As time goes by, the night becomes darker.

However, although it is already very late, for some people, the nightlife has just begun.

——Especially on the Night Watch Forum, there is an all-night carnival.

"How are you? Do you feel okay?"

Pressing the cotton on the back of his hand with one hand, Chu Zihang walked to Lu Mingfei's bed after finishing the dialysis injection.

In fact, like Caesar, he was ready to go back directly, but since Lu Mingfei was still here, he chose to stay here to accompany him.

Lu Mingfei's injury was actually quite serious, just a little better than Susie's who had blown herself to pieces. Now, like Susie, he was covered in bandages almost all over, lying on the hospital bed like a mummy.

But although it looks serious, with the help of therapeutic bandages, recovery is very fast. By noon tomorrow at the latest, I will be able to get out of bed and move around freely.

"Fortunately, it's okay...the seniors are so enthusiastic."

Turning his head to look at the various supplements piled up almost like a hill on the bedside table next to him, Lu Mingfei had a lingering fear on his face.

I don’t know why, but an hour ago, long-legged seniors frequently visited him carrying various condolences, turning the supposedly peaceful ward into a small vegetable market. .

In fact, if it was just like this, he would only feel a little flattered and frightened. But the problem is, when these seniors saw him, it was as if they were seeing an idol. They were all so enthusiastic. .

On one side, there's Kuronaga Naomi peeling grapes for him. On the other side, there's a cute girl with cute looks squeezing next to him to take a photo with him. On the left, there's a sweet girl who saw his severe injuries and covered her mouth with a handkerchief. She couldn't help but He was crying, and there was a big sister-like neighbor character on the right, touching his cheek with his hand and comforting him softly...

Because he had no idea what was going on, he was completely confused and was forced to enjoy the treatment like an ancient emperor.

It wasn't until the medical staff who arrived from Xun Sheng drove all these people out with a dark face that he was finally at peace.

In fact, there was no shortage of people coming to visit Chu Zihang, but Chu Zihang's iceberg aura was too strong. Just by sitting there, the others were stunned and did not dare to come forward... Lu Mingfei expressed his envy.

"It's normal, you are already famous."

Taking out his mobile phone, Chu Zihang put it in front of Lu Mingfei.

"Norma made a clip of our performance on Freedom Day and posted it on the Night Watch Forum. Many people regard you as their idol. It's not surprising that you are treated like this."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...Looking at the poster IDs in the most popular posts on the forum, he found that he seemed to have found the culprit.

At this moment, the door to the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a figure walked in from the door, holding two thermos bottles in his hand.

"Huh? You'll be fine so soon?"

Looking at Chu Zihang standing beside Lu Mingfei's bed, Mu Qingzhi walked into the room slightly surprised.

"I just finished injecting the bottle and am about to go back."

Raising his hand, Chu Zihang showed the needle hole on the back of his hand to his master who had already walked to the bedside.

"Okay, then it seems it's quite a coincidence that we came here."

With a slight shrug, Mu Qingzhi handed over the thermos bottle in her hand.

"The chicken soup I just made is still warm. As for your words..."

Lowering her head, Mu Qingzhi glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was lying on the hospital bed and looking at her longingly.

——Almost the entire body of the opponent was wrapped in a mummy shape, and it was obvious that he could not free his hands.

"Uh... do you want some soup?"

After glancing at the pile of condolences on the bedside table, Mu Qingzhi raised another thermos flask in her hand and asked a certain mummy on the bed.

"I see that you have eaten a lot before..."

"Want to drink."

——Lu Mingfei answered decisively.

"Okay, then I'll feed you."

After looking at the opponent's immobile hands, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"Wait a moment, let me pull up a chair next to you..."

"Let me do it."

Before Mu Qingzhi finished her sentence, Chu Zihang on the bed reached out and took the thermos bottle from her hand under Lu Mingfei's eyes full of resentment.

"Susie is next door. It's not convenient for me to go there to visit, so I hope Master you can go over and take a look."

"This? Don't worry, Xia Mi went over to visit with chicken soup. She helped us a lot yesterday, so of course we can't forget her."

Waving his hands and saying that, Mu Qingzhi pulled a chair over from the side, then sat on the chair backwards and put his hands on the armrests.

"If you want to feed me, then you can feed me... It seems like you are recovering well."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

Looking at Chu Zihang who also pulled up a chair and sat down next to his bedside and unscrewed the thermos bottle cap, at this moment, he felt that his heart was as cold as a fish that had been killed in RT-Mart for ten years. …


"The 3E exam... doesn't seem to have a postponement notice on the school's official website."

While being a good wife and mother, she fed Lu Mingfei chicken soup on the bed. After some contemplation, Chu Zihang answered.

Looking at his master who was lying on the armrest of the chair in front of him and looking at him with his eyes open and seemed a little confused, he looked away slightly and patiently explained in detail.

"The spelling of the 3E exam is E×tractionEvailrationExarn, and its original meaning is the pedigree evaluation exam. It is mainly used to identify students' dragon bloodline. Only after passing the exam can the bloodline be officially graded. Some people were A-level before admission, but after the 3E exam, they were downgraded to There are C-level students, and if your bloodline is any lower, you will be kicked out of school."

"Wait...then if you say so..."

For a moment, Lu Mingfei looked a little panicked on the hospital bed.

"Don't worry, the principal respects you so much. Even if you draw a turtle on the exam paper, you will probably get full marks."

Looking at Lu Mingfei on the bed, Mu Qingzhi comforted her very thoughtfully.

"The more you talk, the less confident I become..."

"...How about you give it a try?"


"There are no test papers for the 3E exam."

After wiping the spoon with a paper towel and putting it away, Chu Zihang put the thermos bottle away again.

"After entering the examination room, the examiner will hand out a pencil and a piece of white paper, without any prompts other than that. They will play a recording of reciting the dragon inscriptions. For the dragon blood descendants, the spirit will resonate with the dragon inscriptions. , thus producing a spiritual vision effect, and you will see incredible sights."

While saying this, Chu Zihang turned to look at his master.

"The purer the bloodline, the more things you can see. Master, with your ability and bloodline, it will not be a problem to pass the 3E exam. You might even be rated S."

"I'm the first to shoot. I'm not a fool."

After waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi lay down on the chair handle again.

"As for the bloodline rating, I think an ordinary A-level is enough."

"...I think A-level is no longer ordinary."

——A certain young man lying on the hospital bed made a very inappropriate complaint.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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