The principal's speed of action was unparalleled. That afternoon, Mu Qingzhi and Ling received a notification from the execution department.

The Bronze Project is launched as scheduled. After several months of training, these elite members will carry out a dragon-slaying mission at the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in February 2010.

In other words, in the next few months, the selected ones will not have to attend classes, but will only need to conduct intensive training. If they complete this task, the school will give them full marks for all subjects in this semester, so that they will be better in the first semester. With a GPA of 4.0, I can get a full scholarship.

"Slaying this a task that our freshmen can take on?"

Listening to Schneider's narration on the stage with a stiff face, Lu Mingfei was a little dumbfounded for a moment. In fact, it was not just him, but Caesar and Chu Zihang on the side also looked a little serious.

If it were in the past, Caesar and Chu Zihang would only feel faintly excited after receiving such a mission. However, after the beating on the Freedom Day, they deeply understood the relationship between themselves and the dragons. How big is the gap?

Don't forget, the dragon they fought against on the Freedom Day was just a fifth-generation species, and it was also a fifth-generation species whose speech spirit was sealed by the Night Watchman's [Commandment].

But just such a fifth-generation species almost wiped out their entire army.

...and what about this time?

Although Professor Schneider did not say it explicitly, they had all learned relevant information in class or in the library. The dragons that existed in the Bronze City in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River were most likely the bronze and dragons from the legendary Four Kings. Lord of Fire! !

They all had a narrow escape from a fifth-generation species that had been sealed with a speech spirit. Now, let them directly face the king of the first-generation species... What is the difference between this and letting a brave man who just came out of the novice village directly challenge the last big devil? the difference?

"It doesn't matter, the principal and I believe in you."

Standing on the stage, a rare smile appeared on Schneider's somewhat rigid face.

"You are all the elites of the mixed race, with extremely excellent bloodlines. Only you can complete this arduous task of slaying the dragon. This is an honor."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

"Of course, we will not let our outstanding students die, so when the operation begins, the equipment department will provide support to you."

Clapping his hands, Schneider stepped aside, revealing the large screen slowly rising behind him.

On the big screen, a warship slowly appeared, surrounded by a large amount of complex data and three-dimensional plans.

"Unlike the previous situation where most of the weapons were disarmed, this time the Monyach will be fully armed. The equipment department expects to spend two months transforming the ship. At that time, the ship will be concentrated with the most advanced technology of mankind to date. The technology and firepower can compete with a cruiser. Under that kind of powerful firepower bombardment, dealing with any creature is not a problem."

When he said this, Schneider smiled humorously.

"Times have changed. The weapons created by humans are enough to pose a threat to dragons. Although dragons are powerful, they still belong to the category of carbon-based creatures."

"Fire this going to start a war over the Three Gorges?"

Some people in the crowd below took a breath.

"War? What I'm afraid of now is the Equipment Department!!"

Soon, someone in the crowd retorted.

"Those people in the equipment department are all lunatics. If those lunatics will modify the Monyach, I doubt that it will become an out-and-out self-destruction ship by then!!"

"Quiet, please listen to my continued introduction."

Raising his hand, Schneider interrupted the needles below.

"This is originally a war, a war against the Dragon Clan. Fire bombing is just an adjective. The big killer weapon we prepared for the opponent this time is a torpedo."

As he spoke, Schneider waved his hand toward the big screen. Following the movements of his hand, an electronic drawing unfolded on the screen.

"'[Storm], the fastest torpedo in the world, is produced by Russia. Its underwater speed is as high as 200 knots, almost the speed of a small aircraft. Although the dragon can swim at a speed of 50 knots, it still cannot escape. The locking of the Storm Torpedoes... is a triumph of modern science.”

"Storm Torpedo..."

After a moment of daze, Lu Mingfei opened his eyes wide.

"I read in a military magazine that the Storm torpedo can carry a nuclear warhead. Are we going to use nuclear weapons by then?"

"In fact, those in the Equipment Department did have this idea, and they wrote a report specifically to the principal. In the report, they cited 18 advantages of carrying nuclear warheads, but in the end this suggestion was rejected by the principal."

Schneider shrugged slightly.

——At the right time, following his words, the full text of the report typed up by the Equipment Department was thoughtfully displayed on the big screen.

It can be seen that the Equipment Department has very strict arrangements for this matter. They plan for Mu Qingzhi to launch Fengjue and then detonate the nuclear warhead inside Fengjue.

According to their detailed calculations, as long as the yield of the nuclear warhead is strictly controlled, the Bronze City and the Dragon King living in the city can be razed to the ground in one fell swoop. And with Feng Jue around, they don't have to worry about later pollution and disposal issues... Accurate And elegant.

The only question is whether [Feng Jue] can withstand the energy generated by the nuclear bomb explosion and whether the Dragon King's bones will be annihilated in the explosion, so they applied for additional cooperation experiments in the past few months...

Lu Mingfei: "..."

... He suddenly wanted to greet the parents of those crazy people in the equipment department.

"So in the end, the people in the equipment department had to settle for the next best option and choose the alchemical warhead... the one on the screen."

Turning his head, Schneider looked at the big screen behind him.

"The warhead is embedded with 8,000 alchemical shrapnel in a spiral shape. Their edges are extremely sharp and can cut through the scales of dragons. When the warhead explodes, the shrapnel will bloom like a metal flower and spread on a 30-meter-diameter plane. It rotates like an electric circular saw. But its speed is much faster than any circular saw. It rotates once within a few hundredths of a second to complete the cutting until the Dragon King is cut in half."


Looking at the animation demonstration on the big screen, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but fall into silence.

In fact, he wanted to complain about the use of naval warfare weapons in the reservoir, but when he thought about those lunatics who were preparing to bomb with nuclear warheads, this didn't seem like a big deal...

——At most, it will only cause underwater mountain landslides.

"The water depth of the Three Gorges Reservoir is now 170 meters. The last underwater earthquake caused a subsidence of about 200 meters near Bronze City. The total depth is close to 400 meters. Using a storm torpedo is more than enough. Even if it hits the bottom and explodes, it will only cause an underwater explosion. The mountain collapsed."

Obviously already used to the style of the lunatics in the equipment department, Schneider looked calm.

"There is only one storm torpedo. The equipment department will complete the installation of the alchemy warhead and the modification of the ship in the next few months. What you have to do is to complete the corresponding training within these months."

"Is the training taking place on the school grounds?"

Caesar raised his hand.

"No, it depends on the situation."

Shaking his head, Schneider looked towards Mu Qingzhi who was chewing bubble gum out of boredom.

"For this kind of thing, you have to ask the instructor of your training camp."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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