As Chu Zihang said, the decoration of the Norton Hall is indeed quite impressive.

From just standing on the outside and looking in, Mu Qingzhi could also feel the extreme luxury of this venue from the exterior decoration. Rich people generally couldn't afford to live in this place, and it was full of luxury and luxury.

But I don’t know why, while walking here with Chu Zihang, Mu Qingzhi always felt that someone on campus was pointing at her...

As for Chu Zihang, he seemed to be used to being pointed at, but his expression remained normal and he didn't feel anything was wrong.

"Norton Hall was originally in the hands of the Student Union, but because I won the Freedom Day last year, the Student Union was forced to move out and rented the nearby Amber Hall as an event venue."

As he stepped forward to open the door for her, Chu Zihang explained it to her.

"Although Lion Heart Club uses this place for club activities and offices, the location is in the conference hall on the first floor, so the rooms upstairs are basically empty. Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei I’ve already come here to decorate the room, and I live here too.”

"'s not cheap to live here, right?"

After staring at the fountain in the courtyard of the museum for a while, Mu Qingzhi asked.

——She has sharp eyes and even saw a swimming pool in the backyard.

"Fortunately, the heating bill and land tax are not too expensive."

While saying this, Chu Zihang reached out and pushed open the door of Norton Hall.

"Your and Xia Mi's rooms are in the sunny area on the third floor. Master, please go and get familiar with the room first, and then I will take you to walk around the campus..."

Before Chu Zihang could finish his sentence, a tall girl wearing a school uniform with a slender figure and a ponytail hurried over holding a stack of documents.

"President, where did you go? Regarding the coordination and arrangements for this free day...well, this is..."

Looking at the petite black-haired girl next to her president, Susie couldn't help being slightly stunned.

As the assistant to her president and the vice-president of the Lion Heart Club, Susie knows better than anyone how stoic her president is. Even after winning a free day, she has the power to pursue anything in the school. Girls' privileges have never been used, and their daily lives are as sophisticated as a machine.

The annual Freedom Day is about to start again. This time, the student union is using the slogan of "recovering Norton Hall" and vowing to die together with the Lionheart Club. The last time they won the Lionheart Club, they relied on Chu Zihang's personal efforts to turn the tide. It was a narrow victory. , so everyone in their Lionheart Club was quite unsure whether they could successfully defend their title this time.

Originally, Susie wanted to run to her president early in the morning to discuss the arrangements for this free day, but what she didn't expect was that her president had gone somewhere early in the morning. The other person was nowhere to be seen all morning...

Of course, she sent a message to her president, but she only received a reply from him saying that she had important arrangements for today and declined.

Originally, she was still curious about the important thing mentioned in her president's text message, but she didn't expect it to be this.

It’s hard to imagine that our president would leave his job at the Lion Heart Club to be with a girl at such a critical juncture... Has the Iron Tree blossomed?

Although there were two junior students who came here to report before, those two were obviously different from the one in front of me. After all, this was the president of his own family who abandoned the internal affairs and came out to receive the reception in person and accompanied him throughout the whole process...

——Damn it, I feel so envious and jealous all of a sudden.

... She seems to understand why her president asked her to buy new quilts and sheets for daily necessities a few days ago.

"Mu Qingzhi, the master who taught me swordsmanship, Cassell is a new student this year and will live in Norton Hall from today on."

After briefly explaining to Su Qian, Chu Zihang turned to look at the girl beside him and explained in a low voice.

"Susie, the vice president of Lionheart Club, is also my assistant. She works here on the first floor of Norton Hall."

"Oh, hello, Senior Sister Su."

Mu Qingzhi quickly stretched out her hand as if she were doing good.

Susie: “…………”

For a moment, her mood seemed complicated.


Everything inside the Norton Hall faintly reveals a sense of low-key luxury.

After bidding farewell to Chu Zihang, who was forced to stay behind to deal with matters in the meeting, Mu Qingzhi found Xia Mi on the third floor of Norton Hall, who was rolling back and forth on the big bed with pillows in his arms.

"...So you've been here for so long and haven't done anything?"

Looking at the completely useless Xia Mi in front of her, Mu Qingzhi's face turned slightly dark.

The two boxes they brought were placed haphazardly next to them, and nothing was taken out of them. Originally, she expected that Xia Mi would have already sorted and sorted everything for her when she came over, but now it looks like Come on, her expectations for this guy are still a little too high...

"Who said that? Didn't you see? I took a shower."

Sitting up from the bed and pointing his hand back at himself, Xia Mi looked proud.

“The water temperature is very comfortable and the bed is very comfortable. I am very satisfied.”

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

"Uh...wait a minute, listen to what I have to say first!!"

Looking at someone in front of him who silently pulled out a smooth bamboo stick from his pocket, and then decisively rolled to the other side of the bed out of attack range, Xia Mi hurriedly raised his hand.

"The sheets and quilts here are all brand new and have been specially dried before. All daily necessities are available. Even cosmetics and other items are all brand-name. There is nothing to pack at all!!!"

"……brand new?"

Stopping what she was doing, Mu Qingzhi looked around the room.

Although it is called a "bedroom", the bedrooms here are too luxurious. They are all equipped with sofas, tea rooms, living rooms, balconies, bathrooms and bathtubs. It is obvious that they have been carefully decorated.

There was even a swing and a piano placed in the corner of the room... but the room was big enough.

"I'll give you ten minutes to pack your things, and then we'll meet on the first floor."

With a soft hum in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi stuffed the bamboo stick back into his pocket, picked up his suitcase and walked towards the door.

Her room is right next to Xia Mi, and it is the best sunny place in Norton Hall. Although Chu Zihang has carefully prepared all the daily necessities for them, but those who brought them from home clothes still have to be hung in the closet.

——By the way, Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei’s rooms are downstairs.

"The luxury of the rich... It seems that Chu Zihang is really not short of money?"

While using hangers to hang clothes in the closet, Mu Qingzhi looked thoughtful.

Compared to Xia Mi's room, her room also received the same treatment.

The person who decorates the room obviously understands the thoughts of girls, and can give them surprises from time to time in controlling various details. There is even an extra refrigerator of Coke prepared for her in the refrigerator in the room...

", the Coke should have been prepared by Chu Zihang..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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