The Summer Mourning Incident was the deepest nightmare immersed in Ange's heart. Even though a hundred years had passed, he was still trapped in that day and could not get out.

In that incident known as "Summer Mourning", the secret party's headquarters, Kassel Manor, was attacked by dragons at night. A Dragon King-level enemy sneaked into the manor, and a group of deadpools surrounded them from the outside. .

In that battle, almost all the members of the first generation of Lionheart were killed, and the secret party suffered unprecedented heavy losses. Only Angers remained.

——From that day on, Angers became a complete avenger.

"According to you, that incident was also planned by Odin?"

Raising his head, Angre looked towards Mu Qingzhi.

His tone was calm, and his expression didn't change much, but his eyes looked extremely cold at the moment, with a trace of violent madness suppressed in the deepest part of his pupils.

"I can't be sure, I can only say it's very likely."

Sitting up straight, Mu Qingzhi's face became unusually serious.

"Regarding that matter, we actually only need to make a simple guess - that is, who can benefit from that incident. After the Dragon King died together with you, the Secret Party and the Lionheart Society suffered an almost devastating blow Under the premise, who can gain the greatest benefit? All I can think of is Odin."

While saying this, Mu Qingzhi looked at Ange in front of her.

"As the only survivor of that incident, principal, you should know the situation at that time better than I do. When you woke up the next day, did you find the bones belonging to the Dragon King? Or... Dragon Bone Cross ?”

"Is it possible that the Dragon King is not dead?"

Unable to hold back, the vice principal spoke.

"After all, the Dragon King's vitality is so tenacious, he should have this..."

"That Dragon King killed almost everyone in Kassel College, but spared only the principal. Vice principal, do you think this is reasonable?"

Looking away, Mu Qingzhi glanced at the vice principal.

"If you cut the grass without eradicating the root, it will grow again with the spring breeze. I don't need to explain this truth. The reason why no bones were found is that the opponent was seriously injured and fled, but there is another possibility. A third party joined the battlefield."


Angers voice was hoarse.

"Yes, if there really is a third party, that third party can only be him."

Mu Qingzhi nodded simply.

"Through the Summer Mourning incident, he not only single-handedly annihilated the cutting-edge forces of the Secret Party and the Lionheart Society, but also took advantage of this rare opportunity to insert his own forces into the Secret Party, and at the same time, he effortlessly devoured other kings. With his power and authority, he kills three birds with one stone, and he is the biggest winner."

"Wait, according to you, Odin is hiding in the secret party now?"

The vice principal was shocked.

"But the Secret Party is the largest violent dragon-slaying organization, how come..."

"Yes, it is precisely because of this situation that the secret party also holds the most cutting-edge dragon intelligence, just like Infernal Affairs. You also know the information about the Nibelung under the ice sea. That small island is A dragon's nest full of reptiles."

Looking towards the vice principal, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Don't think of Odin as the Dragon King. He has been in human society for so long. He is more like a human being and knows how to use human conspiracies to more conveniently achieve his goals... After all, he has lived for thousands of years. .”

"which one?"

He didn't mean to get involved in the conversation between them. He looked up at her and saw Ange with an expressionless face.

"Among the family forces behind the school directors in Kassel, which one is Odin hiding in?"

"I don't know. Anyway, principal, don't you have someone to suspect? Maybe someone started to investigate secretly a few years ago."

Spreading her hands, Mu Qingzhi looked innocent.

"This kind of thing should be left to you. I'm not an encyclopedia who knows everything. You can't just come and ask me about everything, right?"

"……Feel sorry."

After a brief silence, Angers looked away.

"It's okay. Anyway, from now on, we should be officially in the same boat, right?"

After waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi spoke seriously.

"In short, the King of Bronze and Fire, the King of Earth and Mountain, and the White King, these are Odin's next hunting targets in order. The White King is especially related to my family, so I have to pay attention. Once Let Odin seize the White King's flesh, blood and authority, and he will become more difficult to deal with, so we must nip it in the bud."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi shook his fist downwards with murderous intent.

"If possible, it would be best to crush King Bai to death in advance, the kind that would crush his bones and spread his ashes!!"

Although in theory, Hakuo should not be able to make any big waves this time. After all, the plot in Japan has been completely rewritten by her. Uesugi Koshigamoto's childish girl and her child are painted again. This is a Super luxurious team lineup.

——But Herzog in hiding and the fierce ghosts in the latent period are always a thorn in her heart.

Angers/Vice Principal: “………”

…Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

While the two were silent, a sonorous and powerful march suddenly resounded through the entire campus. After a moment of confusion, Angers, who was the first to react, turned to look at the screen behind him.

There is only one reason why Noma can play this kind of music, and that is the end of a free day. They were too focused on the things Mu Qingzhi said before, and they forgot about this for a while.

...Did Chu Zihang and the others successfully slay the dragon, or were everyone wiped out by the dragon attack?

Originally, Ange didn't think that Chu Zihang and the others could accomplish the feat of slaying the dragon, but now, he actually had some vague expectations in his heart.


...The time goes back slightly to one minute ago.

Looking at the dragon in front of him who finally fell in the gap of the Hall of Valor, half kneeling on the ground, holding the handle of the hunting knife with one hand, Caesar gasped for air.

His lungs, which used to be able to support him in running ten kilometers without gasping for air, were now overwhelmed. Every time he took a breath, he felt a dull pain in his chest. His throat was making noises with his breathing, and he was like a broken man. A broken bellows.

At this time, his blond hair was scattered, his chest was heaving, his blood-stained clothes were in tatters, and there were wounds all over his body. The elegance that belonged to the noble young master had completely disappeared from him at this time.

...No matter who sees him at this time, they can't connect him with the handsome student union president before.

After finding a safe place to place the injured Lu Mingfei, he simply tied the wound on his back with clothes, and then rushed back to the battlefield without stopping.

Although both eyes were severely damaged, the dragon's ferocity was completely aroused. Leaving Chu Zihang alone would only bring disaster, and he had to rush over to help.

In order to kill the dragon, Lu Mingfei risked his own life, and Chu Zihang also risked his own life. Naturally, he was not far behind.

——As long as he can still move, he will never hide in a corner like a coward.

ps: Good morning.

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