White mist surged, filling the entire room.

Constantine's bone bottle is actually very unstable, and a large amount of liquid nitrogen needs to be injected at all times to maintain the corresponding balance. Although it is not yet the time for the opponent to wake up, once he senses danger, Constantine will still forcefully break out of the cocoon. And out.

So after this thing was sent here, Su Enxi has always adopted the highest defense measures, and it was only recently taken out.

"...If that's the case, then it's up to you."

After a moment of silence, the golden color in his eyes gradually faded, and Lu Mingze turned around.

"So, how do you want me to cooperate with you in changing my script this time? Let me state in advance that the power I can exert now is limited, so you'd better not put too much hope in me."

"Don't worry, you didn't need to take action in the first place. You just need to ask Constantine to come out in advance. I will take care of the rest."

Mu Qingzhi breathed a slight sigh of relief and reached out to pat Lu Mingze's shoulder.

"First deal with Constantine, and then deal with Old Tang, one by one in order."

——In terms of height, Lu Mingze is actually taller than her.

"you sure?"

Turning his head, Lu Mingze glanced at her.

"Norton may be threatened by you, but Constantine is not that easy to fool. Constantine can be killed, but with Norton, as long as Old Tang encounters a life threat, he will automatically awaken. Constantine will not be able to fool him at all. I’m not afraid of your threats.”

"Then give him a good beating until he becomes honest."

Looking at the bone bottle in the center of the room, Mu Qingzhi's tone was lighthearted.

"It's just a dragon king who has just crawled out of the egg and has not yet regained his strength. I have Jörmungandr and Fenrir here, and I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with such a little brat? What a naughty kid, take it off. Just give him a beating in his pants.”

"Are you sure Jormungandr is useful on a battlefield like this?"

"Hmm...Okay, let's get rid of Xia Mi first."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"Fenrir alone should be enough. I'm sure he can beat Constantine until he can't even recognize his brother."

"...Also, don't forget, we are not the only ones eyeing the King of Bronze and Fire."

After looking at the girl's hand still on his shoulder, Lu Mingze reminded him after a moment of silence.

"Odin has been planning for so long, and there is no way he would give up this opportunity for final gain. If his true form comes, Fenrir cannot stop him."

"The real person? If he really dared to come over in his real form, I would still look high at him, but in fact, he is just a rat in the gutter."

Mu Qingzhi curled her lips as if she remembered something.

"He is ambitious and capable, but he has lost his heart as a dragon. He only makes small moves secretly, but in the end he has the nerve to say that the battle between kings can only be bloody..."

Among the four kings, except for Li Wuyue, who was suspected to be the King of Ocean and Water or the King of Sky and Wind, Norton and Constantine were the most miserable.

It doesn't matter that there is only one Seven Deadly Sins left in the huge Bronze City. Norton's most iconic alchemy has also been taken away by the opponent. Like a trader standing outside the chessboard, Odin controls the dragon kings wantonly. Destiny and ending.

... Such an extremely cautious and sneaky guy would really rush over in his true form at that time?

Mu Qingzhi felt that it was quite embarrassing.

Eighty percent of the time, the other party will send another masked puppet over. If it can pick up the leak, try to pick it up. If it can't, it's okay. The other party has been waiting for thousands of years and doesn't care about waiting a little longer.

"...I will be there when you need me."

After a moment of silence, Lu Mingze nodded.


…If you see a wall that you can’t see the end of, up, down, left or right, and you can never reach the border, what would it be?

A few minutes ago, Ye Sheng would not have thought about such a philosophical question, but now, he unconsciously remembered this sentence that he had seen in a book.

At a depth of 150 meters underwater, Ye Sheng and Thelma held each other's hands tightly and were suspended in the dark green water.

In front of them, a huge bronze wall covered with several feet of patina stood in the water. The bronze wall extended infinitely up, down, left, and right, seemingly without end.

...It is difficult to describe their shock in words.

The original exploration went well. Ye Sheng released his Word Spirit Snake and found a suspected Norton underground palace 100 meters underground. However, because they could not break through the 100-meter-deep rock formation to reach there, they had to return without success.

But what no one expected was that at that moment, an underwater earthquake with magnitude 5 would quietly occur.

Although they had received Noma's warning before the earthquake and headed back upwards in advance, they did not expect that the earthquake would come so quickly. It struck suddenly within half a minute of the warning. It was almost there. Incredible.

Because of the effect of [忿义], Ye Sheng and the others clearly saw the origin of the earthquake.

It was as if some powerful force had forcibly torn the bottom of the water apart. Along with the violent tremors of the water surface, an obvious crack quickly approached from a distance, as if an invisible sword was cutting under the water, and the thick and dense rock layers cracked and sank.

Because the shock wave came so suddenly, before Ye Sheng and the others could react, huge water pressure came down from above, like a wave dozens of meters high hitting their heads, forcing them into the bottom of the water.

Millions of tons of water rushed with them into the huge cavity below that suddenly appeared due to the earthquake, and the broken rock blocks rushed downward... like a super powerful toilet.

In the face of this intelligent natural power, the safety ropes tied to their bodies were as fragile as noodles and would collapse upon contact.

Originally, Ye Sheng thought they were doomed. After all, even if they could adapt to the deeper water pressure, the broken stones mixed in the water flow would be enough to crush the two of them, and they would be seriously injured even if they didn't die.

In that situation, all Ye Sheng could do was to protect Selma in his arms as much as possible and use his body as a human shield to increase the opponent's chance of survival.

...But what he didn't expect was that they were unscathed.

As if they had gone through the most delicate calculations, the rocks that were rotating rapidly with the whirlpool in the water flow, no matter how big or small, each and every one of them accurately avoided them.

——Miraculously, they arrived in front of this bronze city intact.

"Damn!! That's my move!!!"

In a certain submarine, Xia Mi almost had his whole face lying on the porthole with gritted teeth.

"That bastard Odin really took away part of the power and authority from me and Fenrir!!"

"Definitely, after all you have died so many times."

Unlike Xia Mi, who was extremely excited and sat holding a cup of Coke, Mu Qingzhi looked calm.

"Norton is still guarded by Samson and the Dragon Warrior, as well as a huge bronze city, but what else do you have? A broken subway station? Not a single loyal subordinate? These are all obvious things, there is no need to be so excited La, feel at ease~"

Xia Mi: "......"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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