...Lu Mingfei is very depressed now.

In his impression, his senior brother is not a talkative person, but now, the conversation between the two is endless, from the 3E exam to the school system, and then from the school system to the school curriculum. With holiday arrangements, he was lying on the hospital bed and was completely speechless...

——The entrance tutoring that Fingel was missing was made up for here.

It was already very late, probably almost 11 o'clock, but the two people in front of them were chatting very well, and they had no intention of going back for a while.

"...The final winner? This one has a specific ranking."

After blinking, Mu Qingzhi took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

"Actually, the ranking points have been calculated from the very beginning. I have already sent all the data to Fingel. He should soon issue... huh? Another statement?"

Before he finished his sentence, Mu Qingzhi couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he looked at the new post that was pinned to the top of the Night Watch forum ten minutes ago.

In her opinion, the most appropriate way to deal with the vice-principal who took the blame now is to deal with it coldly. Why did he suddenly post again? Is there a better way to eliminate the students' anger...well, it seems there is.

Looking at the content of this new post, Mu Qingzhi had a subtle expression on her face.

In this new statement post, the vice-principal apologized to the students on behalf of his disciples in an extremely heartbroken tone, saying that after emergency investigation, he found that the reason why the difficulty was so high was because of his disciple Fingel For the reason, he has already reprimanded the other party, and also blocked the other party's account on the forum for a week as punishment. He hopes that everyone can calm down and stop clamoring about forming a group to throw rotten eggs in the attic of the vice principal. He was doing this, or secretly giving laxatives to the pigeons in the church... His tone was sincere, his attitude was clear, and Fingel's account was banned quickly.

Not only that, at the end of the post, the vice-principal also announced Fingel’s dormitory and house number, which can be said to be quite considerate.

...Mu Qingzhi felt that Fingel must be very moved now.

"Okay, it seems it may take some time before the results are announced."

After a few seconds of silence for a certain Finnish dog, Mu Qingzhi put the phone away again and stood up.

"Okay, it's getting late, we should now..."

"excuse me."

As a voice sounded, the ward door was pushed open again, and a figure holding a thermos bottle in his hand walked in from the door.

"...senior sister?"

Looking at the figure walking in from the door, Lu Mingfei couldn't help being slightly stunned.

The visitor was none other than Nono.

Like Xia Wen, she was one of the few survivors who was not injured on the Freedom Day, and it was she who fired the final shot that killed the dragon.

Strictly speaking, Lu Mingfei, who had only met the other party a few times, was not very familiar with the other party, but now the other party came to see him specifically with a thermos flask...

"Think too much. This is not for you. I brought it for Susie."

As if she had read his thoughts, Nono hid the thermos bottle behind her back very vigilantly.

"Although she and I belong to the same two camps, she is my roommate and best friend. I just came over to inform my junior sister about something."


It seemed that he didn't expect it to be involved in her body. Mu Qingzhi pointed at herself with a confused look on her face.

"What's the announcement? Some teacher is looking for me..."

"it's me."

After Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, a slightly cold voice sounded at the door of the room.

"I had something to do before, so I came to school at night."


Looking at Ling walking in from the door, Mu Qingzhi's face looked even more surprised for a moment.

She had asked Zero before if he would come to Kassel, but he never replied to her. She was a little disappointed when she didn't see Zero's name after enrolling in school, but she didn't expect him to show up quietly. in front of her.

"When I came here before, I saw this school girl asking for directions. I originally wanted to take her to the girls' dormitory, but I didn't expect that she asked your name, so I brought her here."

Leaning back against the door frame, Nono waved to them with a smile...especially Mu Qingzhi.

"Okay, since the people have been brought here, I will leave first. Remember not to be late for the exam tomorrow."

After saying this, Nono quickly closed the door without waiting for their response.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."


Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei naturally recognized Ling's words.

After all, in the past few years, Ling and Su Enxi often came to the villa to have a meal, especially after the success of the improvement of the arbitrary door. During that time, they came almost every day, and they became familiar with each other. Became familiar with each other.

In Ling's free time, he even served as their instructor for a period of time... It is precisely because of this that when he saw Ling, not only Lu Mingfei on the hospital bed, but also Chu Zihang looked a little a little agitated. Nervous, the body subconsciously stood up straight.

——The fighting skills on the battlefield were almost all taught to them by Zero.

Like Mu Qingzhi, Ling's appearance and body shape are also permanently fixed. At least in the eyes of Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, several years have passed since they first met, but Ling's appearance has never changed.

Because Zero's iceberg aura was too strong, and it was indeed very late, Mu Qingzhi did not stay in the ward for long.

After Xia Mi finished his shift with Nono and came back from next door, he said goodbye to Lu Mingfei, and the four of them set off back to Norton Hall.

Zero's luggage was actually not that much. It only consisted of a small suitcase and a shoulder bag. However, because he had not prepared it in advance, there was no suitable room in the Norton Hall.

There were actually many empty rooms, but they had not been sorted or cleaned, and the furniture was not complete. After asking Ling's opinion, Mu Qingzhi simply moved the other party's luggage into her room.

Anyway, the beds in the room are very big. It is more than enough to sleep four people, let alone two people...

"Okay, you go take a shower first, I'll help you pack your luggage, and I'll help you bring your clothes in later."

While dragging her luggage and opening the door, Mu Qingzhi started to complain.

"Actually, if you want to come over, you should notify me in advance so that I can pick you up. Didn't you receive the message I sent you before? I don't know which Dragon Clan ruins you have ventured into again, and there was no notification. , so that sometimes I can’t find you even if I want to look for you..."


Listening to the complaining narration of the girl in front of him, Zero didn't reply, but followed him into the room obediently.

——From today on, this is her dormitory.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Adjustments completed after the year (づ●─●)づ

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