The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 260 The End of Preliminary Elimination

The sun sets in the west, and the remaining light of dusk lazily shines on the earth, dyeing everything golden.

Little did he know that a certain vice-principal had already completed the missing piece of dragon history in his mind. In the dense forest, Mu Qingzhi's elimination test had come to an end.

The original number of people was 22. Seven people were eliminated in the first stage, five people were eliminated in the second stage, and three people were eliminated in the third stage. In the end, only seven people were left alive.

Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, Ling, Caesar, Nono, Susie... and Xia Mi who passed the test by stepping on the passing mark.

——In terms of hard power, these seven people are far superior to the others.

"Yes, congratulations on passing the first stage of the audition. Then the preliminaries have officially ended and training will officially begin the day after tomorrow."

Looking at the people in front of him, most of whom were lying on the ground or sitting against tree trunks, Mu Qingzhi did not hesitate to praise them.

"You don't need to bring anything with you when we gather the day after tomorrow. You just need to remember to bring a few changes of clothes. We are expected to leave Kassel College for a month. During this month, you will be completely cut off from the outside world, so Tomorrow will be spent doing chores for you guys."

"Formal mean the previous ones don't count?"

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Caesar looked up at someone standing in front of him.

"That's just a warm-up, formal training can't be that easy."

While taking out the flying cannon from the ring, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"Okay, it's time for us to go home. Which of you comes first?"

When she was bored in the past, she made many interesting props, and this human cannon was one of them. As long as a person was stuffed into the barrel of the gun vertically, and then the fuse was lit, the person could be safely sent to a designated location. The maximum transmission range reached 100 kilometers, the maximum flight speed can reach 100 yards.

Although this move is a bit unfriendly to some people who are afraid of heights, and it can easily become a target and catch fire in the air, in fact, it is quite comfortable to use... Although Mu Qingzhi has not tried it.

"...I think I can walk back."

Recalling the screams left in the air by those who were fired back by the cannon, Susie took the lead in raising her hands after a moment of silence.

"So are we."

——Nono and Xia Mi followed closely.

Although Zero didn't speak, he silently raised his hand.

"Okay, what about you?"

Nodding with some regret, Mu Qingzhi turned to look at the boys group who were silent.

"I can guarantee that this cannon transmission method is very comfortable. If you don't want to stay in the air for too long, I can adjust the speed to the fastest. Don't you want to experience the pleasure of flying?"

"...As for flying, I remember bamboo dragonflies."

Under Mu Qingzhi's gaze, Lu Mingfei weakly raised his hand.

"I think bamboo dragonflies are more suitable than cannons...?"

"The battery life of the Bamboo Dragonfly is not good. It will stop cooking in ten minutes at most. In addition, it is getting dark soon. Your physical strength and energy have been exhausted to this extent. It is dangerous to use the Bamboo Dragonfly."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her and shook it seriously.

"Compared with the bamboo dragonfly that requires you to control it, the human cannon is a fixed-point transmission, and the whole process is safe and risk-free. People who have used it say it is good."

"Is there a flying broomstick?"

At this time, Nono suddenly raised his hand and asked.

"It's the broomstick that Harry and his friends ride on in [Harry Potter] that they can fly on."

"Yes, you must have this, right?"

His eyes brightened slightly, and Xiami quickly nodded in agreement.

"Such as Silver Arrow, Sweeping Seven Stars, Comet 260, Meteor series, Cornflower...or maybe Firebolt!!"

"Flying broomsticks... ahem, they do exist, but they may be a little different from what you think."

Mu Qingzhi made a fist with one hand and put it to her mouth, coughing a few times.

"Times have changed. In the past, all riding was on broomsticks. Now that we have entered the 21st century, we naturally have to ride something different."


“So I solemnly recommend this flying sweeping robot to you!!”

Mu Qingzhi took out a sweeping robot from his pocket like a magic trick, with a solemn look on his face.

"It's very simple to fly. The principle of a flying sweeping robot is the same as that of a flying broom. As long as you sit on this sweeping robot, it can fly with you. But the only problem is that while you are flying, you You have to work hard to sit firmly and maintain your balance on it, otherwise you will easily fall from the air."

Everyone: "..."

...The other party can always take out something that makes their eyes dark.

"Don't look down on the flying sweeping robot. It will be a training equipment for a certain training camp in the future."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi took the flying sweeping robot back again.

"Okay, since you don't want to ride on the cannon or the sweeping robot, then just call the school to pick us up... By the way, this is your overall score for this test."

As if she remembered something, Mu Qingzhi raised her hand to the side.

Following her movements, several rays of golden light shot up from the ground, forming a glittering tree-like figure in the open space.

"Your scores for each stage of the test are summarized. Take a look for yourself."

Among the seven, Chu Zihang was undoubtedly the one with the best results. Except for losing to a certain Aruba hero in the first stage, he was the well-deserved first place in the rest.

As for the second place, Mu Qingzhi originally thought it would be Zero or Lu Mingfei, but unexpectedly it turned out to be Caesar. Determined to compete with Chu Zihang in this matter, he was stunned and gritted his teeth. behind the other party...

——Chu Zihang always felt that this guy was sick.

With his excellent performance in the first stage, Lu Mingfei stood in the third position, Ling was fourth, Nono and Susie were fifth and sixth, as for a certain person who was looking at the tree diagram at this time and holding his hands. Teacher Daye nodded repeatedly and looked very satisfied... She was very proud of herself for finishing last.

With Noma here, Kassel's operations were efficient. Less than half an hour after Mu Qingzhi sent the message, a helicopter arrived directly above them.

——In the passenger seat of the plane, Fingel smiled with an attentive look on his face.

There is nothing to say about what happened after that, because the physical and energy consumption was too serious, so after returning to Kassel, except for a certain shrimp, everyone else was seriously overdrawn, including Zero also the same.

After taking a hurried bath, she didn't even bother to eat dinner and fell asleep on the bed, leaving only her and Xia Mi, who had packed a bunch of late night snacks, looking at each other.

...After a short silence, Xia Mi decisively lowered his head and took the lead in taking down a big chicken drumstick.

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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