The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 252 What does running in both directions mean?

In the early morning, the sun shone into the Norton Hall. Lu Mingfei sat blankly at his desk, his fingers clicking on the keyboard of his laptop.

——On the laptop screen in front of me, the headlines on the homepage of the campus news network are quite eye-catching.

""Nono's Big Crisis! Caesar and the S-Class Freshman's Sexual Love!!"

"Last night at seven o'clock, the student union president Caesar Gattuso and our S-level freshman Lu Mingfei met in front of the Amber Hall. The two hit it off and cherished each other. They gave each other roses to express their feelings. Although the student union president's We have reported a lot of Huajian News, but this is the first time we have reported this kind of news. The opposite sex is only for reproduction, while the same sex is true love!! Let us cheer for the confession between these two people!! This kind of news must make headlines! !”

The picture accompanying the news was in front of the Amber Pavilion, and the timing of the capture was very coincidental. It happened to be at the moment when he was handing Caesar the rose that Fingel had given him. The person who took this photo was obviously a different person. For intermediate and advanced players, the lighting and atmosphere are quite adequate, and the surrounding areas are specially blurred, which makes his blood pressure rise extremely.

...and this is not over yet.

In the latter photo, it is the scene of Caesar pulling out a rose from the bouquet and handing it to him. The photo has also been artistically processed, and the artistic effect displayed can simply compete for the cover of a fashion magazine...

Lu Mingfei looked ashen as he looked at the headlines in front of him and the comments below that had reached hundreds of floors in a short period of time.

This news was released at six o'clock in the morning. In less than an hour and a half, it quickly occupied the homepage of the campus website and major forums. The two photos featuring him and Caesar were spread everywhere.

Originally, it was okay for him to have been misunderstood, but now he had to suffer this.

When he was in Shilan Middle School, he was often dragged into a CP relationship with Chu Zihang by those girls. Now that he was in college, he thought those rotten girls were no longer around, but he didn't expect that this kind of creature is so pervasive...

——Although he did want to be in the gossip news, the heroine made a mistake again! !

Just as Lu Mingfei was gritting his teeth, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room. After looking at the time, Lu Mingfei came to the door with some doubts.

Then as soon as he opened the door, a hand holding a bag stretched out.

"Here, breakfast."

"This... you, why did you get up so early?"

Looking at the girl standing in front of his door, after being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei hurriedly took the breakfast.

"Don't mention it, I didn't think of it so early."

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi shook her head as if she couldn't bear to look back on the past.

"Soy milk fried dough sticks and steamed dumplings, a standard Chinese breakfast. I brought it for you in the cafeteria. After eating breakfast, remember to go to the principal's office to report that the principal has something to do with you."

Although the menu at Casal Canteen has remained unchanged for eight years, that is only if you don't pay. As long as you pay extra, the famous chefs in the canteen can cook anything.

——So in line with the principle of using nothing for nothing, Mu Qingzhi blackmailed the principal into eating a few breakfasts.

Originally, she only planned to bring breakfast back to her roommate Rei, but then considering that Xia Mi had hard work even without credit, and fatigue even without hard work, she brought her another breakfast, and then considered that she would be the principal's substitute. She went to call Lu Mingfei, so she brought another portion to Lu Mingfei. Then she considered that she had already brought three copies and brought more, so she also brought an extra portion to Chu Zihang. One serving...

——Based on his own performance, Mu Qingzhi felt that he was fully worthy of the title of foster father.

"Okay, the message has been brought to you, remember to go early."

After waving his hand, Mu Qingzhi walked upstairs with the two remaining breakfasts in hand.

Compared with them, Chu Zihang got up quite early. She had met him downstairs when she came back, so she handed it to him in advance, so there was no need to run to the other person's door and knock on the door.


Looking at the girl leaving over there, Lu Mingfei was suddenly filled with motivation.


As Mu Qingzhi expected, Xia Mi hadn't gotten up yet.

After skillfully opening the door of Xia Mi's room with a card and taking a look at Xia Mi, who was sleeping soundly on the bed holding a pillow, Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes and placed the breakfast on the table beside her. .

...To be honest, she felt as if the other party had been neglected.

When Mu Qingzhi returned to her room, she was a little surprised to find that Ling seemed to have gotten up and gone out. The quilts and sheets on the bed had been neatly folded by him.

After thinking for a while, he placed the breakfast he brought for Ling on the table, and Mu Qingzhi sat down at the table.

Putting one hand on the table to support her head, she tapped her fingers on the table boredly while thinking in her mind.

She had discussed a big deal with the principal in the principal's office before.

Constantine's problem has been solved for the time being. With Fenrir suppressing him, the other party can't make any waves. The only problem now is Norton...or rather, Old Tang.

If Constantine is a bit stubborn, then Norton is an example of him, and he is also a super tsundere.

It was not as easy as Constantine to successfully take Norton into custody as well. Originally, she had not thought about how to deal with Norton, but unexpectedly, the [Prince] couldn't bear it anymore...

For her, this was an unexpected surprise.

If you can't catch Odin, it won't hurt if you catch a [Prince]... Maybe Odin will come too? Anyway, he has so many puppets...

According to the information she learned from the principal, the area of ​​the Bronze City in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River has become a restricted area. Once the two Dragon King-level life forms emerge from the water, the impact on the surrounding environment will be fatal.

In the next one to two months, under the premise of official Chinese intervention, no one can get close to that area...until it is completely confirmed that the danger can be eliminated.

Whether the strategy of "closing doors and beating dogs" can be truly realized depends entirely on the preparations and arrangements she and Ange make in the next one or two months.

If she is lucky, she can successfully capture the [Prince] and find traces of Odin, and even if she is unlucky, she can still...

——The sound coming from the door interrupted her thoughts.

When Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked towards the door, Ling opened the door and walked in... while carrying an extra breakfast in her hand.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...She seemed to understand why Zero got up so early.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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