...move forward in time.

In a certain recess in the dense forest, Chu Zihang was lurking there as quietly as a cheetah. His figure was completely covered by large fallen leaves, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

After training on the island for nearly a month, Chu Zihang already knew the terrain here. Although he wanted to have a real fight with his master, what should he do when? He still understands the truth of this matter.

Even though his strength has improved a lot now, and he can control the spirit of words skillfully, compared with his master, the gap is still a huge gap.

His speaking spirit is Junyan, which can instantly heat the air to a rare high temperature, and can also cause artificial explosions. The specific effect is no less than that of a TNT bomb, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

...But compared to the flames released by his master, his Jun Yan was still too weak.

Even now, Chu Zihang can still clearly recall the first time his master showed him the plasticity of fire, whether it was the flame dragon summoned out of thin air, the flower of the other side blooming with pillars of fire on the surface, or the fire behind his back. The crimson wings he sprouted were stronger than his Jun Yan in every way... and they were also very handsome.

No, the master is a girl...should it be described as sassy?

Subconsciously pressing the handle of Murasame's knife in his hand, Chu Zihang let out a small breath in his mouth.

In the final analysis, Yan Ling is the manipulation and utilization of elements.

Although he and his master both wielded the fire element, compared to his master's situation, his control of the fire element was so poor that he couldn't even do the most common thing of lighting a fire on Murasame. Every time it does nothing but burn Murasame's blade red...

——To be honest, he was quite ashamed of himself.

What he is secretly trying now is to mimic the flames like his master, and forcibly suppress the violent energy. Not to mention the difficulty of forming flame wings on his back to fly, at least he can also The flames condensed into some kind of animal...like a swift or a turtle dove.

He condensed the flame into the shape of a turtle dove and released it from the palm of his hand. He had already thought of the name of the move, and it was called Blazing Turtle Dove.

But unfortunately, his efforts have had little effect.

And he didn't know what was going on. He originally wanted to discuss the operation of elements with Xia Mi, who had also awakened the spirit of speech like him, but after hearing his idea, the other party's face looked extremely weird for some reason, and he even... Someone tactfully warned him that his way of cultivation was wrong...

...It's just ridiculous.

It's all about the manipulation of the fire element. Since my master can do this, why can't I do it?

——What he lacks is just practicing harder.

Only by becoming stronger, and constantly getting stronger, could he possibly take his father back from the hands of that god. For this, he could endure all the trials and sufferings.


Suddenly, as if he noticed something, Chu Zihang suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the dim light of the morning sun, a crimson film silently completely covered the sky.

"Feng Jue..."

Looking at the strange phenomenon revealed in the sky, Chu Zihang looked thoughtful.

After all, after training together for a summer, he, Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi were already quite familiar with each other, so he carefully watched the light novels and related animations about his master that Lu Mingfei recommended to him. .

According to Lu Mingfei, almost all the effects in the animation are imitated by his master, so he can understand a lot of things from the animation, so he naturally knows Feng Jue.

Different from the moves displayed by his master, Feng Jue is derived from the highest achievement in alchemy. Although he is currently unable to access alchemy due to his current situation...but he is not discouraged.

He asked his master about Kassel Academy and learned that there were courses on alchemy in the academy. After he went to college, he could learn that magical ability.

If he has talent in alchemy, he might be able to perform Fengjue in the future...

Just when he thought of this, Chu Zihang's expression suddenly changed slightly.

The next moment, he hugged Murasame and rolled to the side without thinking.


The second he escaped from the pit, a fireball fell from the sky like a meteorite and hit the pit directly.

...No, more than one.

It seemed like a volcano that had been silent for thousands of years suddenly erupted, or like a meteor shower falling from the sky. On the crimson sky, one after another densely packed fireballs crashed down.

It is already a scorching summer, and the island is mostly covered with green and dry vegetation. Under the dense rain of fire from the sky, the entire island suddenly fell into a raging sea of ​​fire, and the high temperature scorched the air. Hot tongues of flames mixed with thick smoke rose into the sky.

"The ground will be washed away by fire and rain..."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he looked at the dense forest of trees that were quickly burning around him. He didn't care to continue pretending to lurk, and quickly got up, Chu Zihang raised his palms to his side.

As the ancient and mysterious dragon text quickly spewed out from his mouth, the dense bushes in front of him suddenly exploded. Relying on his Yan Lingjun Flame, he forcibly cleared a passage in the sea of ​​​​fire.

After finishing this matter, before the sea of ​​fire spread, he held Murasame in his hand tightly and Chu Zihang quickly ran towards the sea.

He can no longer stay on the island. The only way out now is to go to the beach and fight against his master under the sea of ​​fire. He won't even have the slightest chance of winning! !

Relying on his familiarity with the island and the fact that the dense forest where he was hiding was not far from the seaside, he rushed to the coastline in only five minutes.

On the beach, you can still vaguely see the burnt black sand pit left by the three of them when they grilled fish yesterday.

Originally, after arriving here, Chu Zihang planned to continue to find a reef to lurk. After awakening his bloodline, his ability to hold his breath was very strong, and he could hide his figure well underwater.

But when he saw the figure on the beach who seemed to have been waiting here for a while, Chu Zihang stopped helplessly.

As if she had guessed that he would come this way, the girl with flaming hair and scorching eyes had been waiting here in advance. Different from her previous attire, her master's black hair had now turned fiery red, and his black windbreaker was fluttering. The flames ignited on the palace cover kept dancing with the sea breeze.

As for the rest...

Looking away, Chu Zihang silently glanced at Xia Mi, who was lying face down on the beach.

——Xia Mi, rush to the street.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I've been driving all day today and I can't bear the dizziness. I'm still cold. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

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