The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 255 Mu Qingzhi’s training camp

Angers gave Mu Qingzhi great authority over matters such as instructors and training. In the [Bronze Plan] prepared by the academy, she almost had the highest decision-making power.

However, Mu Qingzhi has no real feelings about these.

After all, she has been a mafia lady for more than ten years, and the director of the Japanese branch executive bureau for several years. She is not personally keen on things like power.

After Schneider's meeting, Mu Qingzhi used the authority given by Norma to create a group, and then included all the students who were selected into the bronze plan.

In the entire academy, excluding those who go out on missions, there are actually not many students with A-level blood, only a dozen or so at full capacity, and basically all of them are included in the Bronze Plan.

But in Mu Qingzhi's view, this number is still a bit too much, so screening is necessary before the official training begins.

——Mu Qingzhi generously gave these students a day to prepare.

The next day, early morning.

After deliberately getting up early, after being fully armed and carrying a backpack as requested by a certain loli instructor, Caesar had breakfast first, and then went to the school gymnasium with Nono.

Originally, he thought he was the first one to arrive, but when he arrived, he found that someone had been waiting here for a long time.

Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, Xia Mi...and Ling.

Like them, these people also wore the combat uniforms of the Executive Department and were fully armed, but unlike them, except for Zero, who still had no expression on his face, the faces of the other three people all had a sullen expression. Yi Shuihan's sense of heroism...including Chu Zihang.

...This was the first time Caesar saw this expression on Chu Zihang's face.

"You...are you planning to go to the third war battlefield?"

Looking up and down at the people in front of him, Nono had a strange look on his face.

"Also, you came so early, didn't you have breakfast?"

Different from the previous hairstyle, she specially tied her hair into a ponytail today. The tight-fitting combat uniform issued by the execution department perfectly set off her figure, making her look quite sassy.

"Breakfast? You can't eat breakfast."

Glancing at Nono in front of him, Xia Mi's tone was full of pity.

"Can't eat? Why?"

Nono was slightly stunned.

"Because it will spit out."

Looking up at the ceiling, Xia Mi spoke with a faint tone.

"The more you eat, the more you vomit, the more you suffer."

Nono/Caesar: "..."

Although they wanted to think that the other party was joking, they all fell silent when they saw the expressions of approval on the faces of the people in front of them, especially Chu Zihang.

It's just a training camp, it shouldn't be that scary...right?

In this unspeakable silence, time slowly passed backwards, and ten minutes later, the rest of the people arrived one after another.

Susie, Lancelot, Pacino, Chilan...

It seems that he also realized that this opportunity for the white emperor to train was unique, so Angers packed up almost all the potential students in the school.

Although a large number of people will definitely be screened out in the end, it only takes more time to fill in the names before and after, and no time is wasted...

Sitting on a chair in the gymnasium, Lu Mingfei looked at those who came over with a very pitiful look.

Without exception, these people had gone to the cafeteria to have breakfast before coming over, and their emotions were mostly mixed between excitement and excitement, but little did they know that what was in front of them at this moment was hell...

——In Lu Mingfei’s opinion, more than half of these people couldn’t even pass the initial screening.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived before the deadline announced in the group.

As required, everyone wore tight-fitting combat uniforms and carried field backpacks on their backs. They looked quite elite... In fact, these were indeed the most elite group of people in Kassel Academy.

However, when the gathering time came, the bishop was nowhere to be seen, which caused people to talk about it for a while.

But soon, following a message posted in the group, everyone's expressions changed slightly.


——All members are banned——

[Instructor Zhi]: We will arrive at this location within half an hour.

[Instructor Zhi]:——Location coordinates——

[Instructor Zhi]: There are no restrictions on the process of taking action.

[Instructor Zhi]: Those who fail to arrive within half an hour will be eliminated.


"The waterfall at the foot of the mountain... Damn, how can we get there in half an hour!?"

When they saw the specific location information sent by someone, someone in the crowd immediately cursed.

Kassel College is located halfway up the mountain. There is a lake formed by a mountain spring at the top of the mountain. After the water flows down, it forms a waterfall on the back mountain, and their meeting point is under the waterfall.

Even if they drove down the mountain immediately, it would still take at least an hour to get there. After all, they had to take a long detour, and it was simply impossible to get there within half an hour.

While they were complaining, Chu Zihang and the others had already taken action quickly.

Cars are not allowed in Kassel. Except for a small number of poor people such as Xia Mi or Lu Mingfei, the rest of the people basically own a few luxury cars. Kaiser even held a special luxury car racing festival in the past. .

So without much effort, Chu Zihang had already driven out a Maybach from the garage... Before getting into the car, Xia Mi deliberately gave Su Qi a hand, who was a little confused.

If conventional means were used, it was naturally impossible to reach that location within an hour, so Chu Zihang did not go down the mountain, but drove directly towards the top of the mountain.

As for Caesar, after looking thoughtfully at Chu Zihang who had gone away... he went directly to the airport and flew a helicopter.

Yes, there is an airport here at Kassel College, and President Angers’ personal jet is parked there. The annual maintenance cost for that private car alone is as high as several million dollars. The main feature is one Rich people and not short of money.

As the noble son of the Gattuso family, Caesar naturally has his own plane at the airport, but he doesn't usually fly it. He prefers sailing to sports like skydiving.

Time is running out and everyone has their own unique skills to show off.

20 minutes later, with the help of transportation, Caesar and Nono arrived first.

Water vapor filled the air below the waterfall. On the dirt ground beside it, a red-haired girl wearing a long black windbreaker stood in front of a black box-like machine, seemingly debugging something.

...but these are not the most important.

The important thing is that directly above the open space, an illusory hourglass is suspended in the sky. The sand is falling bit by bit, and it seems that it has already fallen 2/3.

This hourglass is huge, even compared to their helicopter, and can be seen clearly from a long distance.

Although they had become much more accepting of many things after a day of freedom, they were still stunned when faced with a scene that clearly looked like something that would only appear in a magic academy.

"Helicopter... Okay, you can take a seat first, there are still ten minutes left."

Looking up and looking towards them, the girl waved her hands and then immersed herself in the machine again.

"Anyone who hasn't arrived in ten minutes will be eliminated."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

It’s relieved a lot, I’ll make up for it tomorrow.

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