The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 259 The truth behind the death of the Black King! !

The vice-principal has conducted in-depth research on the history of the Dragon Clan.

Black King Nidhogg, the ancestor of all dragons, created the four great monarchs and the White King. He is the ultimate existence in the deepest part of the dragon civilization. He has unlimited strength. He rules the entire world with destiny and enslaves mankind in the name of God. .

But even such a great Supreme still has an existence that can compete with it. That is another emperor created by the black emperor who can be on an equal footing with him.

——White King.

According to the record on the copper pillar, the White King is called the White Emperor. He is the zero-generation species produced by the split of the Black King. He is the trial version of the Black King. He is one of the two emperors who can truly rule the world. He was once "a pariah". A throne stained with blood and silver.”

In those extremely luxurious descriptions, she was described as the Black King's greatest creation, possessing great divinity, with a higher status than the twins on the other four thrones, and an existence truly capable of competing with the Black Emperor.

White King is the master of the "spiritual element". The spiritual element represents the soul. If a pentagram is drawn, then the great element of spirit will always be placed at the highest point of the pentagram. It is the most sacred of the five elements. The one who is also the most mysterious one.

All this time, the vice-principal has not understood what kind of existence [spiritual element] is. He can only make guesses based on the so-called "emperor" who inherits the blood of the White King in Japan. He thinks that the so-called "spirit" is even It is the dragon bloodline that surpasses the human bloodline, and their powerful spirits can not be swallowed up by primitive impulses.

...But as a great being side by side with the black emperor, how could the so-called spiritual authority be so simple?

Only now did he understand what the so-called spiritual authority held by King Bai actually meant.

——That is a supreme power that interferes with reality with the spirit and directly tamper with the laws of physics! !

Looking at the [Imitation Online Game System] on the table in front of him, which he had been studying for several days but still found nothing, the vice-principal looked deeply.

In the history of the Dragon Clan, the White King launched the largest rebellion, and one-third of the Dragon Clan became rebels. At that time, the Black King faced an almost genocide-like disaster, because the Black King created something that was as good as himself. , the only existence that can challenge yourself.

Although in the end, the biggest rebellion still ended with King Bai's defeat, there were a few words in the description of this period of history that he still cared about a lot.

It is said that at that time, the White King deceived humans and promised to give them freedom after defeating the Black King, thus receiving help from humans. For example, in Japan, the Snake Qihachi family, who are descendants of the White King, appeared in this way. .

It seems that this description is normal, but as such a great being, how could the white emperor need human help?

Don’t forget, in that era of dragon rule, human beings existed just like slaves. As a superior white emperor, is it necessary to deceive slaves? How could those weak slaves help each other in this rebellion?

——In the end, the vice principal only thought of one possibility.

Perhaps it is precisely because humans are weak enough that they will not be noticed by anyone, so they were chosen by the white emperor! !

...Isn't the thing that can allow the weak to exert their power, the alchemy weapon that the other party brought out before that can be used by ordinary people?

Although the Tang Dao that cuts iron like mud, but cuts mud like iron, looks a bit funny, but anyone who understands its meaning will never regard the broken Tang Dao as a joke! !

And if you think about it carefully, aren't the alchemy tools that the other party took out after recovery, all prepared for human beings?

The adaptive lamp that can adapt to any harsh environment, the bamboo dragonfly that allows humans to gain the ability to fly, the healing bandage that can quickly recover from injuries, and the powerful alchemy weapon that even ordinary people can use to break the defense of dragons …

...Think about it carefully, when the weak slaves who are usually ignored by everyone suddenly have these things, what a powerful potential force it will be! ?

Even at certain times, it can directly determine the outcome of the battle! !

The only pity is that although the white emperor had the advantage on the frontal battlefield, she lost to the black king in single combat.

——Now, what the white emperor did after his recovery was exactly the same as what he had done before.

The vice-principal still remembered that he and Ange had discussed the matter that these alchemy tools seemed to be specially prepared for humans. But now it seems that these alchemy tools may have been prepared for humans a long time ago. Prepared once.

"Doraemon started serializing in 1970, which means she revived at least 40 years ago..."

Leaning back on the chair, the vice-principal unconsciously tapped his fingers on the table while thinking in his mind.

Through the case of "Sakugan no Shana", he has been able to tell that the other party seems to like doing this kind of thing. From the alchemy props that have exactly the same functions and names, he thinks that the work "Doraemon" is not strangeness.

——The white emperor seems to be announcing her return in this way.

But it is a pity that the white emperor was completely destroyed by the black king, and her blood was also wiped out, so the actions made by the other party were basically useless.

Although he didn't know why the other party suddenly ran from Japan to Siberia, according to his speculation, the other party probably hadn't awakened his power at that time, so he wanted to go back to the ice sea to get back some of his previous things, but he didn't expect the result. He was captured by humans by accident...wait! !

A possibility suddenly occurred to his mind, and the vice-principal suddenly stood up from his seat.

The biggest mystery that has always troubled them as hybrids is the death of the Black King, which is recorded in the Ice Sea Fragments.

Thousands of years ago, the Black Emperor was killed on his throne by the four kings and humans. His throne was the mountain forever covered in ice and snow. The person who killed him placed his huge body on the top of the mountain. , his wings hung down to the foot of the mountain, and his blood flowed down like lava, dyeing the entire mountain red, melting the ice and snow, rising into the sky with blood-colored water vapor, turning into dark red clouds, and raining bright red rain. His killers cheered in the rain of blood. They hailed that day as a "new era."

——This record is simply like a joke! !

After the White Emperor's rebellion, the Black Emperor was already extremely cautious. How could he be killed by the four kings who were weaker than the White King, and even mixed with slave-like humans among them?

There is only one possibility.

The Black King will be wary of the four kings, but he will not be wary of an existence that has been completely destroyed by him. The white emperor used his own life as a bet and left something to mankind that could kill the Black King. Then The tyrannical black emperor died on the weapon left by the white king! ! !

Thinking of this, the vice principal's breathing even became rapid, and he was immersed in the great sense of accomplishment that he had uncovered the fog of history.

(...Yes!! That's definitely the case!!! Although it is said that the Black King killed the White King, he was also killed by the backhand left by the White King in the end... In this distant future, the one who was killed The White King has revived again and plans to kill the Black King who is about to resurrect again!!)

He suddenly turned his head and looked out the small attic window...or to be precise, in the direction of the back hill where someone was holding a special training. The vice principal looked enthusiastic.

(Everything is very reasonable and the logic fits perfectly... This is the truth why the black emperor was killed!!!)

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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