The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 206 A different day of freedom

White doves rise and fall on the top of the church, with the blue sky reflected in the background.

Compared to usual times, today is another peaceful day.

But just as these pigeons were discussing where to go to order French fries later, a shrill siren suddenly pierced the sky.

Frightened by the sound of the siren, the pigeons took to the sky one after another and exploded into a white cloud on the blue sky.

"What kind of free day... It feels like this is completely a real CS, right?"

Seeing the crowd below with guns and ammunition rushing out from their respective hiding places, Xia Mi, who was lying on the railing of the high-rise building, started to complain speechlessly.

"This level of war intensity is not comparable to the special training I experienced when I was on the island. That kind of special training is called real. Under the premise that Yan Ling is banned by the commandments, I feel that I don't need Chu Zihang and him. If we take action, Lu Mingfei can kill him alone."

At this time, it had just been a day since they came to Kassel College to report. Yesterday, they had just walked around the entire Kassel College under the leadership of Chu Zihang, and then today they ushered in this incident. Every family...Xia Mi really doesn't want to call the battle below a war.

Now, she finally understood why Chu Zihang was so indifferent when it came to matters related to the ownership of Norton Hall. a war without blood worthy of being called a war?

"Even if the power of speech and spirit is banned, the physical fitness of the mixed-races is not what Lu Mingfei can match. Your story is too exaggerated. These mixed-races have also undergone rigorous training in school."

While chewing the melon seeds in her hand, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"As for Lu Mingfei, he can probably only deal with three...two people at the same time at most. If there are more people, there will be nothing he can do."

After a moment of pondering, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"But if you give him a sniper rifle and a full view of the map, he might really be able to kill all the people below."

"So, are you really going to do this?"

Turning to look at the girl next to him, Xia Mi's words contained a rare hint of worry.

"You should know that if you really do that, countless troubles will definitely come to your door after today."

"It's okay. Last night, I had a detailed chat with the principal and vice-principal. Cassel College is their territory, and they all support my decision."

Waving her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked unconcerned.

"Whatever pressure there is, they promised to bear it. Even if it really gets to the worst level, we can escape unscathed... Why do you think I came to Cassel College? To go to school?"

"...Forget it, it's up to you."

Sighing in his mouth, Xia Mi grabbed a handful of melon seeds from her hand in a vindictive manner.

"Anyway, I'm already on a pirate ship. Since I can't jump off the ship halfway, I'll just go crazy with you."

"Don't worry, we are not afraid of being exposed. It is Odin who is afraid of being exposed."

He simply handed the bag of melon seeds to Xia Mi, clapped his hands, and Mu Qingzhi looked confident.

"Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. The more anxious the other party is, the easier it will be to reveal flaws. What are we afraid of?"


He raised his head and glanced at the other party in disgust, but Xia Mi didn't reply.

Since she woke up again, she has been extremely cautious, fearing that if she is not careful, she will be involved in some big disturbance, which will lead to her identity being exposed and being hunted by hybrids all over the world.

But now, she is taking the initiative to set off a storm that is destined to sweep the entire mixed-race world... To be honest, she is very panicked now.


On the roof of a tall building somewhere, Lu Mingfei was holding a sniper rifle.

Although in theory, Freedom Day is a competition between the school student union and the Lion Heart Club, last night, Mu Qingzhi specifically explained it to him, Chu Zihang, and Xia Mi.

It's still the same test as always, but this time the test will take place on a free day.

Chu Zihang is an exception, but both he and Xia Mi will participate in this free day as a third party, and what the three of them have to do is to survive to the end in this free day and become the final winner.

——The final winner, the other party will grant them a wish.

In the girl's words, even if they want the stars in the sky, she will help them pick them...

Shaking his head, Lu Mingfei drove the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

He, a high-profile S-class participant, caused an uproar on the Night Watch forum. That bastard Fingel wrote down his account password and posted a high-profile message on the forum in his name last night. The challenge post, the words in the post were extremely mocking, and successfully caused him a lot of hatred before the game started.

Lu Mingfei felt a little itchy when he thought about this.

What made him even more irritated was that Fingel even openly opened a handicap in the forum based on this incident, and did not hesitate to pressure him to lose by 3,000 US dollars.

So far, his odds are as high as 1 to 9.

Because of this incident, he originally wanted to develop in a low-key manner, but he couldn't keep a low profile at all. He originally wanted to keep it until the end, but now, looking at the people below, they all united with guns and wanted to give him the S-class first. After clearing the members of the Student Union and Lionheart Club, Lu Mingfei suddenly wanted to cry.

Originally, he wanted to take Xia Mi with him to share some of his firepower, but the other person's personality was exactly the same as Fingel's. He patted his chest and said, "I will support you in action," without hesitation. On the forum, he gave him $1,000 in exchange for his loss... He was really grateful to the other party.

Of course, he is not alone.

Although after the extremely arrogant challenge post was posted, some people ridiculed him extremely on the Internet, but at the same time, there were also people who were infected by his domineering attitude and wanted to follow him, the only S-class.

——Freshman Sorority.

This organization is basically composed of freshmen this year. Their president is a guy named Chilan from India. The other party single-handedly started the freshman fraternity organization and strongly recommended him to be their leader.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei has not yet decided whether to become the president of the freshman fraternity. He prefers to stay in the Lion Heart Club with his senior brothers, but Qilan is very loyal.

After learning about his predicament of fighting alone, he volunteered to join the battlefield with people from the freshman fraternity.

So during this free day, in addition to the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union, the freshman fraternity led by Qi Lan also joined the battlefield... in the name of his S-class name.

Qilan's idea is actually good, but the results he achieved...

Looking at the freshmen fraternity members who fell like wheat in groups over there, Lu Mingfei felt dumbfounded.

The people in the Student Council and the Lion Heart Club are all old students who have been in the school for a year or two. They have gone through a year of courses and training. Whether it is the use of guns or fighting skills, they are far beyond what these freshmen can match. of.

Of course, the people in the freshman fraternity are still very brave, but bravery is bravery. At this time, bravery will only make them die faster.

As for the role contributed by the freshman fraternity... maybe it confused his vision?

Just as Lu Mingfei was thinking about where he would hide next, he unconsciously looked up at the sky and suddenly froze there.

——Under his gaze, the crimson curtain was rapidly expanding in the sky.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I have a headache, and there are two more updates to come.

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