At the same time, while Ye Sheng was trying to find the Bronze City under the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Mu Qingzhi came to the Black Stone Mansion on the Japanese side through any door.

Because she lived in Norton Hall instead of a dormitory, she had quite a bit of private space. When she and Zero arrived, Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi were already waiting here.

"How about it? Are the manpower ready?"

While closing any door behind her, Mu Qingzhi looked at Su Enxi who was sitting by the hot spring in front of her.

The timing of her arrival was coincidental. The two of them were chatting while soaking in the hot springs. There were potato chips and sake on the plates floating on the water. The overall atmosphere was comfortable and relaxing.

"You mean Old Tang?"

Looking up at him, Su Enxi spread her hands in front of her.

"If it's him, according to the latest monitoring situation, everything is calm. He is staying at home these days, chatting online, bragging and playing games... By the way, there is a news that you must be very interested in."

As if she suddenly remembered something, she picked up a potato chip and threw it into her mouth. Su Enxi looked very interested.

"Just two days ago, Tang started arguing online and in the subway station about whether Coca-Cola or Pepsi tastes better, and the situation got out of hand."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

After she connected the Internet to the subway station, Fenrir, who could only rely on old TV series to pass the boring time in the past, became obsessed with the Internet. He was addicted to the Internet and got out of control. 24 hours a day, he had nearly 23 He spends most of his time online... For this reason, Xia Mi is burdened with high Internet fees.

Putting a dragon on the Internet and being the legendary king of earth and mountains, Mu Qingzhi naturally couldn't rest assured, so he usually asked Su Enxi to help monitor the other party's network trends.

Perhaps the stand-ins were really attracted to each other. Less than a month after Fenrir came into contact with the Internet, he met Old Tang.

Both of them are senior Internet nerds, and both are Dragon Kings, so they have a common language with each other. For a moment, they actually have a kind of affinity... Although Old Tang often smashes the keyboard in anger because of Fenrir.

"Forget it, let them make trouble... By the way, where is Lu Mingze?"

Mu Qingzhi waved her hands speechlessly, and then asked.

"The Kuimen project on the Three Gorges side of the Yangtze River is in progress, and we have to speed up the progress here."


Pouting toward the room, Su Enxi shrugged slightly.

"He has been here a long time ago and has been waiting for you inside for more than an the room where [Constantine] is placed."

"Okay, you guys should prepare early."

Nodding, Mu Qingzhi easily threw a flashlight over.

"In half an hour, we will leave for China."


In the dark and cold room, Lu Mingze squinted his eyes and looked at the copper tank soaked in liquid nitrogen in front of him.

The Seven Deadly Sins were placed on the side of the room. If he wanted to, he could pull out the Seven Deadly Sins at any time and kill the King of Bronze and Fire. The Dragon King who had just hatched from the egg was extremely fragile and could be killed easily. .

In the script he set, all the four kings would die, and the death of these rebellious ministers would not be a pity.

In fact, this bone bottle has been sent here for a long time. If he wanted to, he had too many opportunities to kill the opponent.

...But he still hesitated.

Just like the question he asked Lu Mingfei at the Chicago train station, even he would feel confused sometimes.

The King of Bronze and Fire, the King of Earth and Mountain... and the White King.

...White King? The white emperor...

While Lu Mingze was silent, the sound of footsteps came from the corridor, and as the door opened, the girl's figure appeared in front of him.

"I'll go, if you scare me...can't you turn on the light?"

After the lights were turned on, Mu Qingzhi was startled when she saw a little devil standing in the corner of the room like a ghost.

Different from the past, the opponent's figure this time was extremely pale, as if he was a projection that did not exist in the world... It was almost the same to say he was a ghost.

"Turn on the lights? That's such a waste of electricity. As the boss of an organization, you must always be considerate of the hard work of your employees."

Turning to look at him, Lu Mingze's face returned to its normal state.

"By the way, can I ask you something? If you feel embarrassed, you don't have to answer."

"Uh...what's the matter?"

Looking at Lu Mingze walking up to him, Mu Qingzhi looked a little confused.

...I don’t know why, but she always feels that Lu Mingze seems to be a little different now than before.

"Where did you go during the 3E exam?"

A faint golden light lit up in Lu Mingze's eyes, and the other party looked directly into her eyes.

"With your bloodline, it is impossible for you to fall into spiritual vision. I tried to find you at that time, but could not find you at all... At that moment, your spirit completely disappeared from the world, Leave no trace."

" this question important?"

Taking a step back unconsciously, Mu Qingzhi reached out and scratched her cheek.

"What, actually I just took a nap..."

"If you were really asleep at that time, I should be able to enter your dream."

Lu Mingze pressed towards her step by step, his golden eyes shining brightly.

"Also, in addition to Jormungandr and Fenrir, do you also want to save Norton and Constantine? Why do you spend so much effort on such a meaningless thing?"

"What do you mean it's meaningless...don't I feel sorry for them?"

The figure continued to move backward unconsciously, and Mu Qingzhi's back directly leaned against the wall.

"Let's not talk about Norton and Constantine for now. Look at Xia Mi. He keeps dying with his brother without doing anything. The life of the mighty Dragon King is so miserable. This is..."

"So the purpose of doing these things is out of the superior's pity for the inferior?"

Stopping, Lu Mingze looked at her, with an inexplicable majesty on his face.

"The same goes for Jormungandr and Fenrir, and the same goes for Norton and Connetantine?"

"What is compassion? Can I call it empathy?"

Frowning slightly, Mu Qingzhi opened her mouth to retort.

"Lao Tang and I first met online. He is very enthusiastic and we have a common comradeship. Can't I rely on this to save him? If no matter what I do, I have to find a legitimate reason for myself. , How tiring does that person have to live?”

"But you have forgotten that Norton is not in the same situation as Jormungandr. The decades of memories of Old Tang are like a drop in the ocean to Norton. Once he regains his nature and regains his strength, he will only return to that king-like tyranny. .”

Lowering his eyes, Lu Mingze spoke lightly.

"Even though he has been deprived of most of his power and authority, he is still the tyrannical King of Bronze and Fire. If things really develop to that point, what are you going to do to convince him?"

"Here, this."

Raising her hand, Mu Qingzhi pointed to the bone bottle in the room with a matter-of-fact expression.

"If Norton doesn't obey, I will attack Constantine. This is called coercing the emperor to order the princes. Otherwise, why do you think I brought Constantine back in advance? Do you treat him as a bonsai?"

Lu Mingze: "..."

At this moment, as Su Enxi's voice sounded outside the corridor, she opened the door and walked in.

"By the way, boss, you're over there...I'm sorry to bother you."

——Very decisively, Su Enxi closed the door again.

Mu Qingzhi: "???"

ps: Good morning.

There will be another update later, please vote for me (づ●─●)づ

I just found out about double monthly pass TAT

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