The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 190 Xia Mi: The advantage is mine!

The weather has been good these past few days, sunny and cloudless.

Although the time was still around eight o'clock in the morning, the sun was already quite hot. Lying facedown on the sofa, Xia Mi hung his feet upside down on the armrest of the sofa.

Under the sun, her skin was dazzlingly white.

"There really is no need to discuss?"

Looking at the girl sitting there with her legs crossed and flipping through a book in her hand with an upside-down gaze, Xia Mi still looked a little unwilling.

"That's the Kassel Academy under the leadership of the Secret Party. It's a place that specializes in cultivating dragon-slaying elites. Are we sure we didn't fall into the trap of a tiger? I think our life is pretty good now. There is no need to..."

"Let me ask you, what is your dream?"

When the book in her hand was put down, the girl turned her head and looked towards her.


After thinking for a while, Xia Mi sat up straight and crossed his legs on the sofa, Xia Mi looked serious.

"My dream is to live a happy life like Fenrir, eating and waiting to die. This kind of dragon life is simply too awesome!!"

Although Fenrir is still in that subway station, now not only the other party's spirit, but also the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the alchemical tools for environmental transformation provided by someone for a fee, Fenrir was even able to bask in the sun comfortably in the Nibelungs... To be honest, if it wasn't impossible to change, Xia Mi would have wanted to be with his brother It's time for an identity change.

——This is the first time in thousands of years that she envies her brother.

"Then, shouldn't you realize your dreams? You can't do this kind of thing just by talking about it."

Seeing Xia Mi who seemed to have completely fallen in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked disgusted.

"After all, he is the majestic king of the earth and mountains. He can't even deal with two next-generation species. Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

When she was preparing to go to the Bronze City, she thought that bringing Xia Mi would be enough insurance, but she never thought that Xia Mi could not frighten the two next-generation species. Instead, it was inexplicable. This angered the other party so much that she was chased by the two dragons from behind...

What makes her even more angry is that at this time, Xia Mi's potential has risen. He can't fight, but he can run away very quickly. He runs like a rabbit in front of her... They were stunned by Samson in the Bronze City. There were several big chases inside.

"This kind of thing is obviously not my fault, right? It's clearly your fault."

It was okay for Mu Qingzhi not to mention this issue, but when he mentioned it, Xia Mi immediately looked unconvinced.

"When you came to me at that time, you didn't tell me that you were going to fight. Who knew you were going to start a fight? I originally thought I was going camping, but I just left a backpack full of snacks there!! Don't tell me what's inside. snacks, that backpack alone costs dozens of yuan!!”


Seeing Xia Mi in front of her who looked very confident and put her hands on her hips to ask her to pay for her snacks, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but fall into silence.

...She was talking about why the other party happily carried a backpack of things at that time.

I originally thought it was a secret weapon specially prepared by the other party, but I didn't expect...snacks?

...Speaking of which, do you have too high expectations for the other party?

For that trip to the Bronze City, she had been preparing for almost several years. She was making arbitrary doors and special props that could sneak into the Nibelungs silently, and then she had to continue to do so. To win the favor of Xia Mi and his sister, Xia Mi will not think that he wants to trick her into the Bronze City and kill her... Is it easy for her?

In the end, after some review, she was speechless and found that if she had not taken Xia Mi with her during that operation, the trip to Bronze City a few months ago would have been smoother for her alone...

——She brought Xia Mi along mainly for the following reasons.

First, she needed Xia Mi to help her frighten the two dragon attendants who were guarding there. She went to get things and abduct Constantine, instead of fighting with the two dragons.

With Xia Mi, the king of the earth and mountains, here, the safety factor of this operation can be greatly improved... maybe she can conquer two more Pokémon.

Secondly, with Xia Mi here, she could use his knowledge to search the Bronze City to see if she could find some good things.

The Bronze City is the place where Norton and Constantine sleep. They are not like Xia Mi and Fenrir who were brutally silenced as soon as they woke up. There are even two loyal next-generation species guarding them. In the Bronze City, in addition to the [Seven Sects] Sin], maybe there are other good things out there.

To sum up, taking Xia Mi with you will bring you all the benefits and no harm.

...but it is a pity that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation.

Xia Mi not only failed to deter the two second-generation species, but instead caused them to pursue her frantically... and even implicated her as well.

If she hadn't imitated Cao Mengde in the end and used the emperor to control the princes, and succeeded in making the two dragons become the kind of weapons that throw tigers at them, she might have had to fight with those two dragons with real swords and spears.

If she really fights with those two dragons in the Bronze City, the commotion will inevitably be transmitted to the outside world. In this way, the meaning of her secret operation will be completely lost... Fortunately, Samson and the others are loyal. dedicated.

As for trying to explore the entire Bronze City through Xia Mi to see if he can get any good things, it is also a waste of effort.

They were chased by Samson and the others for six hours in the Bronze City, and then spent eight hours exploring the entire Bronze City. Except for Constantine's bone bottle and the seven deadly sins, they found nothing else.

It was as if some bastard had looted the entire Bronze City before them, leaving nothing behind except the Seven Deadly Sins.

Obviously, there is no one other than Odin who can do such a shameless thing.

...By the way, Natsumi was also a victim of this kind of robbery.

As the four legendary kings, their collections must be extremely rich, and they also have a large number of loyal subordinates.

Like Norton and Constantine, they at least have seven deadly sins and two second-generation guardians, but Xia Mi and Fenrir don't have any decent alchemy tools, and they don't even have a second-generation subordinate. It's true. It's terribly miserable...

"Also, you should admit it, you are not Norton at all."

As if he mistook Mu Qingzhi's silence for a guilty conscience, he stepped from the sofa to the other party's side.

"If it were Norton, it would be impossible to enter his Nibelungen so troublesome, nor would he be chased by those two next-generation species, and..."

Looking directly at the girl in front of him, Xia Mi looked serious.

"If it were Norton, there would be no way he would use his brother Constantine as a blood-letting machine, am I right?"

——She decided to show her cards.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

It’s another day of intravenous surgery, but it’s much better. I’m not dizzy when I get off the dock (づ●─●)づ

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