While Mu Qingzhi was tidying up her room, at the same time, in a room on the next floor, Lu Mingfei was receiving Chun Chun's teachings from Fingel.

"...free day?"

Looking at Fingel in front of him, Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"Yes, as long as you can win the Free Day, you will become a star in this academy and have a series of privileges."

With a sudden clenched fist, Fingel's eyes were full of longing.

"The right to use Norton Hall for one year!! The right to the finals of next year's "College Star"!! The first girl you pursue in school, she cannot refuse you and must maintain a relationship with you for three months!" Think about it, three privileges, what a blessing it is!!”

"Wait, what is the right to court..."

"The literal meaning is as you understand it."

Patting him on the shoulder, Fingel winked at him.

"The winner of last year's Freedom Day was Chu Zihang, the president of the Lion Heart Club. That's why you were able to live in the Norton Hall directly because of his relationship. It was also because of your senior brother's strong dominance on the battlefield that he You can become the president of the Lion Heart Club. Think about it carefully, is it a loss to participate in the Free Day? You are the only S-class in the school, and the principal has specially approved it!! As long as you participate, the championship is already waving to you, right? !”

"……forget it."

After a little hesitation, Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"We are all freshmen, directly participating in this kind of competition..."

"Really? Then it seems that the winner of this Free Day has been decided in advance."

After looking at Lu Mingfei, Fingel spread his hands in front of him with some regret.

"If nothing else, the winner this time should still be Chu Zihang."

"Uh...then there's no difference, right?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

"Anyway, he is my senior brother, I..."

"Don't forget, there are three privileges held by the winner."

Fingel stretched out a finger and waved it in front of him, with a serious look on his face.

"When Chu Zihang won last year, on the Night Watch forum, the opinions and posts about who Chu Zihang would use his privileges to pursue were quite hot, and the popularity lasted for several months. Last year, when Chu Zihang If we don’t use the third privilege, it won’t be possible this year.”


"Here, see for yourself."

With a slight shrug, Fingel took out his cell phone and opened a chat channel and handed it to Lu Mingfei.

"This is a photo taken by my subordinate half an hour ago. If I hadn't stopped it, the scandal about the president of the Lionheart Society would have been flying all over the Night Watch forum by now."

The content of the photo is very simple, it is a scene of a man and a woman walking side by side on campus, but the person who took the photo undoubtedly grasped the angle very well, and took this ordinary photo into a youthful and hormonal atmosphere.

"Wait a minute, you still post stuff like this on your forum?"

Looking at the photo, Lu Mingfei was immediately shocked.

"Isn't the Lionheart Club one of the two largest clubs in the school? Why would anyone dare to create a scandal about President Lionheart?"

"What is this? Not to mention Chu Zihang, the student union president Caesar also has a lot of tidbits."

Fingel scoffed.

"In the past, some people exposed the tax details of the principal's travel expenses on the forum, calling on students to denounce the principal's extravagance and waste and apply it to school construction."

"Uh... dare I ask that student's last..."

"Oh, he failed all the principal's classes back then."

Fingel took back his phone with an understatement on his face.

"He failed in the first year, and then failed in the second year. It was not until he later wrote a 30,000-word article in the forum that extremely praised the principal for his gorgeous writing style that he was reluctantly let go by the principal. But even though he said He fell, but his spirit of resistance that was not afraid of power will still remain in the Night Watch Forum forever."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

"Okay, stop pretending. I have already seen what you are thinking. When you sat next to me in the morning, the smell of vinegar was so strong that it was unreasonable."

Fingel put his arm around his shoulders and spoke with a serious look on his face.

"Senior brother, I've been here before, so I can understand your thoughts. If you like someone, you should boldly pursue it. If you hesitate too much, you will miss a lot of things. If you don't want to fight for it, others won't let you. do you understand?"

"...What is the process of a free day?"

After struggling in his heart for a long time, Lu Mingfei finally asked him this question.

"Simple, you add my account and I will send it to you later."

Fingel secretly gave himself a thumbs up, having perfectly completed the task assigned by the principal, and snapped his fingers proudly.

"Come on, you first log on to the Night Watch Forum to register an account, and then add my account..."

"Wait a minute, this post of yours...are you the one who posted the principal's consumption list before and suffered multiple failures?"

"Not to mention the bravery of a good man, I think I was also such a strong and fearless fighter... Hurry up and add friends!!"



"...Should we not go in?"

After looking through the crack in the door at the crowd holding a meeting in front of him, Xia Mi quietly asked Mu Qingzhi beside him.

"It seemed like they were talking about something very important. They were talking about picking up knives and fighting people in the student union. They were also talking about burying people in sacks with sap in advance. They were talking about adding laxatives to the food in the student union. They say they might as well kidnap the girlfriend of their student union president... I always feel like the topics discussed in it are very dangerous."

"……I think so."

After a moment of silence, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"In my opinion, we might as well just go up and call Lu Mingfei, and then go to the college to walk around together. There are three of us here, so it's impossible to get lost in the school..."

Before Mu Qingzhi could finish her sentence, the ajar door in front of her was suddenly pulled open.

In an instant, the two of them, squatting furtively in front of the conference room door, were exposed to the gaze of a group of key members of the Lion Heart Club inside the conference room.

Mu Qingzhi/Xia Mi: "..."

Everyone in the Lion Heart Club: "..."

Susie opened the door and was about to get something: "..."

——At this moment, there is only silence.

In the end, it was Chu Zihang who spoke first to break the silence.

"Has your room been tidied up?"

Standing up from the table, covering the documents in his hands and placing them on the table, Chu Zihang walked towards them.

"If that's all right, call Lu Mingfei and I'll take you around the academy. Lunch time is almost here."

"But the meeting..."

"Open again at night."

Chu Zihang looked indifferent.

Everyone: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Three updates tomorrow.

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