Because of the large number of scarabs released, the campus was completely plunged into chaos.

Originally, those Deadpools were easy to deal with in the face of clustered modern weapons. After all, there were not many Deadpools, only about 20 in total. The number of students was several times that, not to mention that they were fully armed.

It didn't take too much. The gathering of five fully armed students was able to suppress fire on a single Deadpool. Under the torrent of steel, these Deadpools fell one after another.

Some students with tough temperaments even organized a team to carry a row of rocket launchers directly from the equipment department, and then launched a rocket launcher directly at the place where the dead servants were hiding, completely ignoring the massively damaged buildings and buildings around them. Land...

Those who can join the Student Union and Lionheart Club are basically elites. Before this sudden disaster, their performance was remarkable.

If there are no accidents, in up to 30 minutes, these fully armed students will be able to clear out all the mobs and concentrate their firepower to encircle the final big BOSS.

...But accidents always happen when they come.

The cause of the accident was a rocket fired by Lancelot, the vice-president of the Lionheart Club. Although his rocket successfully blasted the Deadpool far away and directly blew up half of the opponent's body. A body, but it was like pressing the button to open Pandora's box with his own hands. With the death of the deadpool, a horrific incident happened.

An immeasurable number of black beetles crawled out of the Deadpool's body like a tide, and then attacked them crazily.

These black beetles were small in size, somewhat similar to cockroaches, but their bodies were incredibly hard and they crawled extremely fast, arriving in front of them in the blink of an eye.

By the time Lancelot and the others reacted, it was already too late.

Black beetles densely climbed up their bodies, then bit them wildly, and some even crawled directly into their mouths, ears and noses...

Those students who were successfully crawled into their bodies by these bugs would, without exception, fall straight to the ground within a few seconds and then be overwhelmed by the swarm of bugs.

——In fact, Mu Qingzhi is kind-hearted.

These scarabs are extremely cruel in nature. Like the Ghost-toothed Dragon Viper, they are guardians and executioners specially bred by the Dragon Clan. They are also instruments of torture for those Dragon Clan who have made mistakes.

The only difference is that the ghost-toothed dragon viper will eat all the victims, but the scarab will leave the trainee's dignity intact, but the inside and internal organs will be completely eaten.

The scarab is the terrestrial viper, and the terrestrial viper is also the scarab of the sea.

Compared with the ghost-toothed dragon viper, the scarab beetle is more difficult to deal with because of its smaller size, and the number is larger. Once it appears, it will be an overwhelming swarm of hundreds of thousands or millions of insects.

The Nibelungs in the Pyramid of Khufu were all densely packed with these things, and the number was extremely horrifying. If Mu Qingzhi wasn't afraid of the flames, she might not have been able to escape unscathed. .

Faced with something like a scarab, ordinary hybrids have no chance of fighting it.

As long as a scarab crawls into the body, the fate of this hybrid has been predetermined. For thousands of years, because of the protection of this thing, countless hybrids have hated the Pyramid of Khufu.

Originally, Mu Qingzhi wanted these students to experience the feeling of being slowly eaten out of the body by scarab beetles. However, after some practice with Xia Mi, she gave up this idea with some regret.

A trial was a trial, and if she really had to shake the psychological shadow of these students on the free day, the impact would not be good after all, and she would not explain it to the principal and vice principal.

So in the end, she just added an additional sure-kill setting to these scarabs. As long as the scarabs get into their bodies, they will be eliminated immediately.

Lancelot and the others had never seen such a legendary thing at all. In addition, they were caught off guard by a surprise attack. Therefore, in less than half a minute, they were attacked by thousands of holy armors. , a group of more than 20 people was almost wiped out.

The reason why I say almost is because one lucky person was far away and managed to escape.

But watching his teammates and the vice-president being wormed into their bodies and then quickly submerged still brought great stimulation to his young mind. He was so frightened that he just threw away his gun and ran away...even his pants. No more.

Preliminary estimation is that after this free day is over, this guy will have to undergo several courses of psychological therapy intervention by Masashi Toyama...

There is more than one deadpool carrying a scarab. Among the more than 20 deadpools, Mu Qingzhi thoughtfully planted five mines. After the Lionheart Club team led by Lancelot won the prize, there were three more in other places. Thunder exploded one after another.

One mine carries 1,000 scarabs, and the total number is 5,000. Since scarabs have extremely strong breeding abilities, Mu Qingzhi doesn't feel too worried about them.

However, it doesn't hurt if you don't feel bad. As these buried bombs detonated one after another, those elite students who were confident and fully armed and wanted to follow their president to slay the dragon were in bad luck.

Compared to Deadpool, these bugs can appear from anywhere due to their extremely small size. In addition, they move extremely fast, have hard bodies, and are numerous in number. Ordinary guns and ammunition have no effect at all, so after this Within ten minutes, the number of surviving students was decreasing rapidly.

Except for Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei, who have experienced this kind of hellish training many times, the others did not realize that this was just a simulator game, watching their former friends and classmates in such a miserable way. One by one died in front of him. Some people were so frightened that they turned pale and at a loss, but some people went crazy on the spot.

"What should we do? Vice President, those bugs are here again."

Huddled in a certain classroom, looking at the looming black trend on the lawn not far outside the classroom, the girl wearing a black combat uniform looked horribly pale, with an expression on her face as if she was about to cry.

...When she thought about the outcome of those bugs burrowing into her body and eating them up bit by bit, she wanted to commit suicide directly.

"When I lure them away later, you run as high as possible. These bugs are afraid of fire."

Patting the girl on the shoulder, Susie handed over the sniper rifle in her hand.

"Don't worry, it's okay. The college has sent people over urgently for support. Just hold on until support arrives."

After leaving such a sentence, without saying anything else, while listening to the creepy noises coming from the door frame and window edge, Susie slit her wrist with a dagger, and then rushed out.

These beetles are obviously creatures soaked in dragon blood, and they like to chase the smell of blood. As a Class A hybrid, her blood should be more attractive than those in the room.

...And in fact, the situation was exactly as she expected.

Almost as soon as she broke out of the door, the black beetles behind her that were about to invade the classroom were attracted by the smell of blood and started chasing her crazily.

From a distance, it looked like a giant black snake was following behind her.

Not having the mind to think about anything else, Susie tried her best to squeeze her physical strength and limits, just so that she could run faster.

…But now, these black beetles are all over the school.

Susie only had time to run to a lawn a few dozen meters away when the black beetles had already wrapped themselves around her and quickly crawled up the black combat uniform on her body.

But Susie didn't care about this situation at all. She just covered her mouth, nose and ears tightly, and then ran forward with all her strength.

When she noticed a strange pain coming from the wound on her hand, she looked down and saw that her body was almost covered with beetles, and a cold figure vaguely appeared in her mind. She did not hesitate to detonate herself. The detonator he carries.

——The next second, a ball of fire suddenly bloomed with her as the center.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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