Under Schneider's instruction, everyone turned to look at Mu Qingzhi, who was sitting in the last row.

The afternoon sun was warm and lazily shone in from outside the window and hit her body, coating the girl's whole body with a light golden glow.

She didn't mean to be frightened. She blinked and put her hands in her pockets. Mu Qingzhi stood up from her seat and walked to the stage.

When passing by the trash can, she wrapped the bubble gum in her mouth with toilet paper and threw it into the trash can... otherwise it would be inconvenient to talk later.

The Bronze Project was originally a project that the principal was preparing for an internship in the Three Gorges area. She just got the name of the instructor from the principal.

The appearance of the King of Bronze and Fire, one of the four kings, has caused a sensation in the mixed-race circle that is no less than the detonation of a nuclear bomb. It is no exaggeration to say that the attention of mixed-race people all over the world has been attracted.

If the secret party had not cooperated with the local mixed-race forces in China to strictly block the area of ​​the Three Gorges Bronze City, it is impossible to say how many mixed-race forces had already entered the Bronze City.

You know, those are the four legendary kings, standing at the top of the Alchemy Office. As the habitat of the King of Bronze and Fire, the wealth in that Bronze City is simply unimaginable.

Money and silk touch people's hearts, but interests are also the most touching.

Although on the surface, it is relatively calm under the strict control of the two major forces, under the surface of calm, there are infinite waves hidden.

...Especially after [Prince] announced the coordinates and information of the bronze and fire dragon on the hunter website at ten o'clock this morning.

No less than the previous Ice Sea Incident, this Bronze Incident was more dangerous. During lunch, Mu Qingzhi even received a call from Uesugoshi...

Although she didn't know why Uesugoshi was so nervous, the whirlpool and waves caused by the bronze incident were already evident.

While thinking quickly in her heart, Mu Qingzhi came to the stage.

But just when she was about to speak, her face darkened slightly.

The lecture on the stage was prepared for the professors who held meetings here. The height was about 1.2 meters. With her height of 1.46 meters, she could only show half of her head when she stood behind the table...

——After a moment of silence, Mu Qingzhi silently took out a box from the ring and stepped on it.

"As you can see, I am the chief officer of this Bronze Project training, appointed by the principal himself, so if you have any opinions, don't mention it. You can talk to me first."

Standing on the box, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Some of you may not know me yet, but it doesn't matter. I'm not going to introduce myself. In the next few months, I will be the chief instructor of your training camp. My request is to treat everyone equally and treat everyone equally. You need to pass my training or defeat me first before you talk about it, understand?"

Mu Qingzhi's words could be said to be rude, but no one in the audience could refute them.

Those who can be summoned to join the Bronze Plan are basically students with A-level blood or outstanding performance, and most of these elites are recruited by the Student Council and the Lion Heart Club. Even if there are a few who are really dissatisfied, their own club The chairman didn't even speak, so naturally they wouldn't say anything.

And besides, it is better for such a cute girl to serve as their training instructor than those big men with dead faces or muscles all over their bodies...

——Except for a few people like Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, everyone in the audience did not realize that they had now stepped into hell.

"Ahem...you don't have to leave in a hurry. Someone will come to give you the combat uniforms of the execution department later."

After looking at someone who had gone straight back to his seat, and then at the remaining box on the ground, Schneider coughed slightly in his mouth.

While pushing the box under the table with his feet, he spoke.

"After today, you will have one day to prepare. The training process will officially begin the day after tomorrow. As for the specific process...ask your instructor."



"Combat uniform...all the people in the executive department wear this kind of clothing?"

In the Norton Hall, looking at the combat uniform placed on the bed in front of him, Xia Mi looked disgusted.

The special combat uniforms issued by the executive department are made of tight-fitting material, with emblem shoulder straps and belts. They look quite handsome, but in fact they don’t feel comfortable when worn, like a hard layer. The skin was tightly stretched on her body, and she always felt like it was the fat-burning, leg-slimming, waist-reducing underwear commonly seen in TV commercials.

The only advantage...probably is that it can show off the graceful curves of a girl's body?

"It's almost the same. The men's version seems to be the same."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi threw her clothes on the bed.

She just tried it on for a while, and then decided to seal the clothes permanently. Compared to this form of tight-fitting combat uniforms, she still prefers the design of Yali's long black windbreaker.

"So, what do you think?"

After taking the shape and sitting back on the bed, Xia Mi asked curiously.

"Constantine has been suppressed. Can't we just follow the same pattern and threaten Norton in the same way you threatened Constantine? Norton doesn't care on the surface, but in fact he is a tsundere. For Constantine's sake If his safety is in danger, he will definitely surrender to us in humiliation... Even if you threaten Constantine and make him put on a tutu and dance in Swan Lake, it will be no problem."

"...You're afraid that watching the fun won't cause too much trouble, right?"

"No way, how could I be the kind of guy who would take away someone else's umbrella when I get caught in the rain?"

Spreading his hands in front of him, Xia Mi looked innocent.

"Ultimately, I just don't understand why you would go through all the trouble."

"It's very simple, lure the snake out of its hole."

Shrugging, Mu Qingzhi sat down on the chair.

"Odin's group hid so well. We searched for so long but still couldn't find any clues about them. Old Tang's side was indeed easy to deal with after suppressing Constantine, but what happens after that? We still can't find any clues about them. There is no trace of Odin, so everything is back to where it started, which is meaningless.”

"...So you want to use Norton as bait to lure out the other party's forces?"

Reaching out and touching his chin, Xia Mi looked thoughtful.

"Yes, this is a great opportunity."

Mu Qingzhi snapped her fingers.

"In fact, [Prince] couldn't bear it anymore. The post he posted on the hunter website and then deleted in less than ten minutes is proof of this."

"Whether you can catch the opponent's tail depends on this time."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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