The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 192 The Strong Student Union President

The summer is hot and the cicadas are chirping incessantly.

Vice Chairman Lu Mingfei and Disciplinary Committee member Xia Mi perfectly carried out the orders issued by their chairman. Under the premise of unlimited funding, they successfully chose a movie theater as the venue for the party.

Watching a movie, eating, and then singing at KTV, this set of procedures can be said to be smooth and smooth, and the arrangements for people are completely clear.

But for some reason, Mu Qingzhi always felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu when looking at the list of invoices handed to her by Xia Mi in front of her.

" did you come up with the idea of ​​watching a movie?"

Looking up at Xia Mi in front of her, Mu Qingzhi had a strange look on her face.

"Didn't you read what was discussed in the group last night?"

Xia Mi blinked as he put a scoop of ice cream into his mouth.

"At first, Su Xiaoqiang suggested watching a movie, and then everyone else agreed one by one. After a heated discussion, we finally decided on this movie... What, are there any problems?"


After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

Because it was a party within the student union, the number of people was not too large, only about fifteen or sixteen people... but the quality was quite high.

After Chu Zihang, the former chairman of the student union, graduated, Lu Mingfei, who was promoted to the top of the ranking list, successfully took up the position of vice president, and succeeded Chu Zihang as the face of the student union.

And I don’t know if it was a chain reaction. After Lu Mingfei joined the student union, the little girl Su Xiaoqiang and the former president of the literary club Chen Wenwen also applied to join the union. Together with Xia Mi, the chairman of the disciplinary committee, the level of the former student union was immediately reduced. Moved up another gear.

After that, Zhao Menghua and Liu Miaomiao, two people on the list, also applied to join, successfully turning the student union into a place of crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

This time, the top two and the top picks on the list were all admitted, and the school beauty list was swept from beginning to end, and all of them were top students in their grades. During the year when Mu Qingzhi served as the president of the student union, she successfully This student union has evolved into a legend in the history of Shilan Middle School.

...Of course, this is the student union in the eyes of others.

In Mu Qingzhi's own eyes, the student union is just like that. The little goddess is indeed very generous, Chen Wenwen has the potential to become the white moonlight of others, Liu Miaomiao plays the piano really well, Lu Mingfei is diligent, Zhao Menghua... She always feels that the other party He had evil intentions towards Lu Mingfei, and wanted to seek power and usurp the throne so that he, who was second in the list, could become the number one pick.

After putting all this aside, Mu Qingzhi felt that the leather sofa in the school student union office was quite comfortable to sleep on...

——It is indeed an aristocratic school.


At nine o'clock the next morning, Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi arrived at Wanda Cinema on time.

Because they arrived at the designated location, when the two of them came here, the others had already gathered early. When they saw her arrival, everyone bowed their heads to her respectfully and called her Chairman.

——One of the advantages of being short is that everyone has to lower their head when they see you.

Among a group of high school students who are about to graduate, she stands out at only 1.46 meters tall. Even Chen Wenwen, who is shorter among the girls, is about 1.65 meters tall. She is a full head shorter than her.

"Okay, let's all go in."

Mu Qingzhi nodded with satisfaction and waved her hand.

...No one dared to disobey, and everyone behaved quite honestly.

Although at the beginning, due to height and physical factors, they did underestimate their chairman, but since they witnessed the other party holding a folding stool in his hand, he beat dozens of off-campus gangsters and beat them to the point of crying. After being called mother, their chairman is like a heavenly being in their hearts.

——My own chairman is ridiculously strong.

Because of the existence of their own chairman, they deliberately added a brand new list called the combat power list in addition to the school's top rankings, school beauty list and other lists.

...On this list, his own chairman beat the second place with a combat power of 3152 points, unbeatable.

Now that they have graduated and are about to leave the protection of the chairman who is so powerful and feels so safe, they feel a little reluctant to leave. Before the movie starts, they all come to ask for a photo.

Who wouldn't be confused by a chairman who is very good at fighting, is also very cute, and also looks very much like Shana?

In fact, it’s not like no one has secretly sent love letters to their chairman. The current record is the 356 love letters that our chairman received on Valentine’s Day. As for face-to-face confessions, there is one every three days on average. .

...But unfortunately, no one succeeded.

In the end, his chairman got a little annoyed and broke a piece of rebar the thickness of his little finger into three pieces in front of all the teachers and students at the weekly flag-raising ceremony, and said that only those who meet this requirement can He is qualified to pursue her... and then there will be even more people who like his own chairman.

Not only the boys, but even some girls were impressed by the courage of their chairman, and there were a lot of competitors out of thin air.

He didn't get involved in the group photo. He stood leaning against the back of a chair in the cinema, with a look of fascinated confidence on his face.

……group photo? Does he need this kind of thing?

Just kidding, he and his master see each other every day, and they will even go to college together in the future. When it comes to first-come-first-served, who can compare to him?

From the beginning, the classmates around him were not from the same world as them, so he felt as stable as an old dog.

But as for rebar...

Lowering his head, Lu Mingfei looked at his hands.

Several years have passed, and his bloodline has still not awakened. Although his physical fitness is still steadily improving after special training during the holidays, in the end, it still belongs to the category of ordinary people.

Now, in arm wrestling, he can be easily crushed by Xia Mi... It's simply a shame.

Now, he can only hope that there is a way to awaken his bloodline in Kassel Academy.

I just say that, but judging from Chu Zihang’s increasingly sharp complaints in the group, the teaching level in the college seems to be very worrying...

While Lu Mingfei was deep in thought, the voice from the little goddess brought him back to reality.

"Lu Mingfei, let's take a group photo."

Holding a camera in his hand, Su Xiaoqiang looked up at him, with something special in his eyes.

"Uh... I'm not very photogenic, or..."

"Just taking a photo, what's the fuss about?"

Before Lu Mingfei could finish speaking, the little goddess pulled him to her side unceremoniously, and then handed the camera in her hand to Zhao Menghua who was passing by.

"Help me, take a picture."

"……All right."

After taking a look at Chairman Ziqing who was surrounded in the center, Zhao Menghua reluctantly took the camera after mentally estimating the queuing time.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be two more updates later.

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