mountains that is inextricably linked, which has turned Fenrir into an out-and-out stay-at-home dragon. He stays at home every day watching TV, drinking Coke, eating potato chips, and having sex with Old Tang. A fight.

In fact, Mu Qingzhi has already created the Master Ball that can hold the Dragon King. However, due to Elipen's special situation, he is still happily at home at BJ's subway station and has not been installed as the Master Ball. The ball was carried by Xia Mi.

However, because of the existence of the Any Door, Xia Mi can basically go back to accompany the other party for a while every day, so the other party is not as lonely as before... especially after Mu Qingzhi lent him his gourmet tablecloth. After the other party.

In the past, when Elifen was at home alone, apart from watching an old TV every day, he had almost no other entertainment activities. Even if he liked to eat Coke and French fries, he could only enjoy it when Xia Mi went back occasionally. Bring some for him. Because I am short of money, the ones I brought are only children's meals, which are not even enough to fill the gap between his teeth...

It is precisely for this reason that Elifen values ​​these things very much. He can eat a bag of potato chips for more than an hour.

It was fine when Xia Mi was at BJ's before, and she could go back to visit him two or three times a month. However, after leaving BJ, the number of times he could go back to BJ in a year was very few, which really made Elifen extremely wronged.

Even if his intelligence is slightly problematic, he can still feel the pure loneliness.

...It's just that although he said he was wronged, he didn't say it.

Of course, this was before.

Now Elifan is living a happy life, especially after receiving the gourmet tablecloth as a gift from the lovely young lady. He is able to eat the most delicious food in the world almost every day, which really touches him.

But there is a saying that goes well, there are never quiet years in the world, there are only people moving forward with burdens. Behind Elifen's happy life is the heavy foreign debt of millions of dollars that Shami is carrying. .

In the past, because there were few delicious things, Eriffin was always careful when eating, but since he discovered that the tablecloth can continuously produce delicious foods... In one day, Fenrir happily opened his belly. He ate up all the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Mu Qingzhi had loaded into his card in advance.

... Xia Mi seriously doubted that someone did it on purpose.

After receiving the bill notification, she tried to draw a circle and curse the other person...but unfortunately she failed.


The night tonight is not too bad. As it is approaching dawn, the visibility is no longer as dark as it was at the beginning.

Very patiently, Mu Qingzhi waited in the open space for half an hour.

The area of ​​this uninhabited island is not large, only a dozen square kilometers. In half an hour, the layout that Chu Zihang and the others can make is actually very limited.

"Okay, let's solve it as soon as possible."

After raising her hand to look at her watch, Mu Qingzhi yawned and jumped down from the stone she was sitting on.

After looking at the already lit sky, after thinking for a moment, he raised his hand above his head, and Mu Qingzhi gently snapped his fingers on his hand.

The next moment, with the snap of fingers, a crimson field spread rapidly around her with herself as the center, and in just a few moments, the entire island was completely covered.

If you look at it from a distance, it looks like a red cover is covering the island.

Whether it is her flame or Chu Zihang's Junyan, it will cause permanent terrain damage to the island. She will continue to use this place in the future. It would not be fun if it was completely burned by a fire. , it is safer to open a seal in advance...

"Half an hour...forget it, if you can last ten minutes, you will be considered qualified."

After exhaling a little breath, Mu Qingzhi stretched out her hand in front of her. As her clothes changed quietly, Zhi Dianzhe was silently held in her hand.

The next moment, crimson flames ignited silently on the blade.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I've been riding in the car all day today and I'm so dizzy. I'm sorry. I'll take four pills tomorrow (づ●─●)づI'm so sorry \u003c(__)\u003e

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