The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 208 The culprits gather together

Different from the tense atmosphere in the college at this time, in the attic of a certain church, the three culprits were gathered in front of a TV.

Looking at the scene displayed on the screen in front of him, the face of the vice principal holding a game controller froze.

——Because of that sudden cold shot, the Deadpool he controlled had only one piece of blood left.

Unlike Frigga bullets that only anesthetize people, the heavy sniper rifle replaced with live ammunition is even enough to penetrate a steel plate several millimeters thick. No matter how strong Deadpool's bones are, he cannot withstand this direct shot.


Angers on the side laughed at him mercilessly.


...The cause of all incidents originated from last night.

Neither he nor Angers expected that the white emperor would come to visit them late at night. If the other party had no ill intentions, he would have been so frightened that he would activate the alchemy matrix under the attic...especially when the other party took out an elf. After the ball released a dragon in front of him and Angers.

Last night, the two of them were completely honest and planned the dragon invasion on today's Freedom Day together.

Thinking of this, the vice principal couldn't help but turn his head and look at the black box on the ground beside him.

He didn't know what the principle behind this was, which allowed those Deadpools and even dragons who only had bloodthirsty instincts to be controlled by a small game controller in their hands. He could only guess that it had something to do with the White King's spiritual authority.

But things like health bars and stuff...

"If this Deadpool's health bar is empty, will he die?"

Putting down the game controller in his hand and letting the deadpool enter the automatic control state, he turned to look at the girl sitting cross-legged on the sofa next to him. The vice principal asked curiously.

"……Roughly the same."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"After the health bar is empty, it will be put back into the elf ball and become weak. In short, the recovery time is very long."

"What about the blood bars on the heads of those students?"

Looking back, the vice principal glanced at Caesar on the screen.

——Under Norma's real-time monitoring, everything that happens there is under their control.

"Anti-addiction mechanism. Once the blood bar above the head is empty, the student will be forced to leave the game. He will not die, but he will be injured."

Mu Qingzhi looked calm as she picked up the ice coke on the table next to her.

"Don't worry, I have tried this system many times before and there has never been a problem."

When Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and the others were given a hellish special training on that desert island, the loaded DLC used this system. Even though this thing looked inconspicuous, as a golden quality item, its cost was up to It cost a terrifying billion US dollars. If the subsequent additions and changes are added, the cost goes straight to 1.5 billion.

If she hadn't saved a lot of money through the deal with Angers in the past few years, she would really be reluctant to spend so many resources to make such a toy... This prop she named [Imitation Online Game System] is purely auxiliary nature.

Different from the time on the island, this time she loaded an additional new monster template into the system, which is the dragon she released outside and the dozen deadpools.

In recent years, she has gained a lot from traveling around the world with the help of any door. The number of dragon-type Pokémon has reached ten, and the number of undead-type Pokémon has also expanded to more than 50. There are also some other Additional benefits such as Bug-type and Grass-type Pokémon.

It's just that harvest is harvest. The strength of these Pokémon is not too strong. The only two trump cards are the two second-generation Samson species that were conquered with the power of Constantine a few months ago.

If Fenrir also settles in the Master Ball in the future, she can throw out one of the four kings at will, and the god will kill the god if he blocks it, and the Buddha will kill the Buddha if he blocks it...

"Many times... when you trained Chu Zi, Hanglu Mingfei and Xia Mi, did you use this system?"

His eyes flickered slightly, and Angers turned around.

"Where did your special training take place?"

"This is beyond the scope of the answer. Don't forget the specific content of the deal between us."

After taking a sip of the Coke in the cup, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"I have proven my worth, and now, it's your turn, principal, to prove your worth, isn't it?"

"...That dragon won't last long."

After a moment of silence, Angers answered.

"It has the power of the word spirit sealed, and it is only a fourth-generation species. The students in the academy can destroy it with the weapons stored in the equipment department, and the dead waiters are not afraid either."

"I can see it, but these are not the only enemies they face. There are some things where bigger is not always better."

Mu Qingzhi looked unconcerned.

"I am a person who does what I say. Since I said I would give them the most unforgettable day of freedom, I will definitely make them realize this deeply."

It happened that just as the words fell from Mu Qingzhi's mouth, the broadcast from Noma arrived on time. In just half a minute, a total of 21 students were eliminated because of exhaustion of blood.

"...What else did you put into the battlefield?"

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Angers asked.

"I captured the scarab from the pyramid in Egypt. Although this thing is sacred in ancient Egyptian myths and legends, in essence, this thing is a bloodthirsty creature that transformed after being contaminated with dragon's blood."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi took out a red and white elf ball from his pocket, and threw it to the principal.

"This thing has a very cruel temperament, its body is as hard as steel, and its reproductive capacity is very strong. If this thing hadn't been bound to the pyramid, once it spread, the consequences would be disastrous. But this thing is Like the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper, it is a dragon-blooded creature that lives in a certain area. As long as the restrictions are not broken, there is no need to worry."

"Scarab...when did you go to Egypt?"

After taking the elf ball, Angers was stunned.

"I remember that a year ago, a sensational explosion occurred one night at the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt. The explosion destroyed nearly one-tenth of the pyramid, and even the head of the Sphinx was destroyed. It fell off, and afterwards the Egyptian officials offered a huge reward to find the culprit, but they have never been found. Could this matter be related to you?"

"How is that possible? I have never been to Egypt."

Mu Qingzhi turned her head unconsciously and looked to the side, her eyes wandering.

"And besides, if I am so abiding by the law, it is impossible for me to commit such a serious crime, hahahaha..."

Angers/Vice Principal: “………”

ps: Good morning.

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