Xia Mi has always been extremely anxious.

This anxiety not only comes from the massacre that he and his brother will inevitably encounter every time they wake up, but also comes from the prophecy that the Black King will be resurrected in the future to punish his rebels.

Damn fate was like a heavy mountain, pressing down on her.

...But now, she is no longer anxious.

In front of the great white emperor, the black king is nothing more than a rotten shrimp at best and nothing to worry about.

The white emperor once launched a rebellion, but it was brutally suppressed by the black emperor...but the temporary failure did not prove anything.

Thousands of years later, the White Emperor returned with her authority.

After following the other party for such a long time, Xia Mi had a thorough understanding of the truth of the matter. It was obvious that the other party was preparing to take revenge on the black emperor.

Cultivating dragon slayers step by step, establishing a close relationship with the largest dragon slaying force in the world, and recruiting these four kings...Everything the other party does seems to be random, but in fact it all points to one person. direction.

--revenge! ! !

In order to avenge the supreme black emperor, the other party is uniting all available forces! !

She and Fenrir, Norton and Constantine! !

She can guarantee that the other party definitely knows the whereabouts of Norton. Maybe he has found Norton's whereabouts a few years ago and is waiting to get Constantine to threaten the other party to join her camp.

...Just like when the other party threatened her with Fenrir before.

After getting the truth of all this through deduction, the night she returned from the Bronze City, she tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep, thinking wildly for a long time.

You know, that is the supreme white emperor, a powerful being who holds spiritual power and can interfere with reality with his mind. How could she not be excited?

After that day, she had always envisioned the other party coming to have a showdown with her. She had already thought about how to surrender when the time came, but what she didn't expect was that the other party didn't mention it for several months. …

Originally, she had planned to pretend to be arrogant for a while when the other party came to find her. After all, she was one of the four majestic kings. She could not recruit just as others said, she had to save her face.

But now...

——She admitted that the other party won.


Seeing Xia Mi who was so close in front of her, she subconsciously hugged the book in her arms tightly, and Mu Qingzhi shrank back very cautiously.

"I am indeed not Norton. What I said to you at the beginning was all a lie. So, what are you going to do? Don't forget, you still owe me 20 million US dollars and haven't paid it back!!"

From the beginning, she had no intention of impersonating the King of Bronze and Fire, but some people always liked to speculate in this regard. Now that the other party took the initiative to expose this, she felt relieved in her heart.

She originally thought that Xia Mi would have a showdown after returning from Bronze City that day, but she didn't expect that the other party would be so tolerant and delayed it until now...

"...I said, I am willing to join your side."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Xia Mi took a deep breath and spoke seriously.

"Fenrir and I are willing to be swords in your hands."

...The white emperor?

Compared with the extremely tyrannical black emperor, the other party is much more approachable. Their relationship over the past few years is not fake. She is willing to be the strength in the other party's hands.

...Then the next words out of the other person's mouth almost made her angry to death.

"You? You can't do it, you're too weak."

After looking her up and down, holding the book in her arms, the girl shook her head with disgust.

"You're still a sword. I think you're just here to cause trouble. If I had known you were so useless, I shouldn't have taken you with me when I went there..."

Xia Mi: "......"

"...That Bronze City is Norton's Nibelung. Those two next-generation species are also the most loyal dragon servants guarding their king."

After a moment of silence, Xia Mi spoke quietly.


"Ask a question, when an unknown dragon king comes to the place where their boss is sleeping, as the boss's most loyal younger brother, will they fight that dragon king to the death? Even if it means life and death?"


"Understand? It's not that I can't beat him, it's that I can't beat him."

Glancing at the girl in front of him, Xia Mi looked unhappy.

"Believe it or not, if the two of them and I really fought at that time, Constantine, who was stimulated by the breath, would definitely break out of the cocoon forcibly. By then, we would not be facing two second-generation species, but also A Dragon King who emerged from his cocoon, are you sure you want me to do this? If I guessed correctly, your action that time should have been a secret operation, right?"

"Tch... Then you didn't tell me earlier."

Pouting her lips, the girl turned her head and looked aside.

"I thought you could make those two next-generation species squat down obediently just by relying on the Dragon King's pressure..."

"No, that will only make them madder."

Seeing the person in front of him who refused to acknowledge his fault, Xia Mi spoke in a gloomy tone while resisting the urge to pounce on him and bite him.

"I think you can think of something like this with your toes."

"Uh... By the way, I remember we are about to graduate, right?"

Seeing that the eyes of the dragon king in front of him became more and more unkind, Mu Qingzhi decisively changed the subject.

"Look, should we hold a small party before graduation? After all, it's just a party for classmates, right? I just remember that there is still a lot of unused funds in the student union, so I think we can try to organize it."

In order to be able to better enroll in school in the future, as well as considering other factors, Mu Qingzhi specially created an identity in China and successfully transferred to Shilan Middle School with this identity.

In Shilan Middle School, she served as the student union president for almost two years, which was a re-experience of her lost youth. In Shilan Middle School, there was a lot of news about her, a small student union president.

"The party... is fine, but why do you think of this all of a sudden?"

Sitting down on the sofa again, Xia Mi turned to look at her suspiciously.

"Based on what I know about you, you don't seem like someone who would join in the fun."

"It's just a classmate. Do I look so out of place?"

Closing the book in her hand, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Actually, this proposal was not made by me, but by Su Xiaoqiang who was the first to propose it in the group, and then Chen Wenwen and the others seconded it. I am also their chairman after all, so I can't possibly spoil their interest when the graduation season is approaching, right?"


After thinking for a moment, Xia Mi nodded.

Originally, she was going to be in the first grade of Lu Mingfei and the others, but after using some tricks, she successfully jumped to the same level.

"Okay, then you and Lu Mingfei will be responsible for the venue and personnel issues."

Waving her hand very arrogantly, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the sofa with the book in hand.

"Remember, it's as luxurious as it is. We don't want the best, just the most expensive. I'll pay for the extra expenses. I'm not short of money."

Xia Mi: "......"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

It feels almost good. I can resume normal updates tomorrow. I will update three times tomorrow.

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