The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 256 The sword that cuts iron like clay

It has to be said that as elites, these students are still capable.

Mu Qingzhi originally thought that she could eliminate a few people by talking less, but she didn't expect that when the sand in the hourglass above her head completely fell, everyone would arrive on time.

At a glance, there are more than 20 people in Wuyangyang.

Some paragliders fly directly down from the waterfall, some climb directly down the rock, and some jump directly from the waterfall... It's quite a challenge.

In fact, in the final analysis, Mu Qingzhi still didn't understand the mentality of these students.

Before entering school, these students had imagined a magical fantasy world like Harry Potter, and thought that Cassel College was a place like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Before they signed the Latin Agreement, We all have imagined that kind of fantasy and magnificent college adventure life in our hearts.

Which student of this age doesn’t have such a fantasy in his heart? In fact, it was after they discovered that they were different.

…But what about the actual situation?

The situation at Kassel College, except for the different courses, is not much different from ordinary universities. Although they have extraordinary power of speech and spirit, under the suppression of the Night Watchmen [Commandments], they have Close to nothing.

This hybrid world hidden under normal society is very different from the fantasy world they imagined, except that it is more dangerous to perform dangerous tasks.

Although they are not disheartened or anything like that...but they are definitely disappointed.

But now, when they discovered the huge hourglass suspended in the open space below from a distance, no one could hold back the curiosity that emerged in their hearts.

——This training camp seems to be very different from what they imagined.

In this case, even if they have to crawl, they will definitely crawl over to find out! !

"Forget it, just have more people. Anyway, a group of people will be eliminated..."

After muttering something in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi put down the machine he was debugging and walked to the front of the clearing.

According to the order of arrival, everyone sat on the dirt ground obediently, with their backpacks placed in front of them. Some people were wet because they were directly diving from high altitude... But the other party didn't care at all. care.

"Ah...I thought I would wear combat uniform..."

Looking at Mu Qingzhi walking out in front of him, Pacino looked disappointed.

As a warrior who has the courage to confess his marriage in person, the driving force behind his coming here is not the huge hourglass still suspended above their heads at this moment, but his own goddess herself.

Although the combat uniform issued by the executive department was not very comfortable to wear, it was very beautiful and handsome. He had always wanted to see his goddess wearing that combat uniform, but he didn't expect it to be this one... But look Looks good?

If he remembers correctly, the long black trench coat seems to be Yugasa... My guess is indeed correct, Shana-chan is based on Zhi! !

Sitting up straight, Pacino regained his nerve.

"Okay, I won't say any more. Let me first show you the specific process of this training. You can take your time and take a look."

Standing on the box behind the desk skillfully, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand to the side. Following her movements, a large light screen appeared around her.

"In this training camp, I have set up a guaranteed reward level. As long as you can support this training from beginning to end, I will build an alchemical weapon for you. In order to show you more intuitively what it means. The alchemy weapon...Chu Zihang, Murasame, lend it to me."

Although he was a little confused as to why he wanted to use his Murasame as a demonstration, Chu Zihang didn't say anything more, but simply threw the Murasame he brought with him over.

"Look carefully, this is how Murasame uses it."

After taking Cun Yu, after giving a slight signal to Chu Zihang, Mu Qingzhi held the handle of the knife with his backhand, and pulled it out of the scabbard.

Not only Chu Zihang was familiar with Murasame, but Caesar was also very familiar with it. But at this moment, looking at Murasame in the girl's hand, their faces showed a look of astonishment at the same time.

Murasame's blade was originally as clear as a bright mirror, but after the girl slowly grasped the blade, the mirror-like Murasame suddenly turned black. The black light greatly extended the length of the blade, and the blade twisted. A long knife with a strange shape appeared in the girl's hand.

The next moment, black flames rose from the blade, and the surrounding rich water vapor rising from the waterfall was instantly evaporated under the black flames.

...Is this the Murasame that I have been using?

Suddenly, Chu Zihang had some doubts about life.

He had been trying to make his Murasame emit flames like his master's Zhimian Zana, but he never expected that it would be achieved in such a way.

"Well, this is an alchemy weapon."

After waving the Curayu in his hand a little, Mu Qingzhi nodded with some satisfaction.

"The alchemy weapon itself has the corresponding alchemy matrix engraved on it. Only by activating those alchemy matrices can it truly exert its power. Otherwise, in your hands, it is just a slightly sharper knife."

The black flames on the blade dissipated again, and Mu Qingzhi sheathed Murasame and threw it back to Chu Zihang.

"It is precisely for this reason that alchemical weapons cannot be used by ordinary people. They cannot activate the alchemical matrix at all, let alone exert its power."

"In that case, wouldn't the rewarded alchemical weapons be useless?"

After a brief commotion, someone in the crowd raised their hands and asked a question.

"This is a reward... It seems you are very confident that you can pass my training?"

After looking at the person who asked the question, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly, pulled open a corner of his black trench coat, and took out a Tang knife.

"The rules I have set will naturally not impose such restrictions on you. Although generally speaking, in order for alchemical weapons to truly exert their power, the alchemical matrix engraved on them must be activated, the alchemical weapons I rewarded do not have such troublesome requirements. The alchemy matrix is ​​always turned on."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi raised the Tang Dao in his hand.

"For example, this alchemy weapon has the characteristic of cutting iron like clay. Let alone you, even ordinary people can fully exert its effect when holding it in their hands."

"Sharpening mud?"

"Don't underestimate this characteristic. I mean it literally. Anything containing iron is as fragile as mud in front of it. Even if Murasame collides with this knife, only Murasame will be damaged."

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi pointed to a large bundle of rebar that she had prepared in advance.

"If you don't believe it, you can send someone to try it."

"I come."

Without hesitation, Caesar stood up first.

From the outside, this Tang Dao is very rough, like a low-quality product purchased doesn't even have an edge.

However, Caesar did not underestimate this. After walking to the bundle of rebar, he first checked the authenticity of the large bundle of steel bars in front of him, and then waved the Tang knife in his hand towards the steel bars.

As the blade slid past, the rebar broke silently like cutting tofu... Caesar didn't even feel any resistance from his hand.


After a moment of daze, Caesar tentatively placed the Tang knife on the bundle of steel bars. This time he did not exert any force on his hand, but he watched helplessly as the blade of the knife sank into the steel bars, as if there was no hard steel underneath. , but soft mud.

"Iron is sharpened like clay..."

——At this moment, Caesar deeply understood the meaning of what the girl said before.

"Do you understand? The alchemical weapons I reward will all be of the same type as this Tang Dao that cuts iron like clay."

After taking a sip of iced coke, Mu Qingzhi stood on the box and looked quite calm.

"As long as one of you can pass my training completely, you can get something like this..."

Before Mu Qingzhi finished speaking, a crisp sound of steel touching and the sound of something breaking came from the side.

When she turned around to look, she found a student council member standing there at a loss with a broken knife in his hand. The knife was cut off and the other half fell to the dirt.

"I, I just wanted to stick it into the mud, but..."

"Oh, this is normal."

After taking another sip of iced Coke, Mu Qingzhi still looked calm.

"Although this knife is said to cut through iron like clay, it also cuts through mud like iron. In addition, it is a cheap product made by me, so it is normal to discontinue it."

Everyone: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Three updates tomorrow

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