There was silence in the church bell tower.

Neither Angers nor the vice-principal expected that this group of young people who were setting foot on the battlefield for the first time could perform so... outstandingly.

——This kind of consciousness has not been seen among the young people of the new era for a long time.

"...Can I ask a question?"

After a moment of silence, Ange turned to look at Mu Qingzhi.

"In the past few years, what kind of training did you give Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang?"

Among the three, the one who impressed him the most was Caesar who gave up the chance to win but risked his life to save his companions. The one who impressed him the most was undoubtedly Lu Mingfei.

With such an extremely tragic injury, other people would have been rolling on the ground in pain and wailing, but Lu Mingfei was different.

It was obvious that his left shoulder was smashed to pieces, and his seriously injured body creaked from being squeezed, but he was still able to calmly calculate everything, using his bloody left shoulder as a cover and himself as a bait to create something for Chu Zihang and the others. An almost perfect chance to kill.

He could see that in the next few shots, Lu Mingfei's wrist was almost dislocated due to the huge recoil of the Desert Eagle, and he relied entirely on the force of the adrenaline burst to hold down the gun.

But even so, his accuracy reached a terrifying 100%.

Within a few seconds, all the bullets in the magazine were poured out, and each of the seven bullets accurately hit the same point... This extremely dazzling performance made him undoubtedly the winner of this game. No. 1 in boss battles.

What's even more rare is that in this dragon-slaying battlefield, the opponent has no bloodline advantage. The opponent whose bloodline has not yet awakened is just an ordinary person.

"...It shouldn't be too tragic, right?"

At this time, Mu Qingzhi subconsciously sat up straight and answered with some uncertainty.

"The most they can do is hunt down zombies, mutant creatures, aliens, vampires, polar bears..."

"Wait, I understand the rest, but what about the polar bears?"

Raising his hand, the vice-principal interrupted.

"Compared with the previous things, polar bears are obviously not up to par, right?"

"Don't underestimate polar bears. Polar bears are very strong."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her and shook it, with a mysterious look on her face.

"According to some gossip, polar bears have had..."

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Pressing his forehead, Ange interrupted the discussion between the two people about the polar bear's combat power with a headache.

"What kind of simulation is this..."

"Imitation online game system."

——Mu Qingzhi gave a very considerate reminder.

"...Are you selling this system?"

After a long moment of silence, Angers continued to speak.

“Money is no object if you’re willing to sell.”

Although this was the first time he had seen this thing, he was already vaguely aware of the power of this system. No matter how much actual combat training the academy conducted on weekdays, it could not compare to a full simulation run enabled by this system.

This thing is used to train soldiers, it is simply a magical tool.

"Sell it? You guys took it and it was useless. This thing must be used in conjunction with Feng Jue."

After being stunned for a moment, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand.

"Also, the shortcomings of this thing are also huge. It costs at least tens of millions of dollars to open it once. Because the feeling and pain of death will be completely retained, so in order to avoid mental problems, I have to die once in it. After that, it will take at least half a year before you can enter the simulated scene of this system again. It's useless for you to take it, so you might as well notify me when you want to use it to cooperate with you."

"...Can I ask you what's on your mind?"

After a long silence, Angers and the vice-principal looked at each other and then asked in a deep voice.

"Why do you do so many things?"

——In order to show respect for the white emperor in front of him, Angers deliberately used the honorific title.

"Uh... Principal, are you a little too polite?"

Blinking her eyes, Mu Qingzhi felt a little confused.

"Also, regarding my wishes, I seem to have made it clear last night, right? The black emperor will resurrect in the near future. When the black king resurrects, the world will be destroyed. At that time, everything I did now was to save the world."

"The four great kings..."

"Odin is one of the four kings, and he is also the most ambitious. He single-handedly overturned and buried the dragon society, and intended to swallow up the power of other kings."

Sitting upright, Mu Qingzhi's face became unusually serious.

"Except for Odin, the other dragon kings have been in a cycle of death and sleep. They are obviously the supreme king, but under the control of Odin, they have become so-called abandoned clans. For them, that is the most profound thing. Despair, thousands of years of sleep, endless cycle of nightmares, you are the only one in the deepest darkness, hugging and keeping warm with your only relative on the lonely throne..."

Unconsciously, Mu Qingzhi thought of the night when Xia Mi told herself these things.

——At that time, the other person was huddled in the corner with a pillow in his arms. The sadness and loneliness in his body almost overflowed into reality. He was as lonely as a child abandoned by the world.

Fenrir didn't understand that at all because of his low IQ. Xia Mi endured double the loneliness for her brother, and she was the most desperate one.

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi took back her thoughts.

"After thousands of years of planning, Odin has reached the point of harvest. Those sleeping kings will wake up one after another under his control, and then usher in true death, turning into dragon bones and crosses. He gives the authority to devour. If the Black King is the final boss, then Odin is the super devil who blocks the way in the early stage."


When talking about this name, Angers and the vice principal frowned unconsciously.

"Yes, he has lived for thousands of years. He has already laid out dense chess pieces belonging to him in human society, just waiting for the day of harvest. Under his arrangement, each Dragon King will follow his instructions. The scripts wake up one by one, and then move toward their own end."

Mu Qingzhi looked solemn.

"The King of Bronze and Fire is his first target. Norton, who once stood at the top of alchemy, has taken away a lot of things from him. Even the iconic alchemy has been taken away with him. And after devouring bronze, After fighting the authority in the fire, his next target will be the King of Earth and Mountain. Then, he will set his sights on the White King, with the intention of..."

"Wait, why did you jump directly to King Bai?"

Raising her hand, the vice-principal interrupted her again.

"If Odin is one of the four kings, then after the king of earth and mountains, shouldn't he be the king of sky and wind or the king of ocean and water?"

"Who knows? It's possible that the Dragon King has been harvested by him. After devouring his twins, his strength is overwhelming among the four kings."

With a slight shrug, Mu Qingzhi looked at Angre, who had become expressionless at some point.

"You can think about whether there were any particularly tragic events in the past history. For example..."

"Summer's Mourning!!"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Merry Christmas~

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