The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 219 Between 3E Examination Systems

Sitting in her seat in the examination room, Mu Qingzhi turned her head and looked at the sky outside.

Today is a rare good day. The sun is hidden among the clouds, casting the shadow of the window on the desks, giving the entire classroom a light golden color.

"Cheating is absolutely prohibited, and violators will be disqualified! I know you are all geniuses, but I can tell you clearly that people who are more talented than you have also taken exams in this classroom. All you can imagine Some people have tried all kinds of cheating methods..."

On the podium, Professor Manstein chattered endlessly. This well-dressed old man wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and spoke in a majestic manner.

After yawning, Mu Qingzhi lay on the table bored.

In the huge lecture hall, dozens of freshmen were separated into groups, at least four or five meters apart from each other. They looked quite scattered.

Lu Mingfei is recovering well. Although he was tied up like a mummy and lying on the bed yesterday, he can move freely today. Apart from being a little weak, his complexion is quite good. At this moment, he is sitting stiffly on his back. position.

As for the reason for the stiffness... Looking at the girls who were almost forming a circle around him, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt a little relieved, and she felt a sense of accomplishment as if someone had picked up the cabbage she had cultivated.

Among the freshmen admitted this year, there are many high-quality girls who come from all over the world and have different customs and habits.

For example, before entering the classroom, Lu Mingfei was stopped by a blond girl with a very good figure outside the classroom to express her love on the spot...

"Hmm... But it seems like he still isn't interested in these girls. Is he really going to be hung up on Nono for the rest of his life?"

Lying on the table and looking at Lu Mingfei sitting stiffly in front of him surrounded by girls, Mu Qingzhi looked thoughtful.

Unlike most of the other freshmen who looked nervous, she seemed quite calm at the moment. She was just here for the exam to go through the motions.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if she drew turtles and doodles all over the paper during this exam, she could definitely pass it.

"Hey, system, will I have psychic vision?"

After looking around for a while, Mu Qingzhi, who was really bored, asked the system in her mind.

Over the years, the system has become increasingly poor. Not only does she clock in from 9 to 5 every day, she even has weekends off. Her life can be said to be quite smooth... Although she can't figure out why a system would Ask for weekends off.

['ll find out later. 】

It seemed that he was eating, and the system's words were slightly unclear, and there was also the sound of breaking potato chips.

[Aren’t you always curious about my status? You can come in and take a look later. I've prepared a drink for you. 】

"Eh? Let's go to your place? Is that really okay?"

Hearing this, Mu Qingzhi immediately became energetic.

She had already laid out all the steps that should be done here, waiting for Odin to launch them, so for a while, she was really bored.

Originally, she thought she would just doodle on the white paper during the exam, but she didn't expect to get such surprising news from the system.

She has always been extremely curious about the situation on the other side of the system.

Judging from the other party's daily life and words, the other party should have his own place to live, and he seems to have a physical body that can eat and drink, rather than the old man who only has a spirit body in the traditional ring.

But every time she wanted to ask about this matter, the other party would always change the subject quietly, but she didn't expect that this time the other party would suddenly relax...

[Okay, since it is a spiritual vision, then follow the tradition, but you can't stay here for too long. 】

While eating potato chips, the system answered casually.

[But you'd better not have too many expectations in your heart. Although I have been continuously transforming this place in the past few years, the power recovery is still too slow, and many details are polished quite rough. 】

"Strength restored... How much strength have you restored now?"

Mu Qingzhi asked curiously.

[It’s hard to comment, it’s just very slow. 】

The system sighed.

[So, host, you still have to hurry up and become an orthodox heroine. Your efficiency is really too slow. It’s almost 20 years ago at first glance, and the progress of the main mission has not even reached half. If it were me before, I don’t know how many of them I have conquered... Well, in short, keep working hard. 】

"did you?"

——Mu Qingzhi keenly caught a bright point in the other party's words.

[As I said, this is my first time as a system... Forget it, let's wait until you come in. I'll cut some fruit first. Bye. 】

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...She became more and more curious about the situation on the other side of the system.


A few minutes later, after finally ending his endless lecture, Manstein waved his hand and asked the students standing aside to help distribute the test equipment.

Although it is said to be an examination tool, it is actually just a few pieces of white paper and a pencil, and nothing else.

Unlike them, the other freshmen had Chu Zihang who had already enrolled in school to explain in detail, so when they saw the things distributed, they immediately started talking about it.

However, Professor Manstein had no intention of explaining these things. After making sure that everyone had got their things, he led the others out of the classroom and closed the classroom door at the same time.

While all the freshmen were anxious, the PA system in the classroom suddenly played an extremely powerful rock song.

After blinking and thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi put the pencil in front of her and lay down on the table.

It might have been a second, or perhaps a few minutes, when Mu Qingzhi opened her eyes again, she found herself on an island.

This is an island with excellent scenery. The cliff faces the azure sea. The waves are sparkling on the sea and the sun is warm on your body.

Behind her is a luxurious villa facing the sea. The overall color of the building is blue, clean and tidy without losing luxury. In front of this villa, there are lawns, swimming pools, swings, parasols and pavilions.

At this moment, under a certain pavilion, a girl with sky-blue hair and moles under her eyes was sitting there with her feet dangling, drinking a Coke, and there was a plate of cut fruits on the stone table in front of her.

When he saw her gaze coming towards him, the other party raised his hand and waved towards her with an extremely calm tone.

"Here~here~yes, don't look. That's right, it's me. I'm the system you've been talking about in your heart all day long. Welcome to the system."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

ps: Good morning "(づ●─●)づ"

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