The crimson curtain spreading in the sky undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the school.

Except for a few insiders, everyone else looked at a loss. The battle of life and death stopped instantly. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all seemed a little at a loss for a while.

Some smart people also knew to ask for the Noma, but the Noma that always responded in the past suddenly disappeared at this time, causing a slight panic in many people's hearts.

——The biggest fear in human hearts always comes from the unknown.

Of course, among these students, there are still a certain number of nerds. These people looked at the strange changes in the sky, and the more they looked at them, the more familiar they felt...

"Feng Jue! That's right!! This is definitely Shana's Feng Jue!!!"

In the temporary command post of the student union, pointing to the sky outside, a certain staff officer had an extremely excited expression on his face.

"In the anime, this is what Fengjue looks like!! I can guarantee that this is definitely the Fengjue activated by Shana!!"


"Norma can't be reached."

Ignoring the staff officer's words, Nono, wearing a red tight-fitting combat uniform and leaning the sniper rifle on the ground, shook the cell phone in his hand.

"Not only Noma, but the communication in the school has also been completely cut off. We don't even know..."

"No, he is right, this is indeed Feng Jue."

Standing up from the chair, Caesar's ice blue eyes flashed with a strange light.

"If I guess correctly, this mutation should be related to..."


——A sudden explosion interrupted Caesar's words.

In everyone's stunned eyes, a building in the distance collapsed, and in the smoke and dust that was blown up, a huge thing revealed its ferocious figure.

With its streamlined body and wings covered in black scales, under the crimson sky, the black giant roared towards the sky.

"That's... a dragon?"

In the temporary command post of the Student Union, looking at the figure over there, the staff officer who spoke first opened his mouth wide and his voice was slightly trembling.

How could he not expect that creatures that had only existed in textbooks and demonstration videos before would actually appear in front of him at this moment.

In an academy whose purpose and goal is to slay dragons... a dragon actually appeared? What kind of joke is this for future generations! ?

At this moment, the screen of the mobile phone in Nono's hand suddenly lit up, and a crisp female voice came from the phone. At first, the voice seemed a bit blurry and distorted, but later on, it gradually became clearer.

[※※※Foreign enemies have invaded, and the academy has activated the first level of combat readiness. All students must prepare for battle while ensuring their own safety. Under the influence of the "Night Watcher"'s [Commandments], the dragon cannot use the word spirit, but there are extreme There is a high probability that there will be a deadpool guarding him, so students must be careful. Repeat, foreign enemies invade, the college activates first-level combat readiness...]

Not only Nono's cell phone, but at this moment, Noma's cold voice rang out everywhere in the school.

"...Really a dragon!?"

"What's going on? How could a dragon suddenly arrive..."

"...Pay attention to avoidance, everyone lights up their golden eyes!!"

As Noma's voice sounded, the students in the college immediately started to commotion at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, the difference in quality between everyone could be seen at a glance.

Some people were so frightened that they sat paralyzed on the spot, some people quickly rushed to the equipment department to replace the live ammunition, some people turned around and ran away without caring, and some people hurriedly removed the previous "killed" The students were dragged into a safe place... without unified command, the result was chaos.

Fortunately, without much effort, Chu Zihang and Caesar took over the team channel. At this time, as the leaders of the two major organizations, they both behaved extremely calmly.

While sending people to the equipment department to collect and replace live ammunition to provide firearms and artillery support in the rear, they rushed toward the place where the dragon appeared with knives in hand.

As the proud sons of heaven, both Caesar and Chu Zihang were extremely proud of themselves. Now that they saw the real dragons appearing in front of them, they only had one thought in their minds.

——Slay the dragon! ! !

The only good thing is that the place where the dragon appeared is in the cafeteria of the college, and it is not meal time, so there should not be many people in the cafeteria, and the casualty rate will not be too high.

...But if that dragon is allowed to wreak havoc on campus, the consequences will be hard to predict.

"Noma, report the real-time location of that dragon."

While running along the cobblestone path to the cafeteria, Caesar, who was holding a young boy in his arms, spoke in a deep voice.

During this period of time, the dragon was still wreaking havoc in the school. From time to time, the sound of building collapse or explosion could be heard. The originally peaceful Kassel College seemed to turn into a battlefield at all times, with smoke and dust. The smell permeates it.

Compared with the situation at this time, their previous battle was like a small fight. They didn't even dare to blow up a building, and they dared to call it a war?

After a brief silence, Noma's voice rang out.

[The dragon is moving in the direction of the Hall of Valor. It is initially determined that its target is the ice cave. It is expected to arrive there in five minutes. Please go there as soon as possible to intercept it. 】

"Hall of Valor..."

His eyes flickered slightly, and Caesar changed his direction.

And just as he turned a corner, some warning signs suddenly appeared in his heart. Without thinking about it, he suddenly swung the Dictado above his head.

The next moment, with a crisp sound that sounded like metal clashing, Caesar's figure suddenly retreated backwards as if he had been hit hard, and a dry foot kicked his chest hard.

The unknown intruder was extremely powerful, and it was a sneak attack that he had been waiting for for a long time. As soon as he made contact, he suffered a lot, and his chest was so tight that he couldn't breathe.


Half-kneeling on the ground and using Dick to support his body, Caesar's face turned cold as he looked at the inhuman figure that appeared in front of him.

The thing standing in front of him was wrapped in a black robe, covering his whole body tightly. Only the inhuman claws with scales exposed from the cuffs were exposed, and the scales were glowing with coldness. Light.

The other party was surprisingly very virtuous and did not take advantage of this time to run to launch additional attacks on him. Instead, he stood there silently, his black robe also hiding the other party's facial expressions.

"That's fine, I just want to practice with you before slaying the dragon."

With a calm face, Caesar stood up from the ground, and then slowly pulled Dick Tudo out of the scabbard.

I don’t know if it was his actions or words that touched the nerves of the Deadpool in front of him. Looking at him who had already drawn the knife, the other party actually stretched out his claws towards him and hooked... and then fired a shot from a distance. The incoming sniper rifle bullets directly blew it away.

Caesar: "......"

...I heard that Deadpool’s IQ is not very high, and it seems to be true.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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