...It's still the same dream.

Blood, fire, killing, death...

In the rain of fire that filled the sky, a boy's figure was tied high to a flag, and the flames of the entire city were burning him, as if it was a grand sacrifice.

"Brother, eat me."

Sitting up suddenly from the bed, Old Tang was surprised to find that he was covered in cold sweat.

"here we go again……"

Holding his temples tightly, Old Tang looked ferocious.

Recently, for some unknown reason, he began to have this dream more and more frequently, and the scenes in the dream gradually became clearer... He could even clearly recall the appearance of the little boy after waking up.

...He felt that he might really need to see a doctor.

"Forget it, order takeout and continue playing games."

Turning his head to look at the sky outside, Old Tang pressed his forehead hard.

Originally I just wanted to squint for a while during my nap, but I didn't expect that when I opened my eyes, it was night time. The room was dark, except for the neon-like light shining outside the window.

Half an hour later, with a pizza in his hand, Old Tang sat in front of the computer with drooped eyebrows.

It was already very late, Lao Yan and Ming Fei were not online, but Lao E was still there... He seriously suspected that this guy was sitting in front of the computer 24 hours a day.

Because of the previous dream, Old Tang was not in a good mood now, so he completely ignored the message sent by this idiot and opened the hunter website on his own.

Those nightmares had had an extremely serious impact on his life. He suspected that the reason why he often had those weird dreams was because he stayed at home for a long time and did not exercise. It happened that his savings were almost exhausted. So he planned to take a dirty job on the hunter website and then go out for a walk, which might alleviate his condition.

Although on the Internet, he is just a nerd who likes to play games, chat and brag all day long, but on the hunter website, he is actually one of the slightly famous people.

This kind of fame is earned by his impressive work experience on the website.

In the past ten years, he has taken on many dangerous and even fatal missions, but he has returned successfully every time. His brothers in Brooklyn, New York, call him "Cheetah", but he feels that he is not as good as a bat. La Feng, with a coquettish aura like a vampire.

Of course, Old Tang is still very self-aware of himself.

Although his skills are agile, he is far from being a master. The reason why he is so famous is mainly because he found that the people who issued those tasks seemed to like to exaggerate.

It was said that there were extremely dangerous beasts and poisonous insects infesting the ancient tomb. So far, hundreds of people had died there. However, when he carefully prepared himself to enter the ancient tomb, he found that it was extremely quiet inside.

Not to mention the several-meter-tall beast with glowing eyes described in the mission description, he didn't even find an earthworm in that ancient tomb, and he got the mission release from the center of the tomb very smoothly. What a person wants is just like going home for a walk... He really can't understand how hundreds of people died before that.

Such mistakes can be said to be everywhere in his hundreds of missions.

If he did it once or twice, others would think he was lucky, but if he did it so many times, others would just think he was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger.

——In fact, what Old Tang himself thought was a little famous was actually far more skewed than the real situation.

The real situation is that on the hunter website, he is a living legend who never sees the end of the dragon.

There were at least three generations of dragons occupying the dragon tomb that had devoured hundreds of hybrids. He walked back and forth without any damage. The swamp forest was occupied by countless creatures soaked in dragon blood. Those things he walked through He didn't even dare to make a sound... What does it mean to be a master?

If [Nido], as the administrator, had not been helping him deal with the aftermath on the hunter website, a top expert like him would have been found by big forces like the Secret Party long ago.

Only he, who is trapped in an information cocoon, would consider himself an out-and-out rookie... although he is indeed now.

"...Huh? Someone directly issued a task to me?"

He had just opened the hunter website, and before Old Tang could search for suitable tasks in the corresponding section, an extremely conspicuous message jumped directly in front of his face.

"The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River...the underwater ruins...the Bronze City...are you going to dive again?"

After carefully reading the relevant content of this message, Old Tang couldn't help but hesitate.

For some reason, he was naturally afraid of water. Although he was forced to learn to swim due to the demands of life and mission requirements, he was still quite resistant to going into the water.

But soon, after he saw the reward column at the end of the message, he immediately punched his original hesitation to death in the corner.

——The reward for this mission is 1 million.

This generous reward is unprecedented. In other words, if he can come back alive this time, $1 million will be credited to his account.

With this million, he no longer needs to worry about money, not to mention the rest of his life, at least for the next twenty or thirty years.

The previous nightmare was instantly forgotten, and Old Tang typed quickly on the keyboard, as if he was afraid that this good thing would be taken away, and he resolutely accepted the task.

Although it is said that the reward of the task is directly proportional to the difficulty of the task, and this trip to the Three Gorges in China will inevitably involve a narrow escape from danger, he has experienced this kind of thing many times before and has long dismissed it.

...Dangerous? A life of nine deaths or even ten deaths?

Among the tasks he had taken before, was there any one that was not like this? But the results are all ridiculously safe.

It is estimated that it will be the same this time. When he is in that Bronze City, he might feel as friendly as going home...

——He is very skilled at this kind of thing.

Soon, as his reply was sent, the person on the other side sent a message back to him.


【Prince】:The application has been received.

[Prince]: Please be prepared in the next half month. You will receive a departure notice at the earliest tomorrow and in half a month at the latest.

[Old Tang]: So what...Boss, can I ask more?


[Old Tang]: When we go there this time, is it considered a grave robbing in the transnational industry? As for the Bronze City, I wonder why it was something from the Shang Dynasty, right?



PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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